Nutrition and Food Core Elective Table I
For students admitted Fall 2020:
Minimum of four (4) courses must be taken from Core Elective Table I.
Courses required for Partnership in Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP) accredited practical training program applications are marked with this symbol †.
Core Elective Table I
Minimum of four from the following:
- FND 301 Product Development
- FNF 400 The Social Context of Human Sexuality
- FNN 301† Intro to Nutrition Management of Human Disease
- FNN 400† Advanced Nutrition for Health Promotion
- FNN 401† Advanced Nutrition Management of Human Disease
- FNN 403 Advanced Nutritional Science
- FNP 350† Interpersonal Comm/Counselling Nutrition
- FNP 400 Interprofessional Placement
- FNP 500 Advanced Issues in Nutrition
- FNP 550† Introduction to Dietetics Practice
- FNR 320 Foundations of Qualitative Research
- FNR 400* Independent Research Study I
- FNR 401 Independent Research Study II
- FNS 400† Food Service Systems Management
- FNY 400 Selected Topics in Food Security
- FNY 403 Food Security Concepts and Principles
- FNY 405 Applied Research Methods and Evaluation
- FNY 407 Community Development and Food Security
- FNY 408 Urban Food Security
- FNY 409 Gender and Food Security
- FNY 510 Indigenous Food Systems in Canada
- PLN 303 Exercise Science and Physiology
Students may apply to the Program Director to pursue an independent project with a Professor in their major field. A minimum CGPA of 3.33 is required.
Students must obtain written approval from a faculty member who agrees to supervise their research in FNR 400 and FNR 401 before course intentions.
Concentration in Nutrition and Health Research
A Concentration is a structured plan of study within a program (6 to 12 core or core electives) that provides an opportunity for advanced or in-depth study in a particular area of interest. Students must declare their concentration prior to applying to graduate. Courses used to fulfil the requirements of a concentration cannot also be used to fulfil the requirements of a minor.
An optional Concentration may be selected from Core Elective Table I starting in 5th Semester.
To register in the optional Concentration in Nutrition and Health Research, students must first complete the following Table I elective courses: FNR 320 or FNY 405, in addition to FNR 400, and FNR 401. Students must obtain written approval from a faculty member who agrees to supervise their research in FNR 400 and FNR 401. In addition, students must complete any three other elective courses from Core Elective Table I.
A total of six (6) courses are required as follows:
Required Group 1: One of:
- FNR 320 Foundations of Qualitative Research
- FNY 405 Applied Research Methods and Evaluation
Plus three (3) other elective courses from Core Elective Table I (opens in new window) .
† Required for Partnership in Dietetic Education and Practice application eligibility.