On Wednesday, March 24th, 2021, Ricky Varghese, Tanis Doe Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Disability Studies, hosted an online talk with Robert McRuer, "Disability Art on Lockdown"
On October 21st, 2020, the School of Disability Studies hosted a roundtable, "Disruptive Anthologies" organized and led by Ricky Varghese, Tanis Doe Postdoctoral Fellow
Eliza Chandler, assistant professor, School of Disability Studies, is a leading scholar who is advancing the emerging field of disability arts and accessible curatorial practices
Loree Erickson’s research on “queercrip” porn and care collectives is challenging cultures of undesirability. Erickson is a former Ethel Louise Armstrong Post-Doctoral Fellow in the School of Disability Studies