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Philosophy Professionally-Related Table IV
Professionally-Related Table IV
ACC 507 | Accounting for Managers |
ACC 514 | Intermediate Accounting II |
ACC 522 | Taxation for Managers and Financial Planners |
ACC 605 | Public Sector Accounting |
ACC 607 | Accounting for Small Business |
ACC 621 | Internal Auditing |
ACC 801 | Intermediate Cost and Management Accounting |
ACC 803 | Advanced Management Accounting |
BLG 311 | Cell Biology |
BLG 400 | Genetics |
CLD 215 | Creative Arts I |
CMN 114 | Short Management Reports |
CMN 124 | Communication in BTM |
CMN 201 | Retail Management Communication |
CMN 207 | Communication in Hospitality and Tourism Management |
CMN 288 | Communication and Social Media |
CMN 300 | Communication in the Computer Industry |
CMN 305 | Strategic Public Relations in ProCom |
CMN 306 | Risk and Crisis Communication |
CMN 314 | Professional Presentations |
CMN 315 | Issues in Organizational Communication |
CMN 373 | Fashion Communication: Professional Approaches |
CMN 413 | Corporate Communications |
CMN 414 | Interpersonal Communication in Management |
CMN 443 | Contemporary Intercultural Communication |
CMN 447 | Communication and Law |
CMN 450 | Participatory Media and Communication |
CRB 603 | Special Topics in Caribbean Studies |
CRB 605 | Caribbean Tourism: Impacts and Resistance |
CRM 200 | Criminal Law |
CRM 202 | Victims and the Criminal Process |
CRM 300 | Policing in Canada |
CRM 304 | Youth Justice in Canada |
CRM 306 | Corrections in Canada |
CRM 308 | Criminal Courts in Canada |
CRM 314 | Criminal Justice and the Charter |
CRM 402 | Criminal Justice and Social Inequality |
CRM 404 | Debates in Justice Policy |
CYC 302 | Therapeutic Recreational Programming |
CYC 402 | Group Work with Children and Youth |
CYC 505 | Management in Human Service Organizations |
CYC 602 | Children's Rights |
CYC 605 | Advanced Therapeutic Interventions |
CYC 702 | Ecological Perspectives in CYC |
CYC 800 | Intensive In-Home Family Support |
CYC 801 | Psycho-Educational Support |
CYC 802 | Incident Response with Children and Youth |
CYC 803 | Advocacy in Child and Youth Services |
CYC 804 | Integrated Case Management |
CYC 805 | Special Issues: Program Development |
CYC 807 | Advanced Group Work |
DST 504 | Mad People's History |
DST 506 | Principles and Practices of Accessibility |
DST 603 | Disability and The Law |
DST 604 | Current Topics in Disability II |
DST 613 | Strategies for Community Building |
DST 614 | Community, Access and Technology |
DST 725 | The Politics and Practice of Interventions |
ECN 301 | Intermediate Macroeconomics I |
ECN 321 | Introduction to Law and Economics |
ECN 501 | Industrial Organization |
ECN 502 | Economics of Energy and Natural Resources |
ECN 504 | Intermediate Microeconomics I |
ECN 506 | Money and Banking |
ECN 510 | Environmental Economics |
ECN 600 | Intermediate Macroeconomics II |
ECN 601 | Economics of Information |
ECN 605 | Labour Economics |
ECN 606 | International Monetary Economics |
ECN 614 | An Introduction to Game Theory |
ECN 700 | Intermediate Microeconomics II |
ECN 703 | Public Sector Economics |
ECN 707 | Economics of International Trade I |
ECN 710 | Transportation Economics |
ECN 715 | Advanced Microeconomics |
ECN 801 | Principles of Engineering Economics |
ECN 803 | Canadian Tax Policy |
ECN 808 | Economic Growth and Technological Change |
ECN 815 | Advanced Macroeconomics |
ENG 200 | Writing as a Cultural Act |
ENG 222 | Fairy Tales and Fantasies |
ENG 223 | Literatures of Exile and Migration |
ENG 224 | Children's Literature |
ENG 402 | Comics |
ENG 408 | World Literatures |
ENG 409 | Urban Literatures |
ENG 413 | Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures |
ENG 416 | American Literatures |
ENG 417 | Special Topics in American Literatures |
ENG 421 | 16C Literature and Culture |
ENG 422 | 17C Literature and Culture |
ENG 517 | Techniques and Topics in Creative Writing |
ENG 520 | The Language of Persuasion |
ENG 529 | Controversies in Public Discourse |
ENG 530 | Literary Non-Fiction |
ENG 531 | 18C Literature and Culture |
ENG 540 | The Novel |
ENG 550 | Drama |
ENG 560 | Poetry and Poetics |
ENG 570 | Auto/Biography |
ENG 580 | The Gothic |
ENG 590 | Studies in Word and Image |
ENG 611 | Film and Literature |
ENG 621 | Women's Texts, Global Contexts |
ENG 623 | Film/Literature: Middle East, North Africa |
ENG 624 | 20C Literature and Culture |
ENG 632 | 19C Literature and Culture |
ENG 634 | Romantic Explorations |
ENG 635 | Modernism |
ENG 640 | Literatures of Asia and its Diasporas |
ENG 701 | Canadian Literatures |
ENG 703 | Popular Literatures |
ENG 705 | Studies in Visual Cultures |
ENG 706 | Shakespeare and Performance |
ENG 720 | Persuasion from Plato to Present |
ENG 730 | The Social Life of Books |
ENG 888 | Televisual Texts and Contexts |
ENG 921 | Narrative in a Digital Age |
ENG 941 | Gender and Sex in Literature and Culture |
ENG 942 | Postcolonial Interventions |
ENH 121 | Health Law |
ENH 721 | Public Health Law |
ENT 501 | Family Business in Canada |
ENT 527 | Studies in Entrepreneurship |
ENT 725 | Management of Innovation |
ENT 727 | Applied Research in Entrepreneurship |
FIN 300 | Managerial Finance I |
FIN 401 | Managerial Finance II |
FIN 501 | Investment Analysis |
FIN 502 | Personal Financial Planning |
FIN 510 | Small Business Finance |
FIN 512 | Risk Management and Insurance |
FIN 521 | Advanced Investment Management |
FIN 601 | Derivatives |
FIN 610 | Short-Term Financial Management |
FIN 611 | Fixed Income Securities |
FIN 612 | Retirement and Estate Planning |
FIN 621 | International Finance |
FIN 631 | Financial Modeling I |
FIN 701 | Financial Intermediation |
FIN 710 | Advanced Corporate Finance |
FIN 711 | Advanced Portfolio Management |
FIN 731 | Financial Modeling II |
FIN 800 | Ethics in Finance |
FIN 801 | Financial Risk Management |
FIN 810 | Corporate Financial Analysis |
FIN 812 | Advanced Personal Financial Planning |
GEO 281 | How to Lie with Maps |
GEO 719 | GIS in Business: Strategic Mgmt Decisions |
GMS 402 | Introduction to Managerial Economics |
GMS 422 | Quality Management |
GMS 522 | International Marketing |
GMS 550 | Business-to-Business e-Commerce |
GMS 601 | International Economics |
GMS 690 | The North American Business Environment |
GMS 691 | The Asian Business Environment |
GMS 695 | The Middle Eastern Business Environment |
GMS 701 | Purchasing and Supply Management I |
GMS 723 | International Trade |
GMS 724 | Management of International Enterprise |
GMS 750 | Consulting to Management |
GMS 802 | Ethics and Regulation of Int'l Bus |
GMS 850 | Global Management Strategy |
HIS 238 | Canada to 1885: Creating a Nation |
HIS 348 | American History from 1877 |
HIS 500 | History and New Media |
HIS 501 | Archaeology and Material Culture |
HIS 505 | Locating The Past: Archival Research |
HIS 510 | Museology and Public History |
HIS 615 | Film, Television and 20th C History |
HIS 678 | The Renaissance in Europe |
HIS 683 | Victorian Britain |
HIS 742 | Canadian Cultural Industries |
HIS 755 | Themes in Material Culture |
HIS 826 | Science and World Exploration |
HIS 828 | Science, Corporations and the Environment |
HIS 845 | Canada in the International Sphere |
HIS 886 | The British Empire and the World |
HIS 898 | A History of International Organizations |
HTH 102 | Service and Professionalism |
HTI 746 | Destination Management Systems |
INP 900 | Understanding the Nonprofit Sector |
INP 911 | Advocacy and Governmental Relations |
INP 912 | Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations |
INP 913 | Leadership in Nonprofits |
INP 914 | Diversity in Nonprofits |
INP 915 | Financial Management for Nonprofits |
INP 916 | NGOs in Global Context |
INP 920 | Critical Issues in the Third Sector |
INT 902 | Disability Issues |
ITM 102 | Business Information Systems I |
ITM 360 | Establishing an eBusiness Operation |
ITM 410 | Business Process Design |
ITM 750 | IS Project Management |
JRN 405 | Special Topics in Journalism Theory |
JRN 412 | Documentary Survey |
JRN 500 | Journalism and the Arts |
JRN 504 | Fashion Journalism |
JRN 505 | Health and Science Journalism |
JRN 506 | International Journalism |
JRN 507 | Justice and the Courts |
JRN 508 | Literary Journalism |
JRN 509 | Journalism and the Political Arena |
JRN 510 | Reporting Religion |
JRN 512 | Reporting Sports |
LAW 321 | The Law of Hospitality and Tourism |
LAW 603 | Advanced Business Law |
LAW 723 | Issues in Information Technology Law |
LAW 724 | Legal Aspects of International Business |
MHR 600 | Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace |
MHR 623 | Recruitment and Selection |
MHR 670 | Special Topics in Org Behav and HR Mgmt |
MHR 700 | Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour |
MHR 711 | Occupational Health and Safety |
MHR 721 | Negotiation and Conflict Resolution |
MHR 741 | Managing Interpersonal Dynamics and Teams |
MHR 749 | Compensation Management |
MHR 841 | Organization Theory and Design |
MHR 849 | Human Resources Planning |
MHR 850 | Organization Development |
MKT 500 | Marketing Research |
MKT 504 | Effective Persuasion |
MKT 510 | Innovations in Marketing |
MKT 700 | Business Intelligence/Decision Modeling |
MKT 723 | Services Marketing |
MKT 730 | Assessing/Managing Market Opportunities |
MKT 731 | Competitive Intelligence |
MKT 828 | Sport Marketing Concepts and Strategy |
MKT 829 | International Sport Marketing |
MKT 850 | Applied Research Project |
MTH 210 | Discrete Mathematics II |
MTH 312 | Differential Equations and Vector Calculus |
MTH 404 | Probability and Statistics II |
MTH 410 | Statistics |
MTH 430 | Dynamic Systems Differential Equations |
MTH 480 | Probability and Statistics II |
MTH 500 | Introduction to Stochastic Processes |
MTH 501 | Numerical Analysis I |
MTH 503 | Intro Linear Programming and Applications |
MTH 510 | Numerical Analysis |
MTH 514 | Probability and Stochastic Processes |
MTH 525 | Analysis |
MTH 540 | Geometry |
MTH 601 | Numerical Analysis II |
MTH 603 | Non-Linear Programming and Applications |
MTH 607 | Graph Theory |
MTH 609 | Number Theory |
MTH 617 | Algebra |
MTH 640 | Complex Analysis |
MTH 710 | Fourier Analysis |
MTH 712 | Partial Differential Equations |
MTH 714 | Logic and Computability |
MTH 718 | Design and Codes |
MTH 719 | Applied Linear Algebra |
MTH 814 | Computational Complexity |
MTH 816 | Cryptography |
MTH 817 | Combinatorics |
MTH 820 | Image Analysis |
NNS 502 | Journalism and the World of Business |
PLE 535 | Housing |
PLG 710 | Municipal Finance for Planners |
POG 210 | Power and Authority in Canada |
POG 214 | Controversial Policy Topics |
POG 225 | Global Governance |
POG 235 | Western Political Thought |
POG 240 | Intro to Comparative Politics |
POG 310 | Provincial Politics |
POG 313 | The Politics of Race and Ethnicity |
POG 315 | Equity and Human Rights in Canada |
POG 316 | Social Policy |
POG 317 | Education Politics and Policy |
POG 320 | Social Identity and Citizenship |
POG 323 | The Politics of International Development |
POG 410 | Canadian Urban Politics |
POG 411 | Canadian Foreign Policy |
POG 412 | Government and the Economy |
POG 415 | Environmental Politics and Policy |
POG 416 | The Politics of Canadian Federalism |
POG 417 | Canadian-American Relations |
POG 423 | Nationalism and Identity |
POG 424 | Human Rights and Global Politics |
POG 425 | Regional Economic and Political Integration |
POG 426 | Global Conflict and Peace |
POG 430 | Contemporary Political Thought |
POG 431 | Power, Domination and Resistance |
POG 440 | Indigenous Governance/Justice |
POG 442 | Women and Comparative Politics |
POG 443 | Global Cities |
POG 444 | Politics, Media and Technology |
POG 446 | Voters, Elections, and Parties |
PPA 120 | Canadian Politics and Government |
PPA 121 | Ontario Politics and Government |
PPA 122 | Local Politics and Government |
PPA 124 | Indigenous Politics and Governance |
PPA 125 | Rights, Equity and the State |
PPA 211 | Public Policy |
PPA 301 | Administrative Law |
PPA 303 | Financial Management |
PPA 319 | Politics of Work and Labour |
PPA 335 | Theories of Bureaucracy |
PPA 401 | Collaborative Governance |
PPA 403 | e-Government |
PPA 425 | Intergovernmental Relations |
PSY 108 | Applied Problem Solving |
PSY 124 | Social Psychology |
PSY 209 | Industrial Psychology |
PSY 214 | Psychopharmacology |
PSY 215 | Psychology of Addictions |
PSY 217 | Psychology and Design |
PSY 300 | Psychology and Law |
PSY 302 | Child Development |
PSY 324 | Biological Psychology |
PSY 325 | Psychological Disorders |
PSY 335 | Clinical Psychology |
PSY 402 | Adult Development |
PSY 434 | Brain and Behaviour |
PSY 514 | Sensory and Perceptual Processes |
PSY 518 | Environmental Psychology |
PSY 535 | Gender Issues in Psychology |
PSY 544 | Evolutionary Psychology |
PSY 550 | Human Sexuality |
PSY 560 | Sport, Excercise and Performance |
PSY 602 | Developmental Psychopathology |
PSY 605 | Psychology of Health and Health Care |
PSY 622 | Psychology of Criminal Behaviour |
PSY 654 | Cognitive Psychology |
PSY 682 | Sleep |
PSY 714 | Visual Information Processing |
PSY 721 | Psychological Testing |
PSY 802 | Death, Dying and Bereavement |
PSY 805 | Adjustment, Stress and Coping |
PSY 806 | Behaviour Modification |
PSY 808 | Community Psychology |
PSY 814 | Principles of Aesthetic Production |
PSY 940 | Prejudice and Discrimination |
PSY 941 | Cross Cultural Psychology |
REM 400 | Real Estate Finance |
RMG 100 | Issues and Innovations in Retailing I |
RMG 302 | Retail Consumer Insight |
RMG 303 | Service Quality Management |
RMG 400 | Buying Process I |
RMG 434 | Intro to Logistics and Supply Chain Mgmt |
RMG 452 | Visual Merchandising and Space Planning |
RMG 902 | Franchising |
RMG 905 | Design, Commerce and Culture |
RMG 906 | International Retail Markets |
RMG 907 | Relationship Marketing |
RMG 909 | Advanced Buying Process II |
RMG 910 | Omni-Channel Retailing |
RTA 913 | Media Entrepreneurship |
SOC 104 | Understanding Society |
SOC 25A/B | Media and Society |
SOC 300 | Sociology of Equity and Diversity |
SOC 302 | The City and Society |
SOC 319 | Sociological Perspectives on Crime |
SOC 31A/B | Sociology of Health |
SOC 402 | The City and Social Problems |
SOC 427 | Indigenous Perspectives on Canada |
SOC 470 | Toronto: The Changing City |
SOC 472 | At Work in a Changing World |
SOC 500 | Youth and Society |
SOC 502 | Violence and the Family |
SOC 504 | Children and Society |
SOC 525 | Media and Images of Inequality |
SOC 600 | Globalization and Health |
SOC 605 | Families: Difference and Diversity |
SOC 606 | Work and Families in the 21st Century |
SOC 608 | Women, Power and Change |
SOC 609 | Women and Human Rights |
SOC 700 | Men and Masculinities in the 21st Century |
SOC 803 | International Community Engagement |
SOC 941 | Colonialism and Racialization |
SPN 515 | Introduction to Business Spanish |
SPN 702 | Communication in Business Spanish |
SSH 400 | Special Topics in Social Ventures |
SSH 502 | Community Action Research |
SWP 921 | Disability Issues Social Work Practice |