Teaching and Education Awards

Nominate a deserving faculty or staff member for a Teaching and Education Award. Review the awards listed here to submit your nominations.
Chancellor's Award of Distinction
Recognizes life-long career commitment to teaching and learning as evidenced by an outstanding and sustained record of teaching excellence.
Eligibility: TFA (Tenured)
Key criteria: Teaching
President's Award for Teaching Excellence
Recognizes continuing teaching excellence and contributions to advancing teaching and learning at TMU.
Eligibility: TFA
Key criteria: Teaching
Provost's Award for Teaching Excellence
Recognizes outstanding teaching records and contributions to advancing teaching and learning at TMU with a focus on i) innovation in teaching, ii) inclusive teaching, or iii) experiential teaching.
Eligibility: TFA (Pre-tenured)
Key criteria: Teaching
YSGPS Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Education Awards
Recognizes excellence in the complex process of mentoring graduate students to prepare them for productive careers.
Eligibility: TFA members of YSGPS
Key criteria: Graduate student mentorship
Dean's Teaching Award – Faculty (TFA)
Recognizes continuing teaching excellence and achievement in instruction.
Eligibility: TFA
Key criteria: Teaching
Dean's Teaching Award – Contract Lecturers (CUPE 1 & 2)
Recognizes continuing teaching excellence and achievement in instruction.
Eligibility: CUPE 3904 Unit 1 or Unit 2
Key criteria: Teaching
Joe Zboralski Teaching & Community Engagement Award
Recognizes demonstrated leadership through teaching and impact on community engagement, internally or externally to Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU).
Eligibility: CUPE 3904 Unit 1 or Unit 2
Key criteria: Teaching and community engagement