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Strengthening the Pillars: Report of the TMU External Review

Retired Chief Justice J. Michael MacDonald has submitted his final report to the university in fulfillment of his mandate

In November 2023, Toronto Metropolitan University appointed retired Chief Justice J. Michael MacDonald as external reviewer in response to an open letter to the Lincoln Alexander School of Law’s administration. 

As part of his  (PDF file) mandate, Mr. MacDonald was tasked with determining whether the Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct (Policy 61) was breached and, if so, what actions are appropriate.

Following an extensive review and consultations, Mr. MacDonald’s full report,  (PDF file) Strengthening the Pillars (opens in new window) , is now available to the community. 

Toronto Metropolitan University extends sincere appreciation to Mr. MacDonald and his team, and to all of the students, faculty, staff, community members, and the many external individuals and organizations who contributed their time, energy and perspectives to the review process.