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Department/School/Faculty Council Bylaws

Policy 45: Governance Councils (opens in new window)  establishes the requirements and procedures for governance councils and their relationship and reporting requirements to Senate. Such councils may not make recommendations or establish policies or procedures that contravene the Toronto Metropolitan University Act and the powers assigned therein to the Board of Governors, or any university policy or collective agreement.

This policy establishes academic governance structures, communication, decision-making, and reporting requirements to Senate. To accomplish this purpose as effectively and efficiently as possible, the policy addresses two overarching aims:

a) to clarify roles and responsibilities of members of councils; and

b) to articulate the relationship between and among councils, members of councils, and Senate.

Two templates are available for developing your Bylaws for:

1)  (google doc) Department/School Council (external link)  and

2)  (google doc) Undergraduate Program (external link)  Council

Department/School/Program Council Bylaws must all be approved by the Academic Governance and Policy Committee (AGPC) and Senate before they should be implemented.

Any revisions or modifications outside of titles/roles and university approved name changes must either be re-approved through AGPC and Senate or go to Senate for information depending on what has been revised/modified. Please contact the Senate office at for further guidance.

All Senate approved Bylaws are posted on the Senate website.