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 (google form) Sign up here (external link, opens in new window)  for a Calendar Submissions Workshop!


Submissions for the 2025-2026 Undergraduate Calendar are open. Use the  (google form) Calendar Change Hub (external link, opens in new window)  to submit Category 1 and 2 changes.

Category 1 and Category 2 changes are due October 4, 2024.

Categories of Changes

On this page, we summarize the different categories of changes, organized by complexity (as determined by Senate Policy 127 (opens in new window) ), and list the requirements for submitting the changes. 

Category Brief Description
What to Submit

Category 1:

A routine change to a single course that does not affect the overall learning objectives of a program.

  • creation of a new course
  • course description, title, and requisite changes to an existing course; and/or
  • small changes in course hours in an existing course.

 (google form) New Course Code Request (external link, opens in new window) 

 (google form) Calendar Change Hub (external link, opens in new window) 

Category 2:

A change to a course or its positioning in a program that has a small but noticeable impact on the learning objectives and/or student experience of a program; the most common type of curricular change.

Cumulative Category 2 modifications may result in an overall Category 3 classification. For example, changes involving two or more courses in a program are a Category 3 Modification.

  • new course added to a curriculum;
  • course repositioning, additions, deletions;
  • changes to mode of delivery in which a significant portion (≥ 33%) is in-person and a smaller portion is online;
  • significant changes in course hours;
  • course weight variations;
  • small changes to existing Minors, Options, Concentrations, Specializations, etc.

 If you are not sure the change you are proposing is a Category 2 or a Category 3, contact the Vice-Provost, Academic by May 1st.

 (google form) Calendar Change Hub (external link, opens in new window) 

If retiring a course ...

If changing mode of delivery, course hours, or course weight ...

  • Select "Course-Level Change"
  • Select "Existing Course"
  • Continue on to Curriculum-Level Change when prompted

 (PDF file) AAC Supplementary - Approvals and Consultations Supplementary Form (opens in new window) 

 (google doc) Curriculum Change Implementation Summary Form (external link, opens in new window) 

Revised Calendar Copy Mark-up (opens in new window) 

Category 3:

A substantial change to a curriculum that has significant impacts on the learning objectives and/or student experience of a program. 
  • changes to mode of delivery in which
    • a portion (≤ 20%) is in-person and a significant portion is online,
    • the course is fully online synchronous, or
    • the course is fully online asynchronous;
  • change in admission requirements;
  • variation in policy on grading, promotion, graduation, or Academic Standing;
  • big changes to existing Minors, Options, Concentrations, Specializations, Co-op

Category 3 changes are reviewed and approved by the Academic Standards Committee and Senate. You will need to submit a proposal. For more details, visit Curriculum Development (opens in new window) .

 (google form)  (external link, opens in new window) Proposal

 (google form) Calendar Change Hub (external link, opens in new window) 

 (PDF file) AAC Supplementary - Approvals and Consultations Supplmentary Form (opens in new window) 

 (google doc) Curriculum Change Implementation Summary Form (external link, opens in new window) 

Revised Calendar Copy Mark-up (opens in new window) 

Major Modification

A substantial change in program requirements from those that existed at the time of the previous periodic program review; a significant change to program learning outcomes; or a significant change to the faculty engaged in delivering the program and to the essential resources.

  • substantial changes in program requirements;
  • additions or deletions of experiential, research, portfolio, thesis or capstone (etc.) courses;
  • additions or deletion of co-op option;
  • or a minor, concentration, or optional specialization; or of a double major based on two existing degree programs; or of new bridging or pathway programs for college graduates.
  • additions or deletion of part-time option;
  • significant changes to program learning outcomes;
  • significant change to the faculty engaged in delivering the program
  • changes to modes of delivery of >15% of courses in core curriculum in which
    • a portion (≤ 20%) is in-person and a significant portion is online,
    • the courses are fully online synchronous, and/or
    • the courses are fully online asynchronous;
  • changes to program name and/or degree designation;

Major changes are reviewed and approved by the Academic Standards Committee, Senate, and other stakeholder groups. You will need to submit a proposal. If you are not sure the change you are proposing is a Category 3 or a Major change, contact the Vice-Provost, Academic before May 1st. For more details, visit Curriculum Development (opens in new window) .

 (google form)  (external link, opens in new window) Proposal

 (google form) Calendar Change Hub (external link, opens in new window) 

 (PDF file) AAC Supplementary - Approvals and Consultations Supplementary Form (opens in new window) 

 (google doc) Curriculum Change Implementation Summary Form (external link, opens in new window) 

Revised Calendar Copy Mark-up (opens in new window)