Giving for Tomorrow
Your Legacy at Toronto Metropolitan University
In your will, you set out to take care of those closest to you. It’s a way to remember the people, places and charities that played an important role in your life. It is our hope that Toronto Metropolitan University holds this place in your heart. It may be the place from which you launched a career, the place from which your child launched their career, or perhaps it is the place you built your own.
Many of our alumni, friends, faculty and staff have included a gift to Toronto Metropolitan University in their wills, and we are honoured to be thought of in this way. These planned gifts come in contributions of all sizes, and can be designated however you wish – to student financial assistance, to your school, faculty or to the area of greatest need.
A planned gift marks your connection to Toronto Metropolitan University, and makes a lasting difference for the university of tomorrow and the students who will follow in your footsteps.
A Simple, Affordable and Tax Smart Way to Make an Impact
Planned gifts like this are not just for the wealthy – in fact, one of the real benefits of planned giving is that they typically allow you to give at a greater level of support than might be possible right now. These gifts can also provide tax advantages that can benefit your estate. We encourage all donors to seek the advice of a qualified financial or estate planner and talk to them about the benefits of making a planned gift.
Planned gifts are called that because the money does not typically become available to the university until sometime in the future. Making a bequest in your will is the most common gift of this type, which also includes gifts of life insurance, registered retirement savings, securities, annuities and remainder trusts. We are happy to discuss with you these other future gift options as well.
Your planned gift can create scholarships and awards that help us attract the best and brightest students, and bring higher education more within reach. For many students, additional financial support can mean the difference between pursuing their educational ambitions or having to put those dreams on hold. You may wish to direct your gift to ensure that your faculty or school is able to offer students the latest technologies and equipment, exceptional facilities and resources, and an enriched learning environment with abundant opportunities to engage. Or you may wish to support world-class research at Toronto Metropolitan University, or new academic programs and teaching excellence.
Wherever you choose to direct your support, your legacy or the legacy of someone close to you will live on through your gift and the inspiration and opportunities it creates for students and the university.
For further details about making a bequest, please visit our Sample Bequest Language page. For those intending to make a bequest to Toronto Metropolitan University, please send us a Will Confirmation Form, so we can properly say 'Thank You'.
For more information, contact:
Mira Claxton
Director of Development, Planned Giving