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International Economics and Finance Professionally-Related Table IV
Professionally-Related Table IV
Courses other than those listed in the following table may be selected subject to Program Department approval, space availability and requisite requirements. Students must obtain the authorization signature of their Program Department, using a Course Directive/Substitution Form, before enrolling in the course. ECN-coded courses may not be used to fulfil Table IV requirements.
ACC 507 | Accounting for Managers |
ACC 514 | Intermediate Accounting II |
ACC 607 | Accounting for Small Business |
ANT 200 | Anthropological Perspectives |
CMN 288 | Communication and Social Media |
CMN 305 | Strategic Public Relations in ProCom |
CMN 306 | Risk and Crisis Communication |
CMN 315 | Issues in Organizational Communication |
CMN 413 | Corporate Communications |
CMN 414 | Interpersonal Communication in Management |
CRB 603 | Special Topics in Caribbean Studies |
CRB 605 | Caribbean Tourism: Impacts and Resistance |
CRM 200 | Criminal Law |
CRM 202 | Victims and the Criminal Process |
CRM 205 | Gender, Sexuality and the Law |
CRM 206 | Race, Ethnicity and Justice |
CRM 300 | Policing in Canada |
CRM 304 | Youth Justice in Canada |
CRM 306 | Corrections in Canada |
ENG 223 | Literatures of Exile and Migration |
ENG 408 | World Literatures |
ENG 409 | Urban Literatures |
ENG 413 | Literature and Colonization |
ENG 416 | American Literatures |
ENG 517 | Techniques and Topics in Creative Writing |
ENG 520 | The Language of Persuasion |
ENG 529 | Controversies in Public Discourse |
ENG 611 | Film and Literature |
ENG 621 | Women's Texts, Global Contexts |
ENG 640 | Literatures of Asia and its Diasporas |
ENG 701 | Canadian Literatures |
ENG 730 | The Social Life of Books |
ENG 941 | Gender and Sex in Literature and Culture |
ENG 942 | Decolonizing Literature |
ENT 501 | Family Business in Canada |
ENT 505 | Small-Business Management |
ENT 725 | Management of Innovation |
FIN 510 | Small Business Finance |
FIN 601 | Derivatives |
FIN 611 | Fixed Income Securities |
FIN 621 | International Finance |
FIN 631 | Financial Modeling I |
FIN 701 | Financial Intermediation |
FIN 710 | Advanced Corporate Finance |
FIN 711 | Advanced Portfolio Management |
FIN 800 | Ethics in Finance |
FIN 801 | Financial Risk Management |
FRE 402 | French Conversation and Pronunciation |
FRE 502 | Communication and Business French |
FRE 515 | Introduction to Business French |
FRE 602 | Business French in Practice |
FRE 701 | French for Today |
FRE 801 | French and New Media |
GEO 281 | How to Lie with Maps |
GEO 530 | Urban Economic Geography |
GEO 551 | Urbanization and Regional Development |
GEO 681 | GIS and Geographic Analysis |
GEO 691 | Canadian Immigration: Patterns and Place |
GEO 719 | GIS in Business: Strategic Mgmt Decisions |
GMS 401 | Operations Management |
GMS 410 | Management-Large Corporation |
GMS 422 | Quality Management |
GMS 455 | Project Planning and Delivery |
GMS 520 | International Business |
GMS 522 | International Marketing |
GMS 723 | International Trade |
GMS 724 | Management of International Enterprise |
HIS 265 | Asia: Foundations and Modern Nations |
HIS 590 | Modern International Relations |
HTI 746 | Digital Marketing for Hosp/Tourism |
INP 913 | Leadership in Nonprofits |
INP 914 | Diversity in Nonprofits |
INP 915 | Financial Management for Nonprofits |
INP 916 | NGOs in Global Context |
ITM 100 | Foundations of Information Systems |
ITM 410 | Business Process Design |
ITM 500 | Data and Information Management |
ITM 750 | IS Project Management |
LAW 603 | Advanced Business Law |
LAW 723 | Issues in Information Technology Law |
LAW 724 | Legal Aspects of International Business |
MHR 650 | Management of Change |
MHR 700 | Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour |
MHR 721 | Negotiation and Conflict Resolution |
MHR 841 | Organization Theory and Design |
MKT 310 | Marketing Plans |
MKT 500 | Marketing Research |
MKT 504 | Effective Persuasion |
MKT 510 | Innovations in Marketing |
MKT 700 | Business Intelligence/Decision Modeling |
MKT 723 | Services Marketing |
MKT 731 | Competitive Intelligence |
MTH 210 | Discrete Mathematics II |
MTH 430 | Dynamic Systems Differential Equations |
MTH 500 | Introduction to Stochastic Processes |
MTH 501 | Numerical Analysis I |
MTH 525 | Analysis |
MTH 600 | Computational Methods in Mathematics |
MTH 640 | Complex Analysis |
MTH 712 | Partial Differential Equations |
MTH 719 | Applied Linear Algebra |
MTH 825 | Topics in Analysis |
NNS 500 | Journalism and the Arts |
NNS 508 | Literary Journalism |
NNS 512 | Reporting Sports |
NNS 525 | The Business of Journalism |
PHL 621 | Non-Western Philosophy |
POG 210 | Power and Authority in Canada |
POG 214 | Controversial Policy Topics |
POG 225 | Global Governance |
POG 323 | The Politics of International Development |
POG 412 | Government and the Economy |
POG 415 | Environmental Politics and Policy |
PPA 101 | Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions |
PPA 102 | Cdn Public Administration II: Processes |
PPA 211 | Public Policy |
PPA 301 | Administrative Law |
PPA 303 | Financial Management |
PPA 319 | Politics of Work and Labour |
PPA 401 | Collaborative Governance |
PSY 124 | Social Psychology |
PSY 300 | Psychology and Law |
PSY 535 | Gender Issues in Psychology |
PSY 808 | Community Psychology |
REM 300 | Introduction to Real Estate Management |
REM 400 | Real Estate Finance |
REM 420 | Sustainability in Real Estate |
REM 500 | Real Estate Development and Project Mgmt |
REM 520 | Real Estate Economics |
REM 600 | Housing and Construction Management |
REM 620 | Real Estate Investment Analysis |
REM 660 | Real Estate Strategic Management |
REM 700 | Real Estate Valuation |
REM 750 | Real Estate Research Methods |
RMG 302 | Retail Consumer Insight |
RMG 303 | Managing the Retail Workplace |
RMG 400 | Merchandise Buying and Planning I |
RMG 902 | Franchising |
RMG 906 | International Retail Markets |
RMG 907 | Relationship Marketing |
RMG 910 | Omni-Channel Retailing |
SOC 302 | The City and Society |
SOC 319 | Sociological Perspectives on Crime |
SOC 402 | The City and Social Problems |
SOC 427 | Indigenous Perspectives on Canada |
SOC 472 | At Work in a Changing World |
SOC 600 | Globalization and Health |
SOC 803 | International Community Engagement |
SOC 941 | Colonialism and Racialization |
SPN 402 | Spanish Conversation and Pronunciation |
SPN 501 | Advanced Spanish I |
SPN 515 | Introduction to Business Spanish |
SPN 802 | Spanish for Business Strategies |
SSH 400 | Special Topics in Social Ventures |
SSH 502 | Community Action Research |