Carousel content with 3 slides. A carousel is a rotating set of images, rotation stops on keyboard focus, on carousel tab controls or hovering the mouse pointer over images. Use the tabs or the previous and next buttons to change the displayed slide.
What is Disability Studies?
An interdisciplinary field of study that takes up disability as a social justice, equity, and cultural project.
Disability Studies is a part-time degree completion program
With flexible, online/hybrid courses, the program is equivalent to the third and fourth years of a BA.
Expand and enrich your work, education and lived experience through engagement with theory, empirical research, rights and justice frameworks, arts and culture, and collaborative learning with disability communities.
The Lab hosts multi-media and digital initiatives committed to bringing in disabled, Deaf, mad, fat, aging, and otherwise differently embodied and enminded participants into mutual, interdependent, critical, and collaborative research spaces.