What do you need help with?
If you are worried about a Toronto Met friend or classmate who may be struggling with complex financial, personal or academic issues, we are here to help. Contact us
If you are struggling with multiple complex issues, we can provide you with one-stop support. Contact us
If you have to leave or return to Toronto Met due to a hospitalization or medical leave, we can help you navigate all of the administrative processes and connect you with supports. Contact us
If you are having difficulties with a Toronto Met student or employee (including professors), and need advice, our office can support you.
If you decide you want to file a complaint about another Toronto Met student’s non-academic behaviour, it must be submitted in writing to the Student Conduct Officer.
If you have received a notice from the Student Conduct Officer of a complaint, it is important to understand how the process works.
If you are a respondent in an university investigation of sexual violence, our office provides you with support.