Eliza Chandler
As an associate professor in the School of Disability Studies at Toronto Metropolitan University, Dr. Eliza Chandler leads a research program that animates disability arts and its connections to disability rights and justice. This research interest came into focus when, from 2014-16, she was the artistic director of Tangled Art + Disability, an organization in Toronto dedicated to showcasing disability arts and advancing accessible curatorial practice.
Dr. Chandler teaches in the areas of disability arts, critical access studies, social movements, and crip technoscience and participates in a number of research projects in these areas, including co-directing the SSHRC-funded partnership project, Bodies in Translation: Activist Art, Technology, and Access to Life. Chandler regularly gives lectures on disability arts, accessible curatorial practices, and disability politics in Canada and she is a member of the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars.
Teaching Responsibilities:
- DST 99: Applied community project/thesis
- DST 501: Rethinking Disability
- DST 508: Cripping the Arts in Canada (a liberal arts course)
- DST 509: Crip Culture in Canada
- DST 525: Rethinking Images of Embodied Differences
- DST 727: Leadership for Social Justice
- DST 613: Strategies for Community Building
Teaching Interests:
- Disability studies
- Disability arts and culture
- Feminist theory
- Crip theory
- Disability history
- Social movements
- Cultural accessibility
- Crip technoscience
- Crip necropolitics
Research Interests:
- Disability Studies
- Disability arts and culture
- Accessible curatorial practices
- Design Fiction
- Feminist media studies
- Biopolitics
- Disability and social change
- Environmental justice
- Arts and technology
- Studio-based research
- Arts-informed research
- Cultural accessibility
- Crip technoscience
- Techno-ableism and techno-access
- Crip necropolitics
Research Projects:
- Disability Arts Histories and Legacies: Animating BEING Studio's archive, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Engage Grant, 2023-2024 (PI)
- Bodies in Translation: Activist Art, Technology, and Access to Life, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant, 2017-2023 (Co-director with Carla Rice)
- Accessing the Arts: Centring Disability Perspectives in Accessibility Initiatives, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Insight Development Grant, 2020-2023 (PI)
- Stretching our Stories: Digital World-Making in Troubled Times, Partnership Development Grant, SSHRC, 2021-2023 (Co-I)
- Designing Crip Futures, SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, 2018-2020 (Co-PI with Esther Ignagni)
- Cripping the Arts in Canada, SSHRC Connection Grant, 2018-2020 (PI)
Curated Exhibitions:
- Disability Arts Cabaret, Practicing the Social, University of Guelph (Curator), 2022
- Deathnastics, Disability Filibuster, Toronto, ON (Co-Curator with Esther Ignagni), 2021
- Spiral Life, Tamyka Bullen, Rhubarb Festival, Toronto ON (Co-artistic producer with Esther Ignagni), 2020
- Cripping the Arts: Artistic Showcase featuring LUCID, by Aaron Labbe and Edon Acrostic, by Joe, Jack, et John, Cripping the Arts Symposium, Toronto, ON (Curator), 2019
- Death Café, Killjoy's Kastle, Philadelphia, PA (Co-organizer with Esther Ignagni), 2019
- Deathnastics, Ryerson University’s Social Justice Week, Toronto, ON. (Co-artistic producer with Esther Ignagni and Loree Erickson), 2019
- What’s Left of Me, Dance Performance by Brian Solomon, Bodies In Translation Research Stream Leads Meeting, Guelph, ON (Curator), 2018
- Deathnastics, Bunker for Contemporary Art, Toronto, ON (co-artistic producer with Esther Ignagni), 2018
- Bodies in Translation: Age and Creativity, Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery, Bedford, NS, September 2017
- Constructed Identities, Persimmon Blackbridge, Tangled Art Gallery, Toronto, ON, April 2016
- Strange Beauty, 401 Richmond Arts Building, Toronto, ON, April, 2015
- Surviving Huronia, Urbanspace Gallery, Toronto, ON, December, 2014
- Crip Interiors, with Lindsay Fisher, Artscape Youngplace, Toronto, ON, October, 2014
- In Fragments, New Works by Lindsay Fisher, Open Gallery, OCAD University, Toronto, ON, October, 2014
- Public Bodies//Hidden Histories, The Berkshire Conference on Women’s History, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, May, 2014
- Disability Arts Cabaret, Women and Youth Violence Prevention Program, George Brown College, Toronto, ON, January, 2013
- Disability Arts Cabaret, Equity Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, September, 2012
- Disability Arts Cabaret. Women and Youth Violence Prevention Program, George Brown College, Toronto, ON, January, 2013
- What’s the deal with the F word? NSCAD Feminist Collective (Co-Curated with Lyndell Musellman) Exhibited at Anna Leonowens, Halifax NS, June, 2005
- About 1789: An Exhibition of Prints by Tony Scherman (Co- Curated with Susan Gibson Garvey) Exhibited at Dalhousie Art Gallery, Halifax NS, July, 2005
Art Exhibitions:
- Catwalk, Eating, Hands and Walk, (solo) Exhibited at the Society for Disability Studies conference, Tucson AZ, June, 2009
- Physical Identities (group) Exhibited at Spark Video Canada, London ON, May, 2006
- Sound Bytes Yer Arse (group) Exhibited at Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax NS, May, 2005
- Home works (collaborative) Exhibited at NSCAD Visitors Apartment, Halifax NS, April, 2005
- NSCAD Graduates (group) Exhibited at Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax NS, April, 2005
- Laborious Library (solo) Exhibited at Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax, NS, February, 2005
- NSCAD Sculpture (group) Exhibited at NSCAD University, Halifax NS, December, 2004
- Faculty and Staff (group) Exhibited at Dalhousie Art Gallery, Halifax NS, October, 2004
- Gesture (solo) Exhibited at The Lodge Gallery, Halifax NS, September, 2004
- Instillation Sketch (group) Exhibited at Khyber Centre for the Arts, Halifax NS, August, 2004
- Khyber Digital Media Centre Show and Tell (group) Exhibited at Khyber Centre for the Arts, Halifax NS, May, 2004
Select Chapters:
- Chandler, E. (2023). A voracious appetite for decent. In C. Frazee (Ed.), Dispatches from disabled country: Selected writings by Catherine Frazee. Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Chandler, E., Rice, C., Lee, S., & Ferguson, M. (2022). Curating together: A tangled, intergenerational, interdependent community of practice. In Curating access: Global exhibitions & creative accommodation. Routledge Press.
- Chandler, E., & Rice, C. (2019). Representing difference: Disability, digital storytelling, and public pedagogy. In K. Ellis, G. Goggin, & B. Haller (Eds.), Routledge companion to disability and media (pp. 1-18). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
- Chandler, E., & E. Ignagni. (2018). Strange beauty: Aesthetic possibilities for desiring disability into the future. In K. Ellis, R. Garland-Thomson, M. Kent, R. Robertson (Eds.), Interdisciplinary approaches to Disability: Looking towards the future (pp. 254-265). Abingdon, UK: Routledge
Select Journal Articles:
- Rice, C., E. Chandler, F. Shanouda, I. Mündel, & C. Jones. (In press). Creative technologies as cripped transmethodologies. Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies.
- East, L., Chandler, E., Johnson, M., El Kadi, R., & Changfoot, N. (In Press). Rethinking (disability) arts as therapy, RACAR: Journal of the Universities Art Association of Canada.
- Johnson, M., E. Chandler, L. East, & C. Rice. (2024). Resisting normalcy: The temporal flows of crip technoscience. Leonardo.
- Chandler, E., L. East, S. Lee, & M. Johnson. (2023). Leading disability arts. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences – Contemporary Outsider Art Section.
- Chandler, E., L. East, C. Rice, & R. El Kadi. (2023). Misfits in the world: Culture shifting through crip cultural practices. Revista Mundau.
- Chandler, E., B. Coklyat, S. Finnegan, & J. Watkin. (2022) Access Entanglements: Approaching accessible publishing through engagement and dissensus. PUBLIC.
- Ignagni, E., Chandler, E., & Collins, K. (2021). Activating the arts in death: What are the cultural implications for MAiD? International Health Trends and Perspectives, 1(3).
- Chandler, E., Johnson, M., Rice, C., & Gold, B. (2021). Cripping the flâneur: ‘Walking-together’ as sense-making. Journal of Public Pedagogies, 4.
- Dion, S., C. Rice & E. Chandler. (2021). Decolonizing disability arts. Disability Studies Quarterly. (42.1).
- Chandler, E. & M. Johnson. (2021). Performing imitation in the cultural landscape. Journal of Cultural and Literary Disability Studies.
- Jones, C., C. Rice, M. Lam, E. Chandler & K. Lee. (2021). Toward technoaccess: A narrative review of disabled and aging experiences of using technology to access the arts. Technology & Society, 65.
- Chandler, E., Aubrecht, K., Ignagni, E., & Rice, C. (2021). Cripistemologies of Disability Arts & Culture: Reflections on the Cripping the Arts Symposium. Studies in Social Justice, 15(2).
- Ignagni, E., Chandler, E., & Collins, K. (2021). Seeing death differently through disability after MAiD. International Journal of Health Trends and Perspectives, 1(3), 336-344.
- Dion, S., Rice, C., & Chandler, E. (2021). Decolonizing disability arts. Disability Studies Quarterly, 42(1).
- Chandler, E., & Johnson, M. (2021). Reflections on Crip Imitations as Cultural Space-Making. Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 15(4), 383-399.
- Jimmy, E., & Chandler, E. (2021). A push for a different relationship with time, temporality and acces(sen)sibility. El Alto, 2.
Select Community Publications:
- Lee, S., H. Persaud, & E. Chandler. (2023). Intergenerational roundtable. Accessing the Arts Anthology.
- Chandler, E. (2023). Haptic voices: Slow technology in motion. Exhibition essay for Haptic Voices, David Bobier and Jim Ruxton. InterAccess Gallery.
- Johnson, M. & Chandler, E. (2023). Knowing access through crip cultural practices. Remote Access. Eds. A. Hamarie & K. Acton.
- Lam, M., L. Fisher, R. El Kadi, C. Rice, & E. Chandler. (2022). Accessing the Arts Research Report, 2020-2021.
- Chandler, E. (2021). Finding language. The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 10.
- Rice, C., E. Chandler, E. Harrison, & L. Croft. (2021). Access after Covid-19: How disability culture can transform work and life. Monitor: Progressive News, Views and Ideas, 28(4), 28-30.
- Jimmy, E. & E. Chandler. (2021). A push for a different relationship with time, temporality and acces(sen)sibility. El Alto, 2.
- Chandler, E., R. El Kadi, L. East, M. Lam, N. Abdullahi, L. Fisher, C. Rice, C. Jones, and K. Collins. (2021 – accepted but not published as the journal folded). Critical access as world-making. Canadian Art.
- Jimmy, E. & E. Chandler. (2022). Unrestricted autonomy in the arts. El Alto.
- Varghese, R. & E. Chandler. (2020). Another (Crip) world is possible. Akimbo Blog.
- Chandler, E. (2020) Introduction. Jimmy, E., E. Chandler, & T. Tidgwell (Eds.) Translation roundtable. ArtsEverywhere, Musagetes.
- Chandler, E. (2020). Carmen Papalia: ‘Open access’ and disrupting cultural practices. Guidelines. Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.
- Chandler, E., C. Rice, L. Fisher, T. Tidgwell, A. Lamarre, N. Changfoot & S. Dion. (2020). Vital practices in the arts. ReVision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice, University of Guelph. Guelph, ON.
- Ignagni, E., E. Chandler & L. Erickson. (2020). Crips and Covid in Canada. iHuman’s Response to Covid-19. University of Sheffield.
- Chandler, E. (2017). Exhibition essay. VibraFusionLab: Bridging Practices in Accessibility, Art, and Communication.
- Chandler, E. (2015). How can disabled people be empowered to influence decision-making in museums, by Heather Jayne Hollins: A review. Dissertation Reviews.
- Thom, J. & E. Chandler. (2015). The republic of inclusion. Spider Web Show Performance.
Select Editorial Activities:
- Changfoot, N., Rice, C. & Chandler, E. (2023). Rethinking artful politics: Bodies of difference remaking body-worlds. Social Sciences.
- Chandler, E., Aubrecht, K., Ignagni, E., & Rice, C. (2021). Cripistemology of disability arts & culture: Reflections on the Cripping the Arts symposium. Studies in Social Justice, 15(2).
- Chandler, E. (2019). Cripping the arts in Canada. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. 8(1).
Encyclopedia Entries:
- Chandler, E. (2018). Disability and museums. In Encyclopedia of Disability and American life (487-490). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
- Chandler, E. (2016). The Disability Rights Movement. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies.
- Dean’s Teaching Award, Toronto Metropolitan University, 2022
- Early Career Researcher Award, Toronto Metropolitan University, 2021
- Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, 2020
- Sue Williams Award for Teaching Excellence, Faculty of Community Studies, 2016
- Member of the Board of Directors, Ontario Arts Council, 2016-2019
- President, Canadian Disability Studies Association | Association canadienne d’études sur le handicap, 2015-2016