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Online Resources

Resource              Description Method of Request     
Google Workspace  Google Workspace at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) is a package of web applications that includes Gmail, Calendar, Drive and Docs, Contacts, and Mobile.

Read more: How to sign in to Google Workspace? (opens in new window) 
By default.
Computer labs You can log in to computers in the central computing labs found in the Library and KHW71.

By default.

my.torontomu portal (opens in new window)       The my.torontomu portal provides access to my.torontomu online courses and MyServiceHub. By default.
TMU Administrative Management Self Service (MyServiceHub) system                                                                                                                                                          Use MyServiceHub for course registration and other academic administrative tasks. You can access MyServiceHub through the (opens in new window)  portal.

By default.

Website Accounts If you are a full or part-time student, you are eligible to have your own website hosted on the Student Web Server (STW) on

Read more: How to Get a Student Web Server Account?
Through the Self-Service module in the my.torontomu (opens in new window)  portal.
Resource Description Method of Request
Google Workspace (opens in new window) 

Google Workspace at TMU is a package of web applications that includes Gmail, Calendar, Drive and Docs, Contacts, and Mobile.

Read more: How to sign in to Google Workspace? (opens in new window) 

By default.
Computer labs You can log in to computers in the central computing labs found in the Library and KHW71.

By default.

my.torontomu portal (opens in new window)               The my.torontomu portal provides access to my.torontomu online courses, eHR and MyServiceHub. By default.
TMU Administrative Management Self Service (MyServiceHub) system                                                                                                                                 Use MyServiceHub for course registration and other academic administrative tasks. You can access MyServiceHub through the  (opens in new window) portal.

By default.

Website Accounts Faculty, staff and departments have access to website space hosted at

Through Self Service module within my.torontomu (opens in new window)  portal.

TMU-VPN TMU-VPN is security software that allows you to access administrative systems like OGF and CFAPS from off campus. TMU-VPN uses a digital “certificate” that is installed on your computer and is accessed using your my.torontomu username and password. Employees can request an TMU-VPN ID by visiting go to Self Service > Personal Account > Security to request or manage your VPN access, then download and install the software from the Software Download section.

Central File and Print Services (CFAPS)             

CFAPS is a network-based file backup, file sharing, and printing service you can use to backup your files and access shared departmental network folders. Online form
Student Administrative System (SAS)     People Soft - TMU's Student Administrative System Online form
Oracle Government Financials (OGF)              OGF is used at TMU for Financial Management including online purchasing. Your OGF user ID and password are supplied by Financial Services. Contact Financial Services at 416-979-5000, ext. 552688 (opens in new window) 
Resource Description Method of Request
my.torontomu portal (opens in new window)  The my.torontomu portal provides access to
my.torontomu online courses and MyServiceHub.
Requested by sponsor
TMU-VPN TMU-VPN is security software that allows you to access administrative systems like OGF and CFAPS from off campus. TMU-VPN uses a digital “certificate” that is installed on your computer and is accessed using your my.torontomu username and password Online form (opens in new window) 

Central File and Print Services (CFAPS)                    

CFAPS is a network-based file backup, file sharing, and printing service you can use to backup your files and access shared departmental network folders. Online form (opens in new window) 
Resource Description
applicant portal       

This is the applicant portal page where you can:

  • Track your application status.
  • Upload your transcripts, supporting documents and non-academic requirements for select Grades-Plus programs, where applicable.
  • Read important communications about your TMU application.
 (opens in new window) 
Access to the portal connects you to the TMU Administrative Management Self Service (MyServiceHub) system.
TMU Administrative Management Self Service (MyServiceHub) system                                                                     

Applicants can use MyServiceHub to:

  1. Report your English proficiency test date, if applicable.
  2. Accept or decline your waitlist offer.
  3. Apply for transfer credits.
  4. View timetable and/or tuition fee information.
  5. Enrol in continuing education courses.
Resource              Description Method of Request     
Google Workspace 

Google Workspace at TMU is a package of web applications that includes Gmail, Calendar, Drive and Docs, Contacts, and Mobile.

Read more: How to sign in to Google Workspace? (opens in new window) 

By default.
Renewal instructions are available on Email and Learning Systems page.
my.torontomu portal (opens in new window)       The my.torontomu portal provides access to my.torontomu and eHR. By default.
Website Accounts Faculty, staff and departments have access to website space hosted at Through the Self-Service module in the my.torontomu (opens in new window)  portal.