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Program Overview

Toronto Metropolitan University's Computer Science program is meeting the high demand for qualified candidates in a variety of computer scientist roles. Our program stands out in its careful blending of academic theory and applied, hands-on practice.

Four-Year Bachelor of Science Degree

Students of the regular, four-year program will graduate with an honours undergraduate degree. Here's a snapshot of the curriculum. 

1st & 2nd Year: Learn core basics of computer architecture, operating systems, software engineering and data structures. Become fluent in current programming languages. Build foundations in mathematics, problem solving and science.

3rd & 4th Year: Explore advanced concepts in robotics, cybersecurity, networks, algorithms and specializations in computer science, engineering, or mathematics.   

Innovation & Research

Our program evolves with new developments in technology. Some undergraduates qualify to assist faculty experts in research areas, including: 

  • AI, machine learning and big data
  • Mobile and cloud computing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Robotics and computer vision

"After I graduate, I want to work in the fields of of machine learning and AI, helping push the bounds of what computers are capable of."

Michael Teitelbaum, 4th year Co-op

Minor in Computer Science

Minor in Computer Science provides a basic knowledge of software development and computational algorithmics as a secondary interest area or complement to another program specialization.

Minor in Cyber Studies

Minor in Cyber Studies provides students with the ability to see – and communicate – how technology influences, and is influenced by, human behaviour, legal and policy frameworks and ethical considerations, within the context of cybersecurity. 


Computer Science Accreditation Council of the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS)