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A streetcar passes by TMU's Ted Rogers School of Management

Did you know that transportation accounts for approximately 35-40% of GHG emissions in the City of Toronto? At TMU, we are committed to providing programs, infrastructure and resources to support and encourage sustainable transportation habits and lower the impact of your commute. According to a survey completed by the Sustainability Office in 2021, more than 90% of survey participants choose sustainable modes of transit for their daily commute! TMU’s Sustainability Office aims to continue to have over 90% of community members walk, cycle, take transit, or carpool to campus annually. A breakdown of commuter modes of transportation to and from campus for the TMU community (students, staff, and faculty) is shown below.

Commuter modes of transportation for TMU sustainability survey participants (2021)

This chart compares the modes of transportation used by TMU sustainability survey participants (2021). 58% public transit; 30% walk; 8% drive along; 4% car pool.

Modes of transportation Percent of TMU population
Public transit  58%
Walk 30%
Drive alone 8%
Carpool 4%

Public transportation to and from campus

Local and regional public transportation emits 90 percent less carbon emissions per passenger than solo driving the same distance. Our urban location makes it easy to choose sustainable transportation to get to and from campus. For example, there are multiple streetcar stops, subway stations and Bike Share locations nearby. 

Visit the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) map (external link)  and Bike Share map (external link)  for more information. Learn about GO Transit discounts for students

Resources for cyclists 

Toronto Metropolitan University has taken many steps to making cycling an easy and accessible form of sustainable transportation to, from, and around the campus. 

For those who choose to commute by bicycle there are various services and supports available:

Bike racks throughout campus

To promote bicycle ridership on campus, TMU offers over 1,100 bicycle parking spots across campus in a variety of styles including ring and post, hanging triangle, staple and cyclepods. The racks are part of a campus-wide bicycle program developed in conjunction with the City of Toronto’s Bicycle Friendly Campuses Project.

Reserved secure bicycle parking

Toronto Metropolitan University offers limited reserved secure bicycle parking permits for students, faculty and staff via the Daphne Cockwell Health Sciences Complex (DCC).

Located on the lower level (B01) of 288 Church St., TMU’s reserved secure bicycle parking spaces offer an alternative to street level bicycle parking and include dedicated washroom and shower facilities than can be accessed with your OneCard.

Learn more about reserved secure bicycle parking permit periods and pricing.

Bike Share Toronto

With several docks located very near to campus, Bike Share Toronto (external link)  is a convenient option for community members looking to reduce their carbon footprint. PRESTO card holders can enjoy a 40 percent discount (external link)  on the first full year of membership.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Toronto Metropolitan University installed 5 new electric vehicle level 2 charging stations at the Daphne Cockwell Building accessible to students and employees with a DCC Garage parking permit. EV charging is free for all DCC Garage permit holders.

Additional TMU Initiatives

TransForm Lab: Developing and investing in students while building better links between transportation-land use research and policy-making that balance environmental sustainability, health, livability, social equity, and economic opportunity.

StudentMoveTO (external link) : collaborative partnership to improve transportation experiences of post-secondary students in the GTHA.

Ryerson Cycling Club (external link) : A student-led initiative aimed at bringing TMU cyclists together on fun social rides across the city.