Dr. Sharareh Taghipour

Areas of Academic Interest
Stochastic modelling and optimization
Reliability engineering
Maintenance and spares optimization
Prognostics and health management (PHM)
Production planning and scheduling
Smart asset management
Sustainable asset management
Medical decision making
University | Degree |
University of Toronto | PhD |
Sharif University of Technology | MASc |
Sharif University of Technology | BSc |
If you are vexed by daily inefficiencies – how a coffee shop serves its customers, how a bank sorts its callers with automated phone menus – then you have some understanding of Sharareh Taghipour’s mission. Taghipour dreams of a zero-failure world in which we have the right information, analytical skills, methodology and technology to predict and prevent inefficiencies and breakdowns. “This is evidently not achievable,” she says, laughing. “But it’s how I think. It’s an ideal to move toward.”
Taghipour’s superpower is mathematical modelling, which she applies in areas like manufacturing (to forecast equipment failure) and health care (to predict the incidence of disease). Looking forward, Taghipour is most excited about the use of autonomous prediction to optimize processes. “I know we can’t eliminate failure, but when systems can make smart decisions in real time, the result will be better quality of life.”
Sharareh’s Twitter Profile (external link, opens in new window)
Sharareh’s LinkedIn Profile (external link, opens in new window)

“Pure math is a beautiful thing on its own, but it’s even better when it’s applied to improve our lives.”
- Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Physical Asset Management
- Government of Ontario Early Researcher Award
- Toronto Metropolitan University Early Research Career Excellence Award
- Best Paper Award of American Society for Quality-Reliability Division
- Best Paper Award of Tom Fagan Reliability & Maintainability Symposium
- Best Paper Award of American College of Clinical Engineering
- Asset Management Council Postgraduate Research Award
- Russell, A., and Taghipour, S. “Multi-objective Optimization of Complex Scheduling Problems in Low-volume Low-variety Production Systems.” International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 208, 2019, pp. 1-16.
- Abdi, A., and Taghipour S. “An Optimization Model for Fleet Management With Economic and Environmental Considerations, Under a Cap-and-trade Market.” Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 204, 2018, pp. 130-143.
- Abdi, A., Taghipour, S., and Khamooshi, H. “A Model to Control Environmental Performance of Project Execution Process Based on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using Earned Value Management.” International Journal of Project Management, vol. 36, no. 3, 2018, pp. 397-413.
- Taghipour, S., and Azimpoor, S. “Joint Optimization of Jobs Sequence and Inspection Policy for a Single System with Two-stage Failure Process.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, vol. 67, no. 1, 2018, pp. 156-169.
- Hajipour, Y., and Taghipour, S. “Non-Periodic Inspection Optimization of Multi-Component and k-out-of-n Systems Using Genetic Algorithm.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 156, 2016, pp. 228-243.
- Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Reliability (external link)
- Associate Editor, Intelligent Manufacturing (external link)
- Area Editor, Computers & Industrial Engineering (external link)
- Associate Editor, Operational Research Society (external link)
- Regional Editor (North America), Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering (external link)
- Editorial Board, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, (external link) Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability (external link)
- Editorial Board, Eksploatacja i Niezawodność – Maintenance and Reliability (external link)