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Criminology Professionally-Related Table III

A minimum of one (1) course is required for graduation.

ACC 100 Introductory Financial Accounting
ACC 333 Core Concepts of Accounting
ACC 406 Introductory Management Accounting
ACC 414 Intermediate Accounting I
BLG 143 Biology I
BLG 144 Biology II
BLG 151 Microbiology I
BSM 100 The New Business: From Idea to Reality
BSM 200 The Growing Business: Breaking Even
CHY 103 General Chemistry I
CHY 113 General Chemistry II
CHY 213 Analytical Chemistry I
CMN 279 Introduction to Professional Communication
CMN 313 Organizational Problem Solving and Report Writing
CMN 314 Professional Presentations
CMN 317 Information, Technology, and Control
CPS 109 Computer Science I
CPS 209 Computer Science II
CPS 513 Introduction to Multimedia Computation
CYC 101 Intro to Child and Youth Care
CYC 201 Child Abuse and Neglect
DST 501 Rethinking Disability
DST 502 Disability and the State
DST 503 Current Topics in Disability I
EID 100 Digital Skills: Int'l Innovation
ENT 500 New Venture Startup
ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
ENT 601 Identifying Opportunities
FIN 562 Personal Finance
GCM 110 Introduction to Graphic Communications
GCM 111 Graphic Communication Technologies
GCM 130 Design and Layout
INP 901 Developing Effective Organizations
INP 902 Evaluation for Nonprofits
INP 910 Strategic Planning
INT 900 Program Planning and Evaluation Strategies
INT 905 Conflict Resolution in Community Services
INT 908 Homelessness in Canadian Society
INT 912 Community Development: International Field Experience
INT 913 Issues of Migration
INT 914 Settlement Experiences
INT 917 Community Development
INT 930 Aging: From Cells to Society
INT 935 Ethical/Legal Frameworks in Aging
INT 940 Mobilizing Research for Change
INT 945 Technology and Aging Populations
INT 950 Practicum/Project in Gerontology
ITM 100 Foundations of Information Systems
ITM 207 Computer-Enabled Problem Solving
ITM 305 Systems Analysis and Design
ITM 350 Concepts of e-Business
LAW 122 Business Law
LAW 525 The Law of the Marketplace
LAW 529 Employment and Labour Law
MHR 405 Organizational Behaviour
MHR 505 Organizational Behaviour II
MHR 522 Union Management Relations
MHR 523 Human Resources Management
MHR 640 Leadership
MHR 733 Training and Development
MKT 100 Principles of Marketing
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 400 Understanding Consumers and the New Media
MKT 600 Integrated Case Analysis
MPC 103 Art and the Classical Tradition
MPC 203 Art in the Modern World
MPC 210 Visual Culture: Digital Art
MPF 290 Introduction to Film Studies
MPS 301 History of Photography I
MTH 110 Discrete Mathematics I
MTH 330 Calculus and Geometry
NNS 101 Introduction to News Studies
NNS 102 Understanding Multimedia Journalism
NNS 103 Basics of Photojournalism
NNS 400 Critical Issues in Journalism
NNS 401 History of Journalism
NNS 402 Theory in Journalism and Mass Communication
NNS 404 Journalism's Best
NPF 504 Technology, Culture and Communication
NPF 548 Modern Movements/Issues in Photography
NPF 565 Contemporary Canadian Cinema
NPF 571 Introduction to Museum and Gallery Studies
OHS 208 Occupational Health and Safety Law
OHS 477 Integrated Disability Management
OHS 508 Occupational Health
PCS 102 Physics Answers to Everyday Questions
PCS 120 Physics I
PCS 130 Physics II
RMG 200 Intro to Retail and Services Management
RTA 903 News and Current Affairs Theory
RTA 918 Ethics in Media
RTA 920 Visual Storytelling: Video Production
RTA 928 Introduction to Game Design
RTA 938 Digital Popular Cultures
RTA 939 Indigenous Media
RTA 940 Canadian Televisual Studies
RTA 988 International Media Storytelling
SCI 102 Chaos and Fractals
SCI 222 Evidence-Based Security
SCI 444 Cybersecurity and Society

Note: INT 905 is an antirequisite to INP 914 from Table IV.