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RSS card
A card to display RSS feeds with or without authentication, and allows users to customize how RSS feeds are displayed on-screen, with the following options:
- Unauthenticated RSS card using valid public RSS feeds.
- RSS card using authenticated RSS feeds.
- RSS card using a private URL.
The card supports the following RSS formats: RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, mRSS, Atom 1.0.
Creating an RSS card in Appspace
There are various options in the appspace RSS card template (screengrab below) so you can customize the look to match your needs.
Visit Appspace Knowledge Center for step by step creating of an RSS card (external link) .
Ready to use RSS cards in the common library
Additional ready-to-use cards:
- CBC Toronto News
- CBC Arts & Entertainment News
- CBC Technology & Science News
- CBC Health News
- CBC Indigeneous News
- CBC Toronto News