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Criminology Professionally-Related Table IV

Professionally-related courses other than those listed in the following table may be selected subject to Program and Teaching Department approval, space availability and requisite requirements.

CMN 316 Questioning Data
CRB 600 Postcolonial Caribbean Society
CRB 603 Special Topics in Caribbean Studies
CRB 605 Caribbean Tourism: Impacts and Resistance
CRB 614 Caribbean Critical Thought
CYC 402 Group Work with Children and Youth
CYC 405 Therapeutic Foundations
CYC 602 Children's Rights
CYC 805 Special Issues: Program Development
ECN 104 Introductory Microeconomics
ECN 204 Introductory Macroeconomics
ECN 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics I
ECN 321 Introduction to Law and Economics
ECN 504 Intermediate Microeconomics I
ECN 605 Labour Economics
ECN 640 Economics of Immigration
ECN 703 Public Sector Economics
ECN 803 Canadian Tax Policy
ENG 200 Writing as a Cultural Act
ENG 223 Literatures of Exile and Migration
ENG 402 Comics
ENG 408 World Literatures
ENG 409 Urban Literatures
ENG 413 Literature and Colonization
ENG 416 American Literatures
ENG 417 Special Topics in American Literatures
ENG 517 Techniques and Topics in Creative Writing
ENG 529 Controversies in Public Discourse
ENG 611 Film and Literature
ENG 623 Film/Literature: Middle East, North Africa
ENG 632 19C Literature and Culture
ENG 634 Romantic Explorations
ENG 635 Modernism
ENG 640 Literatures of Asia and its Diasporas
ENG 701 Canadian Literatures
GEO 131 Energy, Earth and Ecosystems
GEO 151 Location, Location, Location
GEO 231 Principles of Demography
GEO 281 How to Lie with Maps
GEO 581 GIS, Geographic Data and Mapping
GEO 681 GIS and Geographic Analysis
GEO 691 Canadian Immigration: Patterns and Place
HIS 401 Hearing, Seeing and Speaking History
HIS 490 International Relations from 1945
HIS 541 Canada and the First World War
HIS 590 Modern International Relations
HIS 696 The History of Terrorism
HIS 742 Canadian Cultural Industries
HIS 826 Science and World Exploration
HIS 845 Canada in the International Sphere
HIS 898 A History of International Organizations
INP 900 Understanding the Nonprofit Sector
INP 911 Advocacy and Governmental Relations
INP 914* Diversity in Nonprofits
INP 915 Financial Management for Nonprofits
INT 902 Disability Issues
INT 907 Team Work for Community Services
LAW 603 Advanced Business Law
LAW 723 Issues in Information Technology Law
MHR 623 Recruitment and Selection
MHR 700 Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour
MUS 211 Music Cultures of the City
MUS 401 Music, Religion and Spirituality
PHL 334 Ethics in Professional Life
PHL 400 Human Rights and Justice
PHL 449 Philosophy of Punishment
PLE 535 Housing
POG 100 People, Power and Politics
POG 110 Power and Influence in Canadian Politics
POG 210 Power and Authority in Canada
POG 214 Controversial Policy Topics
POG 225 Global Governance
POG 235 Western Political Thought
POG 240 Intro to Comparative Politics
POG 310 Provincial Politics
POG 313 The Politics of Race and Ethnicity
POG 315 Equity and Human Rights in Canada
POG 316 Social Policy
POG 320 Social Identity and Citizenship
POG 323 The Politics of International Development
POG 410 Canadian Urban Politics
POG 411 Canadian Foreign Policy
POG 412 Government and the Economy
POG 416 The Politics of Canadian Federalism
POG 417 Canadian-American Relations
POG 423 Nationalism and Identity
POG 424 Human Rights and Global Politics
POG 426 Global Conflict and Peace
POG 430 Contemporary Political Thought
POG 431 Power, Domination and Resistance
POG 442 Women and Comparative Politics
POG 443 Global Cities
POG 446 Voters, Elections, and Parties
PPA 101 Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions
PPA 102 Cdn Public Administration II: Processes
PPA 120 Canadian Politics and Government
PPA 121 Ontario Politics and Government
PPA 122 Local Politics and Government
PPA 125 Rights, Equity and the State
PPA 211 Public Policy
PPA 301 Administrative Law
PPA 401 Collaborative Governance
PPA 402 Program Planning and Evaluation
PPA 403 e-Government
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology I
PSY 124 Social Psychology
PSY 202 Introduction to Psychology II
PSY 300 Psychology and Law
PSY 325 Psychological Disorders
PSY 335 Clinical Psychology
PSY 602 Developmental Psychopathology
PSY 622 The Psychology of Criminal Behaviour
PSY 806 Behaviour Modification
PSY 808 Community Psychology
SOC 105 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 107 Sociology of the Everyday
SOC 300 Sociology of Equity and Diversity
SOC 402 The City and Social Problems
SOC 420 Social Class in Changing Times
SOC 427 Indigenous Perspectives on Canada
SOC 470 Toronto: The Changing City
SOC 472 At Work in a Changing World
SOC 474 Immigration, Borders and Belonging
SOC 479 Social Networks and the World Wide Web
SOC 500 Youth and Society
SOC 502 Violence and the Family
SOC 540 Special Topics in Indigenous Studies 
SOC 609 Women and Human Rights
SOC 611 Future Worlds: Technology and Social Change
SOC 706 Globalized Labour and Consumption
SOC 708 Environmental Sociology
SOC 803 International Community Engagement
SOC 941 Colonialism and Racialization
SOC 942 Women and Structural Change
SOC 943 Poverty Issues
SSH 400 Special Topics in Social Ventures
SSH 500 Peer Learning Experience
SSH 502 Community Action Research
SWP 903 Crisis Intervention
SWP 919 Substance Use and Abuse
SWP 920 Addressing Substance Use and Abuse

* INP 914 is an antirequisite to INT 905 in Table III.