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Academic Support

On this page: Info and links about academic considerations vs. accommodations, short-term vs. long-term withdrawals, transfer credits, appeals, financial services, and more. 

Collab Posts - CI & ProCom - CRI Advising

General advising with Lauren are available through drop-ins virtually and in-person throughout the Fall and Winter terms. 

Personalized advising (transfer credits, module switches, etc.) with Kaitlyn are by appointment only. See calendar here (external link, opens in new window) . All appointments will be triaged, and may be cancelled if your needs can be best addressed via email. 

Have a question? For all academic-related inquiries, email Kaitlyn and Lauren at

Academic Support Resources

As of November 15, 2022, RAMSS has been renamed to MyServiceHub, and to "my.torontomu (opens in new window) ". If you have any previous "RAMSS" pages bookmarked, revisit the page and save the new URL. 

MyServiceHub Support & Tutorials

MyServiceHub support offers step-by-step guides on topics such as how to,

 and much more!

The guides are comprehensive, and include screenshots for every step of the process.

Check them out if you have any concerns when it comes to navigating MyServiceHub.

Academic Accommodation Support

Academic Accommodation Support helps students with single or multiple disabilities (such as learning disabilities, sensory impairments, acquired brain injuries, ADHD, and mental health, medical, and mobility issues). The Centre helps students secure academic accommodations so that they can fully participate in their academic experience at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Some of the services offered include:

  • Accommodation Plans and Facilitators
  • Peer Notetaking
  • Accommodated Test Centre
  • Make Up Test Centre

 TIP! Not diagnosed with a disability but struggled a lot in school? Academic Accommodation Support (AAS) provide consults to students who do not currently have a diagnosed disability. They can direct you to appropriate resources and discuss options for funding disability assessments. They can also provide referrals to non-disability related learning resources that may help. Contact or call 416-979-5000 EXT. 552374 to set up a consultation.

Academic Consideration

If you've missed an exam, assignment, or any other graded work due to illness or extenuating personal circumstances, you should request academic consideration. Academic considerations should be submitted within 72 hours of the missed deadline and should be submitted online through the Academic Consideration portal, available through the button below.

Please review the  (google slide) Academic Consideration Request (ACR) Submissions presentation (external link, opens in new window)  for full instructions on submitting an ACR.

Make sure to read through the Senate's Academic Consideration Requests (ACR) page (opens in new window)  for more information, and a detailed FAQ page. 

Academic consideration requests should only be submitted for graded work. Please note that instructors are not obligated to grant academic consideration requests. 

Policy 167 (opens in new window)  which governs' Academic Consideration and Appeals' can also be found on the Senate website.

As always if you have any questions, or require clarification, just ask. We can be reached via


You must notify your instructor(s) or the teaching or program department as soon as circumstances arise that can impact your academic performance. It is also your responsibility to try to resolve all course related issues with the instructor as soon as they occur and then, if needed, with the Chair/Director of the teaching department/school. Failure to do so may jeopardize an appeal.

 Steps to take before submitting an appeal:

  1. Informal Resolution
    • During a semester, you may encounter issues that impact your academic performance. Whenever possible and prior to initiating a grade appeal, you should attempt to resolve all grade-related issues informally through communication with your instructor(s). If you are unable to resolve the situation with your instructor(s), or if you are unable to reach them, contact the Chair or Director of the department/school that offers the course (the teaching department/School). 
  2. Grade Reassessment (for issues related to individual assignment grades)
    • You can request to have a graded course component reassessed if you believe that the grade does not reflect the academic merit of your work, or you can request a recalculation if you believe an error or omission has been made in the calculation of grades. Your requests for a grade reassessment must be based on sufficient academic grounds and be supported by evidence and documentation (e.g. from the course outline, course notes, textbooks, assignment grade rubric). 
    • To request a grade reassessment, you should contact your instructor within ten (10) business days of the date when the graded work in question is returned to the class, or when the grade on the work is posted. Grades not questioned within this period may not be reassessed.
    • For work graded during the final week of classes, or during the exam period, there might not be an opportunity to review the work with the instructor prior to the assignment of a final grade in the course. In that case, you should contact the instructor about the work as soon as possible, and usually within ten (10) business days from the date that grades and standing are available to students on MyServiceHub.
    • For detailed information on grade reassessment procedures, refer to Policy 162 on Grade Reassessment and Grade Recalculation (opens in new window) .

 There are two types of appeals:

  1. Grade Appeals: must be submitted to the School that offers the course being appealed (the teaching department/school). All grade appeals for Chang School courses must be submitted to The Chang School. 
  2. Academic Standing Appeals: must be submitted to your program/School. 

 Grounds of Appeal:

  • Extenuating Circumstances
  • Prejudice 
  • Procedural Error
  • Course Management (may be considered as grounds for grade appeal but not Academic Standing appeals). 

Refer to Policy 168: Grade and Standing Appeals (opens in new window)  for detailed definitions of these grounds.

 There are three levels of appeals:

  1. Department Level: Students who wish to appeal the decision of the Department/School must do so to the Dean of the Faculty. 
  2. Faculty Level: Students who wish to appeal the decision of the Faculty must do so to the Senate Appeals Committee.
  3. Senate Level: Decisions of the Senate Appeals Committee are final and may not be appealed.

Appeal Resources on Campus

Appeals forms, instructions, Policy, and Code of Conduct are available from the Senate.

It is recommended that you seek assistance and advice when filing an appeal. For advice on your appeal, please contact the following:

For advice concerning an appeal on the grounds of discrimination:

Human Rights Services
(416) 979-5349

Academic Appeals Submission Procedure

Effective the Winter 2020 term, undergraduate students enrolled in an undergraduate program wishing to appeal their standing in their program, and/or to appeal a grade received in courses taught in any Faculty (with the exception of Faculty of Law and Graduate Studies), are to use the online appeals system to submit their request. 

Once you submit an academic appeal through the online system, the relevant decision-maker, Student Records and the Senate Office will receive a notification through their TMU e-mail. The decision-maker will be able to assess the merits of your appeal and submit their decision through the administrative online system. When their decision is issued, you, Student Records, the Senate Office and other relevant stakeholders will be notified through their TMU email of the decision.

Detailed instructions regarding submission, resources on academic appeals and access to the submission portal can be found here.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact

External Links:

International Student Support

International Student Support, supports international students by offering individual assistance, orientation programs, information sessions, and networking events.

Some other support they provide include:

  • New Arrivals
  • Immigration
  • Financial Assistance
  • Health & Wellness
  • Working in Canada (during your degree and after with a PGWP)

ISS also hosts events and workshops (opens in new window)  year-round. This includes:

  • Informational sessions (ex. Immigration Insights)
  • Support groups (ex. English Conversation groups and writing and study support)
  • Fun events (ex. movie nights, cultural and religious celebrations, etc.)

You can also reach out to an ISS team member via for more information about their services. 

Short-Term vs. Permanent Withdrawals

A student may wish to (voluntarily) temporarily withdraw from their program of studies for either the current academic term or for future academic term(s) due to financial, health, personal, academic or other reasons. This is callled a 'Short-term Withdrawal'.

Students can withdraw for up to 12 months / 3 consecutive terms at any one time.

The final deadline to submit a Short Term Withdrawal Request can be found in the Significant Dates section of the current Undergraduate Calendar. Please be mindful of the refund deadlines when considering a Short-Term Withdrawal. 

If you no longer would like to remain in the Creative Industries program, please submit a Permanent Withdrawal request.

Note: Once a permanent withdrawal has been submitted, it cannot be reversed. If you decide to rejoin the program, you will be required to apply for program readmission. 

Understanding Your Transfer Credit Report

Have you previously complete studies at another institution or TMU undergraduate program? You may be eligible for transfer credits. 

Students from Other Institutions

You will be required to apply for transfer credits upon accepting your Creative Industries program offer. More information can be found on the Transfer Credit page.

Once your transfer credits are processed, you will be able to access the report via MyServiceHub (MyServiceHub > Academics > Transfer Credit Report). You can learn how to read the results on the My Results page. 

Students from Another TMU Program

Joining us from another program at the University? You do not need to apply for transfer credits. Once an active CI student, review your Advisement Report to see how your previous credits can apply towards your new degree.

Please note: Not all courses eligible for transfer may be applied towards your CI degree requirements. Please review the 2024-2025 Creative Industries curriculum for a full list of requirements

Financial Aid and Assistance

The Student Financial Assistance site (opens in new window)  has plenty of valuable resources for helping students understand and finance their education, including:

  • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
  • Government Student Aid for out-of-province and U.S. students
  • National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC)
  • Scholarships & Bursaries
  • Student Employment
  • Financing Your Education

The Creative School's Student Success Centre

The Creative School's Student Success Centre is aimed specifically for students in the faculty. You can book appointments with either of our two specialists, or send them emails to get some help and advice.  

Some resources available include:

  • Weekly workshops and events
  • Events with creative employers, career fairs, exclusive networking events
  • Templates and guides
  • 1-on-1 sessions
  • Link to the Careers Facebook Group, Magnet, and Career Boost

TMU's Career, Co-op and Student Success Centre

Toronto Metropolitan University’s Career, Co-op and Student Success Centre is a hub for all career development support for both students and alumni. 

Some resources available include:

  • Career development resources
  • 1-on-1 career advising appointments
  • Internal and external job boards
  • Workshops and events
  • Co-op resources

Scholarships & Awards

Awards will be presented at a luncheon in the fall where recipients will have the opportunity to meet the generous donors of their awards.

Renewable Scholarships

Students attending a Canadian secondary school with final averages of 86% and higher, who meet the terms and conditions for scholarship, are guaranteed a renewable entrance scholarship according to the following values.

All terms and conditions of the renewable entrance scholarship on the Admissions Scholarships and Awards page. 

General Awards and Scholarships

Learn more about the different internal and external scholarships on the Current Students Scholarships and Awards page. 

Creative Industries Awards

The Rosemary Reid Memorial Award

This award was created by Shannon Robertson and James Young to honour the memory of Rosemary Reid, and to support a Creative Industries student (who has completed an RTA module). This award recognizes the light and life Rosemary brought to her RTA cohort. The Rosemary Reid Memorial Award goes to the student who does the same for her or his cohort: bringing kindness, consideration, warmth and enthusiasm to the program and to his or her classmates – which can make all the difference, as those of us who were lucky enough to know Rosemary Reid well know.

To apply for this award, students must write a 500 word statement demonstrating how they bring kindness, consideration, warmth, and/or enthusiasm to his or her classmates. Students can nominate each other through a peer statement or nominate themselves.

Award schedule: Annual, commencing in the 2019/2020 academic year.

Application deadline: TBD

Amount of award: 1 x $2,500

Announcement: TBD

Please apply online using AwardSpring (external link) 

(If you have any issues accessing AwardSpring, please email Emma Smith at

The Ted Riley Scholarships in Global Licensing and Distribution

The Ted Riley Scholarships in Global Licensing and Distribution will be awarded to the two full-time Creative Industries students who demonstrate a deep understanding of Global Licensing and Distribution. Two awards will be presented annually to students who have completed CRI 820 with the highest grade (in either the spring or winter terms of the prior academic year).

Award schedule: Twice annually, commencing in the 2019/2020 academic year
Application deadline: N/A
Amount of award: 2 x $1,000

Full details, eligibility & application: Automatically awarded to the highest grade. In case of a tie, students will be asked to submit a 300-500 word statement about their personal interest in global distribution and what ideas they took away from the course.

Student Life & Learning Support

Student Life & Learning Support is a group of services and programs aimed at helping students engage more effectively in their academic studies. We teach essential academic skills and study techniques that help students to more effectively express their intelligence, apply their knowledge and communicate their ideas.

Support Areas:

  • Academic Accommodation Support,
  • English Language Support,
  • Study Skills & Transition Support,
  • Writing Support,
  • Test Centre

Tri-Mentoring Program

The Tri-Mentoring Program is a centralized model that offers mentorship opportunities to students of all identities across all faculties.  The program matches 1st year students with upper year students in the same program or with similar interests in order to help incoming students successfully transition into their 1st year at Toronto Metropolitan University.  Mentors then have the opportunity to be matched with an industry professional & will gain guidance and encourage students to progress towards their goals. We facilitate student's learning, leadership and employment through mentoring, getting students involved and having them meet other people.


Choose the appropriate plan based on the year you entered the program. Readmitted students will be subject to the curriculum of the year that they are reinstated.