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Patricia Hania

Dr. Patricia Hania

Assistant Professor
DepartmentLaw and Business
EducationBAS, MBA, MES, LLB, LLM, PhD
Phone416-979-5000, ext. 544590


Patricia Hania is an Assistant Professor at the Law & Business Department, Ted Rogers School of Management. She recently joined the Ted Rogers School of Management in July 2017.

Patricia holds a PhD from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University (York), Toronto. She also holds a LL.M. (Osgoode), LL.B. (Osgoode), M.E.S. (Faculty of Environmental Studies, York), MBA Grad. Dipl. (Schulich, York) and BAS, York.

As an interdisciplinary social-legal researcher, Patricia is interested in the interaction of market actors in natural resource governance regimes – in particular, water governance in Canada. Her research considers the intersection of law and policy to understand how norms interact, regulate and become embedded in legal sites of contested and complex decision-making.

Governing Water in Canada — Legislative Experiments in New Governance & Applying An Eco Resiliency Governance Framework (Ph.D., Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Defense: November, 2015). [unpublished].
Do Personality Traits Affect an Individual’s Conflict Handling Style in a Negotiation? (MES, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, April, 2007). [unpublished].
What Is The Link Between Sustainable Development and Social Capital? (MBA Graduate Diploma, Schulich School of Business/ Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, April, 2007). [unpublished].
Accepting The Challenge: To Be ‘In’ Collaboration & Moving Beyond the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy’s (NRTEE) Consensus Process. (LL.M., Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, April, 2003). [unpublished].
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles & Book Chapters:
“Stories and the Participation of Indigenous Women in Natural Resource Governance” Canadian Journal of Women and the Law (Vol. 32. Iss. 2, Dec. 2020) (Co-authored with Professor Sari Graben).
“Revitalizing Indigenous Women's Water Governance Roles in Impact and Benefit Agreements Through Indigenous Legal Orders and Water Stories” Les Cahiers de droit (Laval Law Review) (Issue 60, 2, June 2019).
“Regulating Water and War: A Dark Side of New Governance” (Summer, 2014) 2 1:2 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies at 453. (Co-authored with Tracey Dowdeswell, Osgoode Hall Law School).
“Uncharted Waters: Applying the Lens of New Governance Theory to the Practice of Water Source Protection in Ontario” (2013) 24 Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 81.
“Climate Change and the Protection of Drinking Water in Ontario: An Opportunity to Adopt Adaptive Management?” (April, 2011) 22(2) Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 167.
Book Review
Finding Solutions For Environmental Conflicts: Power and Negotiation (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press, 2008) by E. Christie (2009) 11(14) Environmental Law Review 318.
Case Component
“Moses v. Canada (2008), 741(Q.C.C.A.) -- A Partial Analysis of the Federal Court’s Reasoning,” online: The Court – Osgoode Hall Law School
SSHRC/NSERC/CIHR Knowledge Synthesis Grant: Living Within the Earth’s Carrying Capacity - Gilbride, K.A., Hamza, R., and Hania, P. “Contaminants of emerging concern’ in wastewater: Are current analytical technologies, policy development and industry guidelines enough to protect human and ecological health?” (September 23, 2021).  Urban Water Research Centre, Contaminants of Emerging Concern - Final Report.
IDLO-CISDL’s, “Sustainable Water Management: Compendium of Legal Best Practices” Report. (June, 2012).
IDLO- CISDL’s, “Green Economy For Sustainability: Compendium of Legal Best Practices - Sustainable Fisheries” Report. (June, 2012).
National Network on Environments and Women’s Health, “Women and Water in Canada: The Gendered Health Effects of Chronic Low-Dose Exposures to Chemicals in Drinking Water” Report. (August, 2009).
National Network on Environments and Women’s Health, “Women and Water in Canada: The Significance of Privatization and Commercialization Trends for Women’s Health Report. (August, 2009).
Course code Course title
LAW 122
Business Law
LAW 603 Advanced Business Law
LAW 535 Environmental Law and Business