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GMS 693
The Latin American and Caribbean Bus Environ
GMS 693 examines the business environment in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The economic, political and cultural differences and similarities between the countries are reviewed and the implications for trade and foreign direct investment discussed. Issues of political stability, natural resource endowments and the relations with the United States and China are examined. Latin American government relations with the United States and China are examined. Latin American government relations with foreign multinational firms are also carefully analyzed. The major institutions that impact business activity in the Region will be discussed. The course will also examine regional economic integration including the prospects for new agreements such as the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) and the FTAA, as well as the performance of established blocs such as Mercado Commun del Sur (MERCOSUR). The strategies of multinational enterprises entering this Region will be examined and the emergence of LAC multinationals also discussed.
Weekly Contact: Lecture: 3 hrs.
GPA Weight: 1.00
Course Count: 1.00
Billing Units: 1

GMS 200 or MGT 200 or Direct Entry
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