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Recent Mentions

Date Faculty Member(s) Media Outlet(s) Title/About Type
June 3 Dimanche, F. ICI Radio-Canada Première CBEF Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix and City of Windsor (external link, opens in new window)  Interview
June 10 Graci, S. CBC Radio One 99.1FM (CBLA) Ethical and responsible travel (external link, opens in new window)  Interview
June 12 Graci, S. CBC Radio One 94.5FM (CFWH) Ethical and responsible travel Interview
June 12 Smith, W. CBC Radio One Fredericton (CBZF) Carry-on baggage and airlines Interview
June 19 Dimanche, F. ICI Radio-Canada Première CBOF Travel habits of Quebecers (external link, opens in new window)  Interview
June 28 Dimanche, F. MSN Canada Les prix élevés forcent les touristes à modifier leurs plans (external link, opens in new window)  Quote
June 28 Smith, W. CTV News Channel WestJet strike Interview
June 28 Smith, W City News 680 (CFTR) WestJet cancellations Interview
June 28 Dimanche, F. D'abord l'info - ICI RDI High costs and changing travelers habits Interview