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Politics and Governance Professionally-Related Table IV

Professionally-Related Table IV

Professionally-related courses other than those listed in the following table may be selected subject to Program and Teaching Department approval, space availability and requisite requirements.

ANT 200 Anthropological Perspectives
CMN 288 Communication and Social Media
CMN 305 Strategic Public Relations in ProCom
CMN 306 Risk and Crisis Communication
CMN 315 Issues in Organizational Communication
CMN 316 Questioning Numbers
CMN 413 Corporate Communications
CMN 414 Interpersonal Communication in Management
CMN 443 Contemporary Intercultural Communication
CMN 447 Communication and Law
CMN 450 Participatory Media and Communication
CRB 600 Postcolonial Caribbean Society
CRB 603 Special Topics in Caribbean Studies
CRB 605 Caribbean Tourism: Impacts and Resistance
CRB 614 Caribbean Critical Thought
CRM 100 Introduction to Canadian Criminal Justice
CRM 102 Introduction to Criminology
CRM 200 Criminal Law
CRM 202 Victims and the Criminal Process
CRM 205 Gender, Sexuality and the Law
CRM 206 Race, Ethnicity and Justice
CRM 300 Policing in Canada
CRM 304 Youth Justice in Canada
CRM 306 Corrections in Canada
CRM 308 Criminal Courts in Canada
CRM 314 Criminal Justice and the Charter
CRM 316 International Perspectives
CRM 402 Criminal Justice and Social Inequality
CRM 404 Debates in Justice Policy
DST 504 Mad People's History
DST 506 Principles and Practices of Accessibility
DST 603 Disability and The Law
ECN 101 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 104 Introductory Microeconomics
ECN 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 204 Introductory Macroeconomics
ECN 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics I
ECN 321 Introduction to Law and Economics
ECN 504 Intermediate Microeconomics I
ECN 510 Environmental Economics
ECN 605 Labour Economics
ECN 703 Public Sector Economics
ECN 803 Canadian Tax Policy
ENG 200 Writing as a Cultural Act
ENG 208 Introduction to Non-Fiction
ENG 222 Fairy Tales and Fantasies
ENG 224 Children's Literature
ENG 402 Comics
ENG 413 Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures
ENG 416 American Literatures
ENG 417 Special Topics in American Literatures
ENG 421 16C Literature and Culture
ENG 422 17C Literature and Culture
ENG 520 The Language of Persuasion
ENG 531 18C Literature and Culture
ENG 621 Women's Texts, Global Contexts
ENG 623 Film and Literature: Middle East, North Africa
ENG 624 20C Literature and Culture
ENG 632 19C Literature and Culture
ENG 634 Romantic Explorations
ENG 635 Modernism
ENG 701 Canadian Literatures
ENG 703 Popular Literatures
ENG 705 Studies in Visual Cultures
ENG 706 Shakespeare and Performance
ENG 888 Televisual Texts and Contexts
ENG 921 Narrative in a Digital Age
ENG 941 Gender and Sex in Literature and Culture
ENG 942 Postcolonial Interventions
ENH 121 Health Law
ENH 721 Public Health Law
ENT 505 Small-Business Management
EUS 450 Responses to Climate Change
EUS 550 Sustainable Cities: Politics and Equity
EUS 650 Waste and Waste Management
EUS 750 Sustainable Transportation and Energy Strategies
EUS 850 Sustainability in Organizations
FIN 300 Managerial Finance I
FIN 401 Managerial Finance II
FIN 501 Investment Analysis
FIN 512 Risk Management and Insurance
FIN 562 Personal Finance
FIN 610 Short-Term Financial Management
FIN 611 Fixed Income Securities
FIN 701 Financial Intermediation
FIN 710 Advanced Corporate Finance
FIN 800 Ethics in Finance
FNY 403 Food Security Concepts and Principles
FNY 404 Food Policy and Programs for Food Security
FNY 405 Applied Research Methods and Evaluation
FNY 406 Food Prices and Food Security
FNY 408 Urban Food Security
FRE 402 French Conversation and Pronunciation
FRE 502 Communication and Business French
FRE 515 Introduction to Business French
FRE 602 Business French in Practice
FRE 701 French for Today
FRE 801 French and New Media
GCM 210 Consumer Packaging
GCM 230 Typography
GCM 710 The Art of the Book
GCM 720 Magazine Production and Publishing
GCM 738 Photoshopped! The Art of Image Retouching
GCM 750 3D Printing
GCM 754 Sign and Display Graphics
GEO 131 Energy, Earth and Ecosystems
GEO 151 Location, Location, Location
GEO 231 Principles of Demography
GEO 281 How to Lie with Maps
GEO 351 Internal Structure of the City
GEO 411 Resource and Environmental Planning
GEO 514 Resource Management in Northern Canada
GEO 551 Urbanization and Regional Development
GEO 581 GIS, Geographic Data and Mapping
GEO 671 Developmental and Environmental Law
GEO 681 GIS and Geographic Analysis
GEO 691 Canadian Immigration: Patterns and Place
HIS 238 Canada to 1885: Creating a Nation
HIS 248 American History to 1877
HIS 265 Asia: Foundations and Modern Nations
HIS 275 Ancient Greece and Rome
HIS 277 Mediaeval Europe, 400-1350
HIS 279 Europe, 1715-1870
HIS 338 Canada since 1885: Defining a Nation
HIS 348 American History from 1877
HIS 377 Europe, 1350-1715
HIS 379 Europe, 1870-Present
HIS 401 Hearing, Seeing and Speaking History
HIS 461 Cradle of Civilization: Ancient Near East
HIS 490 International Relations from 1945
HIS 500 History and New Media
HIS 501 Archaeology and Material Culture
HIS 505 Locating The Past: Archival Research
HIS 541 Canada and the First World War
HIS 556 Colonial Africa
HIS 559 Ancient Egypt
HIS 590 Modern International Relations
HIS 594 War to War: World Conflict, 1900-45
HIS 615 Film, Television and 20th C History
HIS 662 The Mughal Empire, 1526-1764
HIS 677 Society in the High Middle Ages, 1000-1500
HIS 678 The Renaissance in Europe
HIS 683 Victorian Britain
HIS 696 The History of Terrorism
HIS 710 Museum and Heritage Management
HIS 742 Canadian Cultural Industries
HIS 755 Themes in Material Culture
HIS 762 The Making of Modern South Asia, 1757-1947
HIS 790 Modern Germany
HIS 828 Science, Corporations and the Environment
HIS 845 Canada in the International Sphere
HIS 886 The British Empire and the World
HIS 898 A History of International Organizations
INP 911 Advocacy and Gov't Relations: Nonprofits
INP 912 Marketing for Nonprofits
INP 913 Leadership in Nonprofits
INP 914 Diversity in Nonprofits
INP 915 Financial Management for Nonprofits
INP 916 Nonprofits on the Global Stage
INP 920 Critical Issues in the Nonprofit Sector
ITM 410 Business Process Design
ITM 750 IS Project Management
LAW 603 Advanced Business Law
LAW 723 Issues in Information Technology Law
LIR 207 Translation as a Cultural Bridge
MHR 600 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
MHR 623 Recruitment and Selection
MHR 650 Management of Change
MHR 700 Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour
MHR 711 Occupational Health and Safety
MHR 721 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
MHR 741 Managing Interpersonal Dynamics and Teams
MHR 841 Organization Theory and Design
MKT 500 Marketing Research
MKT 510 Innovations in Marketing
MUS 211 Music Cultures of the City
MUS 401 Music, Religion and Spirituality
PHL 334 Ethics in Professional Life
PHL 400 Human Rights and Justice
PHL 420 Philosophy, Diversity and Recognition
PHL 621 Non-Western Philosophy
PLE 525 Transportation Planning
PLE 535 Housing
PLE 545 History of City Development
PLE 565 Community Sustainable Development
PLE 855 Strategic Planning
PSY 124 Social Psychology
PSY 300 Psychology and Law
PSY 325 Psychological Disorders
PSY 550 Human Sexuality
PSY 560 Sport, Exercise and Performace
PSY 605 Psychology of Health and Health Care
PSY 622 Psychology of Criminal Behaviour
PSY 682 Sleep
PSY 805 Adjustment, Stress and Coping
PSY 806 Behaviour Modification
PSY 808 Community Psychology
PSY 940 Prejudice and Discrimination
PSY 941 Cross Cultural Psychology
SOC 300 Sociology of Equity and Diversity
SOC 302 The City and Society
SOC 402 The City and Social Problems
SOC 420 Social Class in Changing Times
SOC 427 Indigenous Perspectives on Canada
SOC 470 Toronto: The Changing City
SOC 472 At Work in a Changing World
SOC 474 Immigration, Borders and Belonging
SOC 479 Social Networks and the World Wide Web
SOC 500 Youth and Society
SOC 525 Media and Images of Inequality
SOC 600 Globalization and Health
SOC 606 Work and Families in the 21st Century
SOC 706 Globalized Labour and Consumption
SOC 708 Environmental Sociology
SOC 803 International Community Engagement
SOC 941 Colonialism and Racialization
SOC 943 Poverty Issues
SPN 402 Spanish Conversation and Pronunciation
SPN 515 Introduction to Business Spanish
SPN 702 Communication in Business Spanish
SPN 802 Spanish for Business Strategies
SSH 400 Special Topics in Social Ventures
SSH 500 Peer Learning Experience
SSH 502 Community Action Research
SWP 909 Social Work and the Law: Children and Family
SWP 910 Queer Theory and Identities
SWP 919 Substance Use and Abuse
SWP 920 Addressing Substance Use and Abuse