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NOTE: The deadline to submit Fall 2024 Academic Grade and Standing appeals is 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 22, 2025.

Grade and Standing

At the end of the term, before final grades and standings have been officially published, students are encouraged to reach out to their instructors to attempt to informally resolve issues when they disagree with a grade.  This should be done no later than ten (10) business days from the date final grades will be available to students on MyServiceHub (please see Policy 162: Grade Reassessment and Grade Recalculation )

At all times, students must be prepared to support their argument that the grade  does not reflect the academic merit of their work.

Once final grades have been published, students can appeal a final grade when they have been unable to resolve course-related issues with their instructors.

Undergraduate students may appeal an academic standing when they are Required to Withdraw (RTW), or Permanent Program Withdrawal (PPW).  Graduate students can appeal Withdrawn status. Law Students may appeal Failed status.

Student’s are responsible for raising concerns and attempting to informally resolve grade and standing issues pro-actively.  Issues should be brought to the attention of the their instructor(s) or program administrator as early in the term as possible, preferably before final grades are posted. 

When considering an academic appeal of a final grade(s) or academic standing students must clearly indicate where one or more grounds for appeal exist. The four (4) grounds for appeal are:

  • Course Management; 
  • Extenuating Circumstances; 
  • Procedural Error; and 
  • Prejudice  

Students must also be prepared to provide substantial reasons why their current grade or standing is incorrect or inaccurate..


Students may appeal their timespan directly to the Senate Appeals Committee (SAC) for a final consideration of their request where :

  • an extension is denied by the Dean (or designate) or the Program Director, or 
  • where an additional extension is needed after the Dean’s approved timespan extension is completed. 

For policy guidelines on Timespan and appeals of Timespan, see Policy 170(a), Section 9.3 and Procedures 13.

Academic Misconduct 

Students can appeal a finding of Academic Misconduct or the penalty assigned for a finding of Academic Misconduct to the Senate Appeals Committee (SAC). These appeals will only be considered after a decision from the Academic Integrity Council (AIC) has been issued.  

The right to this second level of appeal is limited. The onus is on the student to make a case for why the appeal should be heard based on one or more of the following four (4) grounds: 

  • New Evidence: there is new evidence submitted with the Senate package that was not presented at the AIC, RAC, or GAAC hearing and which has a reasonable possibility of affecting the decision.
  • Substantial Procedural Error: when it is believed there has been a substantial error in how Policy 60: Academic Integrity was applied, which could have affected the decision reached by the AIC, RAC, or GAAC.
  • Evidence Not Previously Considered: evidence submitted as part of the AIC, RAC, or GAAC package or was stated verbally at the AIC, RAC, or GAAC hearing that was not considered by the panel. 
  • Higher Penalty: if a higher penalty has been assigned by the AIC, RAC, or GAAC than that recommended or assigned by the initial decision maker.

Non-Academic Conduct 

The Senate Appeals Committee (SAC) hears appeals of interim measures which include: an extension of a suspension and decisions and/or sanctions assigned by the Executive Director, Student Affairs or Vice-Provost, Students where the assigned sanctions include:

  • restitution over $500,
  • de-enrollment,
  • limitations to future enrollment, NDS, NDW, or expulsion.

Non-Academic Conduct appeals of findings and/or sanctions must be submitted within ten (10) business days of the decision letter being issued.

Appeals of the interim measure of the extension of suspension can be submitted any time after the suspension has been extended beyond the initial ten (10) business days.

Students are responsible for ensuring that a formal appeal is submitted by the deadline dates published in the significant dates calendar, and must adhere to the time lines established in Policy 61: Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct.

Students are responsible for submitting a complete Non-Academic Conduct appeal. This should include all documents needed to support the appeal.  Incomplete appeals may not be accepted. Complete appeals for Non-Academic Conduct, must be submitted via email to

The University is responsible for processing student appeals fairly and must adhere to the timelines established in this policy. Students should refer to University significant dates for timelines found at Toronto Metropolitan University Calendars and Student guides and by referring to the  Senate website  for detailed information on the necessary documents such as appeal forms, health certificate forms and procedural instructions. 

Senate level appeals for Non-Academic conduct should be submitted via email to

Online Appeals:


Need help with your appeal submission?

Please contact a student advocate from one of the following:  

Full-time Undergraduate and LASL students 

The Toronto Met Students' Union (TMSU) (external link) 

Part-time, Chang School and Graduate Students 

Toronto Metropolitan Association of Part-time Students (TMAPS)  (external link) 

Appeal Resources for Students


Senate Office  (opens in new window) 

Academic Integrity Office 

Student Care 


Appeal - Links and Forms