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- Underwood, K., Balter, A-S., Duvage, T., Kollar, C., van Rhijn, T., & Jones, M. (2024). (PDF file) Understanding Speech-Language Pathology from the Standpoint of Families: A Systemic Analysis (opens in new window) . Social Sciences, 13(12), 656.
- Atwal, A., Underwood, K., Moreno-Angarita, M., Wertlieb, D., Kissi, E.F., & Emmanuel, S. (2024). (PDF file) Are the rights of children with disabilities respected in their everyday lives? Revue de l'Université de Moncton, 52(2), 5-30. (in French)
- Nafisa, F.T., Wahid, K., Tanner, S., Alabassi, M., & Weber, J. (2024). (PDF file) Deaf to deaf. Studies in Social Justice, 18(1).
- Tollan, K., Jezrawi, R., Underwood, K., & Janus, M. (2023). (PDF file) A review on early intervention systems. Current Developmental Disorder Reports, 1-7.
- Balter, A.S., Feltham, L., Parekh, G., Douglas, P., Underwood, K., & van Rhijn, T. (2023). (PDF file) Re-imagining inclusion through the lens of disabled childhoods. Social Inclusion, 11(1). 48-59.
- Underwood, K., van Rhijn, T., Balter, A., Feltham, L., Douglas, P., Parekh, G., & Lawrence, B. (2021). Pandemic effects: Ableism, exclusion, and procedural bias (external link) . Journal of Childhood Studies, 16-29.
- van Rhijn, T., Underwood, K., Frankel, E., Lero, D. S., Spalding, K., Janus, M., Friendly, M., & Haché, A. (2021). Role of child care in creating inclusive communities and access for All. (external link) Canadian Public Policy, 47(3), 399-409.
- Davies, K., Doucet, G., Atwal, A., & Underwood, K. (2021). (PDF file) Systemic knowledge at school entry: Learning from disabled children and their families. Community, Work & Family, 1-5.
- Underwood, K., Moreno-Angarita, M., Curran, T., Runswick-Cole, K., & Wertlieb, D. (2020). (PDF file) An international conversation on disabled children's childhood studies: Theory, ethics, and method. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(5), 302-327.
- Church, K., Vorstermans, J., & Underwood, K. (2020). Tensions in disabled childhoods: Representing trans-institutionalization. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 9(3), 120-142.
- Underwood, K., Frankel, E., Parekh, G., & Janus, M. (2019). (PDF file) Transitioning work of families: Understanding trans-institutional power in early childhood programs and services. Exceptionality Education International, 29(3), 135-153.
- Underwood, K., Ineese-Nash, N., & Haché, A. (2019). (PDF file) Colonialism in early education, care, and intervention: A knowledge synthesis. Journal of Childhood Studies, 44(4), 21-35.
- Frankel, E., Chan, C., & Underwood, K. (2019). Inclusion is an experience, not a placement. ECELink, 3(1), 24-34.
- Underwood, K., Smith, A., & Martin, J. (2019). Institutional mapping as a tool for resource consultation (external link) . Journal of Early Childhood Research, 17(2), 129-139.
- Underwood, K., Frankel, E., Spalding, K. & Brophy, K. (2018). Is the right to early intervention being honoured? A study of family experiences with early childhood services (external link) . Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights, 5(1), 56-70.
- Ineese-Nash, N., Bomberry, Y., Underwood, K., & Haché, A. (2017) Raising a child with early childhood disability support systems Shakonehya:ra’s ne shakoyen’okon:’a G’chi-gshkewesiwad binoonhyag ᑲᒥᓂᑯᓯᒼ ᑭᑫᑕᓱᐧᐃᓇ ᐊᐧᐊᔕᔥ ᑲᒥᓂᑯᓯᒼ ᑲᐧᐃᔕᑭᑫᑕᑲ: Ga-Miinigoowozid Gikendaagoosowin Awaazigish Ga-Miinigoowozid GaIzhichigetan (external link) . Indigenous Policy Journal, 28(3),1–14.
- Ineese-Nash, N., Underwood, K., Haché, A. & Douglas, P. (2024). The Commodification of Care: Precarious Custodial Relationships, Disability, and Settler-Colonialism. Disability and the Changing Contexts of Family and Personal Relationships Research in Social Science and Disability (RSSD), Volume 15, Edited by Gabriele Ciciurkaite and Robyn Lewis Brown.
- Underwood, K., Moreno-Angarita, M., Curran, T., Runswick-Cole, K., & Wertlieb, D. (2020). Theory, ethics and methods: International disabled children's childhoods. In D. Goodley, K. Runswick-Cole, & K. Liddiard (Eds.), Interventions in Disabled Childhood Studies (pp. 65-67). (1). Sheffield: iHuman Press.
- Frankel, E., Underwood, K., & Powell, A. (2020). Chapter 40: Early intervention for young children. In I. Brown & M. Percy (Eds.), Developmental Disabilities in Ontario (4th ed. pp. 433-455). Toronto: OADD.
- Underwood, K., Church, K., & van Rhijn, T. (2020). Responsible for normal: The contradictory work of families. In S. Winton & G. Parekh (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Education Policy in Schools, Families, and Communities (external link) (pp. 89-106). United States of America: Information Age Publishing Inc.
- Underwood, K. (2019). Ein systemisches Verständnis inklusiver Kindheit: Das Projekt, Inclusive Early Childhood Service System (IECSS). In D. Jahr & R. Kruschel (Eds.), Inklusion in Kanada- Internationale Perspektiven auf heterogenitätssensible Bildung (pp. 314-328). Germany: Beltz Juventa.
- Kollar, C., Sanderson, R., McKee, D. & Underwood, K. (2024). (PDF file) Policy Brief No. 14: Learning from the Yellowknife Evacuation of 2023: Climate Change, Childhood, and Northern Communities. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project.
- Tollan, K. & Underwood, K. (2023). (PDF file) IECSS Policy Brief No. 13: Disabled children’s participation in a national childcare strategy. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project.
- IECSS. (2022). (PDF file) Policy brief no. 12: Policy recommendations for inclusive early childhood services. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project.
- Underwood, K., Haché, A., & Douglas, P. (2021). (PDF file) IECSS policy brief no. 11: Submission to the Day of General Discussion on Children's Rights and Alternative Care: Disability and childhood. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project.
- Underwood, K., & Snoddon, K. (2021). (PDF file) IECSS policy brief no. 10: Deaf childhoods and inclusive early childhood education and care. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project.
- Lawrence, B., Underwood, K., & Douglas, P. (2020). (PDF file) IECSS policy brief no. 9: Reconciling interests of children and economies during the COVID-19 pandemic: Learning from families in Brandon, Manitoba. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project. - (PDF file) Text version
- Smith, A. (2020). (PDF file) IECSS policy brief no. 8: Black experience and disabled childhoods: Comparison of federal and provincial policies. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project. - (PDF file) Text version
- IECSS. (2017b). (PDF file) Policy brief no. 7: A submission to the Canadian National Engagement on an Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework (opens in new window) . Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project. July, 2017. - (PDF file) Text version
- IECSS. (2017a). (PDF file) Policy brief no. 6: Response to the discussion paper on an Education Accessibility Standard for the AODA. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project. February, 2017. - (PDF file) Text version
- IECSS. (2017, January 30). (PDF file) Letter to Minister Naidoo-Harris: Submission to building a better future (opens in new window) . - (PDF file) Text version
- IECSS. (2016b). (PDF file) Policy brief no. 5: Ontario Early Years and Child and Family Centres: Opportunity for creation of an inclusive ECEC system. September, 2016. - (PDF file) Text version
- IECSS. (2016a). (PDF file) Policy brief no. 4: Response to proposed regulations and changes to the Child Care and Early Years Act 2014. March, 2016. - (PDF file) Text version
- IECSS. (2015b). (PDF file) Policy brief no. 3: Recommendations for creating an INCLUSIVE early childhood education and care system. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project. September, 2015. - (PDF file) Text version
- IECSS. (2015a). (PDF file) Policy brief no. 2: A submission to the Day of General Discussion (DGD) on the right to education for persons with disabilities to be held on 15 April 2015, at Palais des Nations, Geneva. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project. September, 2015. - (PDF file) Text version
- IECSS. (2014). (PDF file) Policy brief no. 1: Introduction to the IECSS project. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project. December, 2014. - (PDF file) Text version
Underwood, K. & Atwal, A. (2019). (PDF file) Research brief no. 1: Young people’s analysis of disabled childhoods and research. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project: Research Brief No. 1. - (PDF file) Text version
Snoddon, K. & Underwood, K. (2019). (PDF file) Research brief no. 2: Analysis from young deaf people on IECSS findings. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project: Research Brief No. 2. - (PDF file) Text version
Research Brief No. 2: Analysis from young deaf people on IECSS findings (ASL version) (external link) . Snoddon, K. [Kristin Snoddon]. (2019, October, 31). IECSS Brief.
- Feltham, L.E., Kollar, C., & Underwood, K. (2023). Inclusive Early Childhood Service System Project: City of Toronto Research Report (May 19, 2023). Toronto, ON: Toronto Metropolitan University.
- Park, J., & Ceolin, K. (2023). (PDF file) Let the rivers flow: A gathering of Indigenous and allied communities, youth, professionals, and families with children from across Canada, event technical report. Inclusive Early Childhood Service System project. Toronto, ON: Toronto Metropolitan University.
- Kollar, C., Feltham, L.E., & Underwood, K. (2021). Inclusive Early Childhood Service System Project: District of Temiskaming Research Report (October 21, 2021). Toronto, ON: Ryerson University.
- Benincasa, E., St. Dennis, A., & Caputo, V. with photographs by Xu, F. (2018). (PDF file) IECSS/Shaking the Movers Workshop Report: Can disability be positive? Shaking the Movers. Ottawa, ON: Carleton University, October 13 & 14, 2018.
- Underwood, K., Ineese-Nash, N., & Hache, A. (2017). Embedding Indigenous perspectives in early childhood education, care and intervention: A Knowledge Synthesis. Project report for a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Knowledge Synthesis Grant. Toronto, ON: Ryerson University.
- Atwal, A. (in progress). Moving through the system: The ruling relations of migration, mobility, and childhood disability. [Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Brock University].
- Chung, T. (2023). How families make assistive devices ‘work’: An Institutional Ethnography through stories. [Unpublished Master’s Research Paper, Toronto Metropolitan University].
- MacEachern, K. (2021). (PDF file) An institutional ethnographic analysis of the organization of French healthcare and disability services for Francophones in Canada. [Masters Research Paper, Toronto Metropolitan University].
- Ineese-Nash, N. (2017). (PDF file) Maawandoonan: early childhood disability support services in Constance Lake First Nation. [Masters Research Paper, Toronto Metropolitan University].