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Online Resources

Resource | Description | Method of Request |
Google Workspace | Google Workspace at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) is a package of web applications that includes Gmail, Calendar, Drive and Docs, Contacts, and Mobile. Read more: How to sign in to Google Workspace? (opens in new window) |
By default. |
Computer labs | You can log in to computers in the central computing labs found in the Library and KHW71. | By default. |
my.torontomu portal (opens in new window) | The my.torontomu portal provides access to my.torontomu online courses and MyServiceHub. | By default. |
TMU Administrative Management Self Service (MyServiceHub) system | Use MyServiceHub for course registration and other academic administrative tasks. You can access MyServiceHub through the (opens in new window) portal. | By default. |
Website Accounts | If you are a full or part-time student, you are eligible to have your own website hosted on the Student Web Server (STW) on Read more: How to Get a Student Web Server Account? |
Through the Self-Service module in the my.torontomu (opens in new window) portal. |
Resource | Description | Method of Request |
Google Workspace (opens in new window) | Google Workspace at TMU is a package of web applications that includes Gmail, Calendar, Drive and Docs, Contacts, and Mobile. Read more: How to sign in to Google Workspace? (opens in new window) |
By default. |
Computer labs | You can log in to computers in the central computing labs found in the Library and KHW71. | By default. |
my.torontomu portal (opens in new window) | The my.torontomu portal provides access to my.torontomu online courses, eHR and MyServiceHub. | By default. |
TMU Administrative Management Self Service (MyServiceHub) system | Use MyServiceHub for course registration and other academic administrative tasks. You can access MyServiceHub through the (opens in new window) portal. | By default. |
Website Accounts | Faculty, staff and departments have access to website space hosted at | Through Self Service module within my.torontomu (opens in new window) portal. |
TMU-VPN | TMU-VPN is security software that allows you to access administrative systems like OGF and CFAPS from off campus. TMU-VPN uses a digital “certificate” that is installed on your computer and is accessed using your my.torontomu username and password. | Employees can request an TMU-VPN ID by visiting go to Self Service > Personal Account > Security to request or manage your VPN access, then download and install the software from the Software Download section. |
Central File and Print Services (CFAPS) |
CFAPS is a network-based file backup, file sharing, and printing service you can use to backup your files and access shared departmental network folders. | Online form |
Student Administrative System (SAS) | People Soft - TMU's Student Administrative System | Online form |
Oracle Government Financials (OGF) | OGF is used at TMU for Financial Management including online purchasing. Your OGF user ID and password are supplied by Financial Services. | Contact Financial Services at 416-979-5000, ext. 552688 (opens in new window) |
Resource | Description | Method of Request |
my.torontomu portal (opens in new window) | The my.torontomu portal provides access to my.torontomu online courses and MyServiceHub. |
Requested by sponsor |
TMU-VPN | TMU-VPN is security software that allows you to access administrative systems like OGF and CFAPS from off campus. TMU-VPN uses a digital “certificate” that is installed on your computer and is accessed using your my.torontomu username and password | Online form (opens in new window) |
Central File and Print Services (CFAPS) |
CFAPS is a network-based file backup, file sharing, and printing service you can use to backup your files and access shared departmental network folders. | Online form (opens in new window) |
Resource | Description |
ChooseTMU applicant portal |
This is the applicant portal page where you can:
my.torontomu portal (opens in new window) |
Access to the portal connects you to the TMU Administrative Management Self Service (MyServiceHub) system. |
TMU Administrative Management Self Service (MyServiceHub) system | Applicants can use MyServiceHub to:
Resource | Description | Method of Request |
Google Workspace | Google Workspace at TMU is a package of web applications that includes Gmail, Calendar, Drive and Docs, Contacts, and Mobile. Read more: How to sign in to Google Workspace? (opens in new window) |
By default. Renewal instructions are available on Email and Learning Systems page. |
my.torontomu portal (opens in new window) | The my.torontomu portal provides access to my.torontomu and eHR. | By default. |
Website Accounts | Faculty, staff and departments have access to website space hosted at | Through the Self-Service module in the my.torontomu (opens in new window) portal. |