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Business Management Professionally-Related Table I
Students must not choose courses that are excluded for their major.
- ACC 333 [1] Core Concepts of Accounting
- ACC 414 [1] Intermediate Accounting I
- ACC 504 Accounting Cases and Concepts I
- ACC 507 Accounting for Managers
- ACC 514 Intermediate Accounting II
- ACC 521 Auditing
- ACC 522 Taxation for Managers and Financial Planners
- ACC 605 Public Sector Accounting
- ACC 607 Accounting for Small Business
- ACC 621 Internal Auditing
- ACC 703 Advanced Financial Accounting
- ACC 706 Accounting Theory
- ACC 742 Canadian Business Taxation I
- ACC 801 Intermediate Cost and Management Accounting
- ACC 803 Advanced Management Accounting
- ACC 821 Advanced Auditing
- ACC 842 Canadian Business Taxation II
- BUS 223 Ethics in Commerce
- BUS 600 Strategic Analysis in Uncertain Times
- BUS 720 Independent Research
- CHN 101 [2] Introductory Chinese I
- CHN 201 [2] Introductory Chinese II
- CHN 301 [2] Intermediate Chinese I
- CHN 401 [2] Intermediate Chinese II
- CMN 288 Communication and Social Media
- CMN 304 Career Advancement Communication
- CMN 305 Strategic Public Relations in ProCom
- CMN 306 Risk and Crisis Communication
- CMN 313 Organizational Problem Solving and Report Writing
- CMN 314 Professional Presentations
- CMN 315 Issues in Communication and the Contemporary Workplace
- CMN 316 Questioning Data
- CMN 317 Information, Technology, and Control
- CMN 413 Corporate Communications
- CMN 414 Interpersonal Communication
- CMN 443 Contemporary Intercultural Communication
- CMN 447 Communication and Law
- CMN 450 Participatory Media and Communication
- CPS 513 Introduction to Multimedia Computation
- ECN 230 Mathematics for Economics II
- ECN 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics I
- ECN 321 Introduction to Law and Economics
- ECN 501 Industrial Organization
- ECN 502 Economics of Energy and Natural Resources
- ECN 504 Intermediate Microeconomics I
- ECN 506 Money and Banking
- ECN 510 Environmental Economics
- ECN 600 Intermediate Macroeconomics II
- ECN 601 Economics of Information
- ECN 605 Labour Economics
- ECN 606 International Monetary Economics
- ECN 614 An Introduction to Game Theory
- ECN 627 Econometrics I
- ECN 640 Economics of Immigration
- ECN 700 Intermediate Microeconomics II
- ECN 702 Econometrics II
- ECN 703 Public Sector Economics
- ECN 707 Economics of International Trade I
- ECN 710 Transportation Economics
- ECN 715 Advanced Microeconomics
- ECN 721 International Financial Markets
- ECN 724 Advanced Econometrics
- ECN 725 Financial Econometrics
- ECN 729 Sports Economics
- ECN 803 Canadian Tax Policy
- ECN 807 Economics of International Trade II
- ECN 808 Economic Growth and Technological Change
- ECN 815 Advanced Macroeconomics
- EID 100 [3] Digital Skills and Innovation
- ENT 100 [4] Applied Entrepreneurship
- ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience
- ENT 500 [4] New Venture Startup
- ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
- ENT 511 Funding New Ventures
- ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
- ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
- ENT 601 Identifying Opportunities
- ENT 725 Management of Innovation
- ENT 726 Creating a Business Plan
- ENT 727 Applied Research in Entrepreneurship
- FIN 65A/B Applied Investment Management I
- FIN 75A/B Applied Investment Management II
- FIN 205 Islamic Finance
- FIN 501 Investment Analysis
- FIN 502 Personal Financial Planning
- FIN 510 Small Business Finance
- FIN 512 Risk Management and Insurance
- FIN 562 [5] Personal Finance
- FIN 601 Derivatives
- FIN 611 Fixed Income Securities
- FIN 612 Retirement and Estate Planning
- FIN 621 International Finance
- FIN 631 Financial Modeling I
- FIN 631 Financial Modeling I
- FIN 699 Introduction to Fin Tech
- FIN 701 Financial Intermediation
- FIN 710 Advanced Corporate Finance
- FIN 711 Advanced Portfolio Management
- FIN 731 Financial Modeling II
- FIN 800 Ethics in Finance
- FIN 801 Financial Risk Management
- FIN 812 Advanced Personal Financial Planning
- FRE 402 French Conversation and Pronunciation
- FRE 502 Communication and Business French
- FRE 515 Introduction to Business French
- FRE 602 Business French in Practice
- GEO 281 How to Lie with Maps
- GEO 301 Marketing Geography
- GEO 719 GIS in Business: Strategic Mgmt Decisions
- GMS 402 Introduction to Managerial Economics
- GMS 422 Quality Management
- GMS 450 Project Management
- GMS 502 Management Control
- GMS 522 International Marketing
- GMS 528 Issues in Operations Management
- GMS 550 Business-to-Business e-Commerce
- GMS 690 The North American Business Environment
- GMS 691 The Asian Business Environment
- GMS 692 The European Business Environment
- GMS 693 The Latin American and Caribbean Bus Environ
- GMS 694 The African Business Environment
- GMS 695 The Middle Eastern Business Environment
- GMS 701 Purchasing and Supply Management I
- GMS 723 International Trade
- GMS 724 Management of International Enterprise
- GMS 750 Consulting to Management
- GMS 801 Purchasing and Supply Management II
- GMS 802 Ethics and Regulation of Int'l Bus
- GMS 803 Principles of Transportation
- GMS 804 Studies in Global Supply Chain Management
- GMS 805 Manufacturing Management
- GMS 807 Supply Management for the Manufacturing Sector
- GMS 850 Global Management Strategy
- HIS 590 [6] Modern International Relations
- HTH 102 Service and Professionalism
- HTH 700 Professional Ethics in Hosp/Tourism
- HTI 746 Digital Marketing for Hosp/Tourism
- HTL 503 Meeting and Convention Management
- HTT 150 Tourism, Demand, Supply and Distribution
- HTT 501 Casinos: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
- HTT 509 Who Makes the Rules? Issues in Tourism
- HTT 510 Sustainable Tourism: the Golden Goose?
- HTT 605 Business Aspects of Incentive Travel
- HTT 607 Event Management
- HTT 622 Destination Management and Marketing
- INP 915 Financial Management
- ITM 200 Fundamentals of Programming
- ITM 305 [7] Systems Analysis and Design
- ITM 330 Supply Chain Process Architecture
- ITM 350 Concepts of e-Business
- ITM 410 Business Process Design
- ITM 500 Data and Information Management
- ITM 595 Auditing of Information Systems
- ITM 610 Database Administration
- ITM 696 [7] Accounting Information Systems
- ITM 750 IS Project Management
- LAW 326 Law for Health Managers
- LAW 401 Information Access and Privacy Protection
- LAW 402 Health Information Access and Privacy
- LAW 525 The Law of the Marketplace
- LAW 529 [8] Employment and Labour Law
- LAW 533 Corporate Social Responsibility and the Law
- LAW 534 Government Regulation of Business
- LAW 535 Environmental Law and Business
- LAW 568 Cyber Crime and the Law
- LAW 601 Intellectual Property Law
- LAW 602 White Collar and Cyber Crime
- LAW 603 Advanced Business Law
- LAW 604 Legal Foundations of Corporate Governance
- LAW 605 Securities Law
- LAW 606 Advanced Issues in Labour and Employment Law
- LAW 703 Real Estate Law
- LAW 722 Law and Canadian Business
- LAW 723 Issues in Information Technology Law
- LAW 724 Legal Aspects of International Business
- MHR 405 Organizational Behaviour
- MHR 505 Organizational Behaviour II
- MHR 520 Industrial Relations Foundations
- MHR 522 Union Management Relations
- MHR 600 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
- MHR 623 Recruitment and Selection
- MHR 640 Leadership
- MHR 650 Management of Change
- MHR 670 Special Topics in Org Behav and HR Mgmt
- MHR 671 Human Resources Information Systems
- MHR 700 Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour
- MHR 711 [8] Occupational Health and Safety
- MHR 721 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
- MHR 733 Training and Development
- MHR 741 Managing Interpersonal Dynamics and Teams
- MHR 749 Compensation Management
- MHR 841 Organization Theory and Design
- MHR 849 Human Resources Planning
- MHR 850 Coaching, Facilitation and Internal Consulting
- MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
- MKT 400 Understanding Consumers and the New Media
- MKT 500 Marketing Research
- MKT 504 Effective Persuasion
- MKT 510 Innovations in Marketing
- MKT 535 Integrated Marketing Communications
- MKT 600 Integrated Case Analysis
- MKT 700 Business Intelligence/Decision Modeling
- MKT 702 Advanced Marketing Management
- MKT 723 Services Marketing
- MKT 730 Assessing/Managing Market Opportunities
- MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
- MKT 802 Advanced Market Planning
- MKT 828 Sport Marketing Concepts and Strategy
- MKT 829 International Sport Marketing
- MKT 850 Applied Research Project
- MTH 110 Discrete Mathematics I
- MTH 210 Discrete Mathematics II
- MTH 330 Calculus and Geometry
- MTH 430 Dynamic Systems Differential Equations
- MTH 500 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
- MTH 501 Numerical Analysis I
- MTH 525 Analysis
- MTH 600 Computational Methods In Mathematics
- MTH 640 Complex Analysis
- MTH 712 Partial Differential Equations
- MTH 719 Applied Linear Algebra
- OHS 208 Occupational Health and Safety Law
- OHS 718 Systems Management I
- PHL 307 Business Ethics
- PHL 449 [9] Philosophy of Punishment
- PLE 635 Feasibility Analysis of Development
- PLG 710 Municipal Finance for Planners
- PLX 333 City Building: Planning for Non-Planners
- POG 100 People, Power and Politics
- POG 110 Power and Influence in Canadian Politics
- POG 210 Power and Authority in Canada
- POG 214 Controversial Policy Topics
- POG 225 Global Governance
- POG 235 Western Political Thought
- POG 240 Intro to Comparative Politics
- POG 313 The Politics of Race and Ethnicity
- POG 316 Social Policy
- POG 317 Education Politics and Policy
- POG 320 Social Identity and Citizenship
- POG 323 The Politics of International Development
- POG 410 Canadian Urban Politics
- POG 411 Canadian Foreign Policy
- POG 412 Government and the Economy
- POG 415 Environmental Politics and Policy
- POG 416 The Politics of Canadian Federalism
- POG 417 Canadian-American Relations
- POG 423 Nationalism and Identity
- POG 425 Regional Economic and Political Integration
- POG 426 Global Conflict and Peace
- POG 431 Power, Domination and Resistance
- POG 440 Indigenous Governance/Justice
- POG 442 Women and Comparative Politics
- POG 443 Global Cities
- POG 444 Politics, Media and Technology
- POG 446 Voters, Elections, and Parties
- PPA 101 Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions
- PPA 102 Cdn Public Administration II: Processes
- PPA 120 Canadian Politics and Government
- PPA 121 Ontario Politics and Government
- PPA 124 Indigenous Politics and Governance
- PPA 125 Rights, Equity and the State
- PPA 211 Public Policy
- PPA 301 Administrative Law
- PPA 303 Public Budget Policy/Politics
- PPA 319 Politics of Work and Labour
- PPA 335 Theories of Bureaucracy
- PPA 401 Collaborative Governance
- PPA 403 e-Government
- PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology I
- QMS 442 Multiple Regression for Business
- QMS 521 Business Optimization
- QMS 522 [10] Linear Algebra
- QMS 702 [10] Calculus for Business
- QMS 703 Business Forecasting Techniques
- REM 300 Introduction to Real Estate Management
- REM 400 Real Estate Finance
- REM 420 Sustainability in Real Estate
- REM 500 Real Estate Development and Project Mgmt
- REM 520 Real Estate Economics
- REM 600 Housing and Construction Management
- REM 620 Real Estate Investment Analysis
- REM 660 Real Estate Strategic Management
- REM 700 Real Estate Valuation
- REM 750 Real Estate Research Methods
- RMG 200 Introduction to Retail
- RMG 302 Retail Consumer Insight
- RMG 303 Managing the Retail Workplace
- RMG 400 Merchandise Buying and Planning I
- RMG 452 Visual Merchandising and Space Planning
- RMG 817 Digital Advertising in Retailing
- RMG 821 Research and Analytics in Social Media
- RMG 902 Franchising
- RMG 905 Design, Commerce and Culture
- RMG 906 International Retail Markets
- RMG 907 Relationship Marketing
- RMG 909 Advanced Buying Process II
- RMG 910 Omni-Channel Retailing
- RMG 922 Social Media Marketing
- RMG 925 Leading in Retail Service Organizations
- SOC 300 Sociology of Equity and Diversity
- SOC 302 The City and Society
- SOC 470 Toronto: The Changing City
- SOC 472 At Work in a Changing World
- SOC 474 Immigration, Borders and Belonging
- SOC 525 Media and Images of Inequality
- SOC 609 Gender and Global Human Rights
- SOC 700 Men and Masculinities in the 21st Century
- SOC 706 Globalized Labour and Consumption
- SOC 708 Environmental Sociology
- SPN 515 Introduction to Business Spanish
- SPN 702 Communication in Business Spanish
- SSH 400 Special Topics in Social Ventures
Exclusions, Limits and Restrictions
- [1] ACC 333 is not available to students who have completed ACC 110 and ACC 410. ACC 333 and ACC 414 are not available as Table I courses to Finance Majors.
- [2] CHN courses are only available to Global Management Major students.
- [3] EID 100 is available to Marketing Management Majors only.
- [4] ENT 100 and ENT 500 are not available to students in the Entrepreneurship Major.
- [5] FIN 562 is only available to students in Economics and Management Science, Human Resources Management, and Marketing Management Majors.
- [6] HIS 590 is not available to students in the Global Management Major.
- [7] Students may complete one of ITM 305 or ITM 696 for credit toward the program.
- [8] Human Resources Management Majors admitted before Fall 2016 take LAW 529 as a Required course, and so may not take this course for Table I. Students admitted Fall 2016 and after: ECN 605, PPA 319, SOC 472, LAW 529 and LAW 606 are not available as Table I choices. Students pursuing the CHRP designation are strongly encouraged to complete MHR 711.
- [9] PHL 449 is available to Law and Business Majors only.
- [1-0] Many graduate business schools now require at least one undergraduate level Linear Algebra and/or Calculus course. It is strongly recommended that students who are considering graduate studies in business select QMS 522 and/or QMS 702 as an elective.
- [10] FIN 65A/B and FIN 75A/B both have a GPA weight of 1 and a course count of 1.
Marketing Management Majors:
A maximum of four Professional MKT courses may be selected between 5th and 8th semester for students in the Marketing Management Major.