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Personal Circumstance Review for Academic Progress/Restriction
If you were unable to meet academic progress as a result of personal circumstances beyond your control (e.g. medical condition, disability, family crisis), you may be able to appeal your OSAP academic progress standing by submitting a Personal Circumstances Review. Please submit the following:
- A letter explaining why you are requesting this appeal
Additionally, provide documentation based on your circumstances:
- Medical condition
- Documentation provided by a physician that demonstrates your ability to participate in university studies was restricted for a portion of, or the entire, study period during which you did not meet OSAP academic progress
- Documentation that shows you are now well enough to continue your studies on a full-time basis (e.g. assignment grades, academic study plan, etc.)
- Disability
- Relevant medical documentation associated with your disability diagnosis (optional)
- A letter outlining:
- if applicable: if your disability was diagnosed prior to the start of the study period during which you did not meet academic progress, please explain what supports and/or accommodations you accessed, and if not, the reason for not seeking/receiving those supports
- outline the supports and strategies you have in place to address your disability-related needs for academic success (e.g. registered with Academic Accommodation Support, asked for advice from your program department about taking a reduced course load, etc.)
- Documentation regarding your participation in accessing resources and support for your academic studies (e.g. Academic Accommodation Support, tutoring, etc.)
- Family Crisis
- A letter outlining your circumstances
- A letter from a third party (e.g. a relative, a friend, a physician, etc.) confirming the circumstances