Surveys & Reports
As part of the university's ongoing commitment to providing a high quality educational experience, Toronto Metropolitan University conducts student surveys on a regular basis. Both undergraduate and graduate students are asked to reflect on their experiences at Toronto Metropolitan University and provide feedback, which is used by the university to set goals and monitor progress.
Undergraduate Reports
At the undergraduate level, some surveys focus on particular groups of students (e.g., those in first year, or those who are about to graduate) while others are developed for students across multiple years of study.
Descriptions of each undergraduate survey as well as survey reports can be found by clicking the link to the survey in which you are interested:
Graduate Reports & Professional Student Surveys
The Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS) has been developed for use among graduate students at both the masters and doctoral levels. This is a comprehensive survey of the graduate student experience that includes a wide range of topics.
Other Reports
See below for TMU's response to the Blue-Ribbon Panel on Financial Sustainability in the Post-Secondary Education Sector.