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Evacuation of University Buildings in the Event of Fire or Other Emergency Procedure


1.   To Report Emergencies

a.         Dial 911 and give accurate and brief details of the emergency and your location;

b.         Remain on the line and follow the directions of the dispatcher.

2.   If You Discover a Fire

a.         Exercise good judgment in deciding whether to attempt to extinguish the fire or not, with the fire protection equipment available.

b.         If in doubt, leave the fire scene, close all doors, and activate the nearest pullbox.

c.         Call 911 from a safe location, and give all the pertinent facts.  In addition, if you have time and it is safe to do so, call Community Safety and Security at 416-979-5040.

d.         Leave the building by the nearest safe exit.  Do not use elevators.

e.         Stand outside the building to direct the Fire Department and/or Community Safety and Security  to the exact location of the fire.

3.    When You Hear the Fire Alarm

a.         Leave the building immediately by the nearest safe exit.  Do not use elevators.

b.         Walk to your exit, closing the doors behind you.

c.         Provide assistance to disabled persons (see Appendix A).

d.         Once outside the building, do not re-enter until authorized to do so by the fire department or Community Safety and Security.

4.    Fire Drills Requiring Building Evacuation

a.         Fire drills will be held each fall and spring semester in all buildings.

b.         Notice of the proposed fire drills will be forwarded to fire wardens, deans, academic directors, chairs, and senior directors in all buildings at least two weeks before the given date.  This notice will contain dates of each drill.

c.         On this date and at the selected time, the fire alarm bells will sound and the evacuation will proceed.

d.         The evacuation will be monitored by the University fire wardens, Community Safety and Security and supervisors/managers of Environmental Health and Safety, and Facilities Management and Development.

e.         The evacuation of University buildings during a simulated emergency is a necessary exercise to familiarize occupants with all means of egress from their usual work places. 

Full participation of all members of the Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") community is mandatory.  No person can be relieved of these personal responsibilities by any other direction communicated to them by anyone other than designated emergency response personnel.

5.     Use of University Fire Protection Equipment

a.         If portable fire protection equipment has been used to extinguish a small fire, inform Community Safety and Security at 416-979-5040, giving all details.  The used equipment will be replaced immediately.  Do not return used equipment to its original station.

b.         Unauthorized use, or removal of fire protection equipment is unlawful and will result in disciplinary action.

6.    Emergency Medical Aid

a.         When professional help is needed for a medical emergency, call 911 and additionally where it is safe to do so, call Community Safety and Security at 416-979-5040.

b.         When calling for medical aid, give your location and the general nature of the emergency.

Duties and Responsibilities for University Personnel and Students

The following are assigned responsibilities for all individuals, so that effective measures can be taken to preserve life, prevent injuries, and protect University property during evacuation of University buildings.

1.    Responsibilities of Deans, Academic Directors, Chairs, Senior Directors and Managers

a.         The appointment of personnel to be known as fire wardens in all buildings within the University is mandatory.  Ensure that fire wardens are appointed and trained, and that the names of these individuals are registered with Environmental Health and Safety.

b.         Take an active role in supporting the responsibilities of the fire wardens and the intent of this policy.

c.         Respond to deficiencies brought to their attention, arising from fire safety procedures.

d.         Provide assistance to disabled persons (see Appendix A).

2.    Responsibilities of Faculty, Other Instructional Personnel and Those In Charge of a Meeting

a.         During study sessions in classrooms, labs and other assemblies or work areas, and in meeting locations, when the fire alarm bells sound - stop the class, meeting or other activity - and advise all persons to leave the building, directing them to the nearest safe exit (not elevators).  Request that upon exiting the building they move away from the entrance of the building, thereby ensuring unrestricted access into the building by fire officials.

b.         Provide assistance to disabled persons (see Appendix A).

c.         Close all doors, leave the building and join your group at street level.

3.     Responsibilities of All Members of the University Community

a.         Evacuate the building immediately according to evacuation procedures and any direction provided by University personnel and fire officials.

b.         Report any observed lapses in the evacuation procedures or any fire hazard to your faculty member or immediate supervisor, and Community Safety and Security at 416-979-5040.

c.         Respect all fire safety systems and devices.  Tampering with any system or device may jeopardize the safety of the University community.  Behaviour contrary to the intent of this policy will result in disciplinary action.

4.     Role of Facilities Management and Development

a.         Facilities Management and Development will maintain fire safety systems and devices in operable condition and keep all records of related activities.

b.         Disseminate and prominently display information necessary for evacuating buildings.

c.         Ensure that practices are in place to respond to fire emergencies.

5.     Role of Community Safety and Security

a.         Notify the Toronto Fire Department.

b.         Meet and direct the Toronto Fire Department officials.

c.         Maintain the fire alarm panels.

d.         Assist with evacuation procedures when possible.

e.         Assist with the evacuation of disabled persons and personnel in the Early Learning Centre (see Appendix A).

6.     Role of Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health and Safety will provide training that may be required to assist fire wardens and their deputies, or any other member of the University community in the implementation of this procedure.  A list of current fire warden appointments will be maintained by Environmental Health and Safety.

7.     Duties of Fire Wardens

The fire warden's primary responsibility is to manage the evacuation of personnel from his/her designated area during a fire or other emergency.  Fire wardens will carry out the following responsibilities:

a.         Advise all personnel within your area to evacuate by the nearest safe exit during a fire or other emergency.

b.         Check washrooms and rest areas and inform any personnel of the emergency situation

c.         Close all doors.

d.         Leave the building and join your group at the street level.  Ensure that the entrance to the building is not congested by directing persons away from the entrance.

e.          Cooperate with Community Safety and Security and fire officials.

f.         Obey promptly any instructions you may receive from Community Safety and Security or fire department personnel.

g.         Cooperate with Community Safety and Security and Environmental Health and Safety in any debriefings resulting from an evacuation.

8.    Guidelines for Fire Wardens

a.         Know your area, the people in it, and at least two safe exits.

b.         Familiarize yourself with the fire protection equipment in your area and the location of the pull boxes.

c.         During an evacuation, direct all persons to the nearest safe exit - not elevators.

d.         Close all doors as you leave.

e.         Check washrooms and rest areas and advise occupants of the emergency situation.

f.          Maintain an orderly and controlled evacuation.

g.         Do not use elevators during an evacuation.

h.         When all persons are safely evacuated to the street level, conduct a head count, and if anyone is unaccounted for, notify security or fire department personnel.

i.          Remain outside the building until informed by security or the fire department that it is safe to return.

j.          If further training is required, contact the department of Environmental Health and Safety.

k.         Complete an evacuation observation form and submit it to the Environmental Health & Safety and Community Safety and Security.