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Periodic Program Review (PPR)

Students working collaboratively on a group project

Periodic Program Review is part of the Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP), which addresses the requirements of the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF)  (external link) established by the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance (Quality Council)

PPR allows programs to complete a comprehensive self-assessment to ensure they achieve and maintain the highest possible standards of academic excellence and continue to meet societal need. 

Curriculum Review is a key component of the PPR process, which begins with developing or refining Program Objectives and Program Learning Outcomes, ensuring the program meets the Ontario Degree-Level Expectations, and mapping the program’s curriculum to determine where and how intended outcomes are delivered, achieved, and measured. 

Other major and minor curriculum modifications occur in the years between reviews.

Students working collaboratively on a group project

Getting started with PPR

Programs scheduled to begin their PPR will be contacted by the Vice-Provost Academic (undergraduate) or Vice-Provost and Dean, YSGS (graduate) to attend an orientation workshop.

The following manuals provide faculty and staff with step by step guidelines to successfully navigate through the process.

Curriculum Mapping virtual drop-in hours

Curriculum Quality Assurance offers support for Curriculum Mapping for all IQAP processes including PPR, Curriculum Modification and New Program Proposals. Join us to ask questions, troubleshoot, or receive training on the Curriculum Insights tool. Click on the date to open the Zoom meeting.

Times vary to accommodate as many people as possible. Each session will last one hour. If there is not a time that works for your schedule, please email

Check back soon for updated drop-in hours.

Approved PPR Final Assessment Reports

Following Senate approval of the completed PPR, a Final Assessment Report summarizes the self-study and the recommendations of the peer review team, and is submitted to the Quality Council and Board of Governors.  In accordance with TMU’s IQAP, Final Assessment Reports for approved PPRs are posted below.

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs


Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Program Senate Approval
 (PDF file) Fashion (MA) December 7, 2021
 (PDF file) Policy Studies (PhD) May 3, 2022
 (PDF file) Psychology (MA/PhD) December 7, 2021
 (PDF file) Social Work (MSW) December 7, 2021

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Program Senate Approval
Business Technology Management (BComm)
 (PDF file) Executive Summary and Final Assessment Report (opens in new window) 
April 4, 2017

Graduate Programs

Program Senate Approval
Master of Nursing (MN)
 (PDF file) Executive Summary and Final Assessment Report (opens in new window) 
January 31, 2017
Masters of Fine Arts in Documentary Media (MFA)
 (PDF file) Executive Summary and Final Assessment Report (opens in new window) 
January 31, 2017
Graduate Programs in Aerospace Engineering (PhD, MASc, MEng)
 (PDF file) Executive Summary and Final Assessment Report (opens in new window) 
January 31, 2017
Master of Business Administration Global (MBA Global)
 (PDF file) Executive Summary and Final Assessment Report (opens in new window) 
March 7, 2017

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Program Senate Approval
Early Childhood Studies (MA)
 (PDF file) Executive Summary and Final Assessment Report (opens in new window) 
June 2, 2015

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs