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Language and Intercultural Relations Professionally-Related Table IV

Professionally-Related Table IV

Available only to students in the French stream

SPN 402 Spanish Conversation and Pronunciation
SPN 515 Introduction to Business Spanish
SPN 702 Communication in Business Spanish
SPN 802 Spanish for Business Strategies

Available only to students in the Spanish stream

FRE 302 French Food, Wine and Hospitality
FRE 402 French Conversation and Pronunciation
FRE 502 Communication and Business French
FRE 515 Introduction to Business French
FRE 602 Business French in Practice
FRE 701 French for Today
FRE 801 French and New Media

Available to both streams

ANT 100 Introduction to Anthropology
ANT 200 Anthropological Perspectives
ASL 101 Introductory American Sign Language I
ASL 201 Introductory American Sign Language II
ASL 301 Intermediate American Sign Language I
ASL 401 Intermediate American Sign Language II
CLD 213 History and Philosophy of ECE
CMN 279 Introduction to Professional Communication
CMN 288 Communication and Social Media
CMN 443 Contemporary Intercultural Communication
CMN 447 Communication and Law
CMN 450 Participatory Media and Communication
CMN 601 Visual Communication: A Critical Approach
CRB 600 Postcolonial Caribbean Society
CRB 605 Caribbean Tourism: Impacts and Resistance
CRB 614 Caribbean Critical Thought
CRM 200 Criminal Law
CRM 202 Victims and the Criminal Process
CRM 205 Gender, Sexuality and the Law
CRM 206 Race, Ethnicity and Justice
CRM 300 Policing in Canada
CRM 304 Youth Justice in Canada
CRM 306 Corrections in Canada
CRM 308 Criminal Courts in Canada
CRM 314 Criminal Justice and the Charter
CRM 316 International Perspectives
CRM 400 Indigenous Governance/Justice
CRM 402 Criminal Justice and Social Inequality
CRM 404 Debates in Justice Policy
DST 500 A History of Madness
DST 501 Rethinking Disability
DST 503 Current Topics in Disability I
DST 504 Mad People's History
DST 507 Disability, Justice and Good Human Life
DST 525 Disability, Representation/s and Culture
ECN 220 Evolution of the Global Economy
ECN 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics I
ECN 321 Introduction to Law and Economics
ECN 501 Industrial Organization
ECN 502 Economics of Energy and Natural Resources
ECN 504 Intermediate Microeconomics I
ECN 506 Money and Banking
ECN 510 Environmental Economics
ECN 605 Labour Economics
ECN 606 International Monetary Economics
ECN 640 Economics of Immigration
ECN 703 Public Sector Economics
ECN 707 Economics of International Trade I
ECN 710 Transportation Economics
ECN 721 International Financial Markets
ECN 803 Canadian Tax Policy
ECN 808 Economic Growth and Technological Change
ENG 223 Literatures of Exile and Migration
ENG 402 Comics
ENG 408 World Literatures
ENG 409 Urban Literatures
ENG 413 Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures
ENG 416 American Literatures
ENG 417 Special Topics in American Literatures
ENG 421 16C Literature and Culture
ENG 422 17C Literature and Culture
ENG 517 Techniques and Topics in Creative Writing
ENG 529 Controversies in Public Discourse
ENG 530 Literary Non-Fiction
ENG 531 18C Literature and Culture
ENG 540 The Novel
ENG 550 Drama
ENG 560 Poetry and Poetics
ENG 570 Auto/Biography
ENG 590 Studies in Word and Image
ENG 611 Film and Literature
ENG 621 Women's Texts, Global Contexts
ENG 623 Film/Literature: Middle East, North Africa
ENG 624 20C Literature and Culture
ENG 632 19C Literature and Culture
ENG 634 Romantic Explorations
ENG 635 Modernism
ENG 640 Literatures of Asia and its Diasporas
ENG 701 Canadian Literatures
ENG 703 Popular Literatures
ENG 705 Studies in Visual Cultures
ENG 707 Shakespeare and His World
ENG 710 Special Topics in Canadian Literatures
ENG 720 Persuasion from Plato to Present
ENG 730 The Social Life of Books
ENG 888 Televisual Texts and Contexts
ENG 921 Narrative in a Digital Age
ENG 941 Gender and Sex in Literature and Culture
ENG 942 Postcolonial Interventions
FNY 403 Food Security Concepts and Principles
FNY 404 Food Policy and Programs for Food Security
FNY 406 Food Prices and Food Security
FNY 407 Community Development and Food Security
FNY 408 Urban Food Security
FRS 102 Francophone Detective Fiction
FRS 501 Women and the Arts in 19th Century France
FRS 502 Feminism and French Literature
FRS 602 French Caribbean Literature and Culture
GEO 281 How to Lie with Maps
GEO 631 Exploration in Travel and Tourism
HTL 503 Meeting and Convention Management
HTH 700 Professional Ethics in Hosp/Tourism
HTT 150 Tourism Demand, Supply and Distribution  
HTT 501 Casinos: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
HTT 509 Who makes the rules? Issues in Tourism
HTT 510 Sustainable Tourism: The Golden Goose?
HTT 605 Business Aspects of Incentive Travel
HTT 607 Event Management
HTT 622 Destination Management and Marketing
INT 902 Disability Issues
INT 910 First Nations Issues
INT 911 International Community Development
INT 915 Responses to Migration
INT 916 Introduction to Fundraising
JRN 405 Special Topics in Journalism Theory
JRN 412 Documentary Survey
JRN 508 Literary Journalism
JRN 509 Journalism and the Political Arena
LIR 205 Greek and Latin Keys to Academic English
MPC 103 Art and the Classical Tradition
MPC 201 Concepts and Theories
MPC 203 Art in the Modern World
MPF 327 Film History and Criticism to 1945
MPF 427 Film History and Criticism since 1945
MPS 301 History of Photography I
MPS 401 History of Photography II
MUS 211 Music Cultures of the City
MUS 401 Music, Religion and Spirituality
NNS 502 Journalism and the World of Business
NNS 510 Reporting Religion
NPF 504 Technology, Culture and Communication
NPF 505 Independent Cinema
NPF 506 Contemporary Art History
NPF 507 Critical Theory and the Image
NPF 548 Modern Movements/Issues in Photography
NPF 553 Advanced Topics in Modern Art and Cinema
NPF 554 Advanced Topics in Contemporary Art
NPF 557 Topics in Film
NPF 559 Advanced Topics in Curatorial Practices
NPF 560 Adv Topics in Film History and Theory
NPF 561 Adv Topics in New Media History and Theory
NPF 564 Contemporary World Cinema
NPF 565 Contemporary Canadian Cinema
NPF 566 History of Animation
NPF 567 Exhibition Practices in Contemporary Art
NPF 569 Disaster Images: Memory and Response
NPF 571 Introduction to Museum and Gallery Studies
NPF 572 Curatorial Practices in Toronto
NPF 604 Technology, Culture and Communication II
NPF 605 Independent Cinema II
NPF 606 Contemporary Art Theory
NPF 607 Cultural Studies
PHL 400 Human Rights and Justice
PHL 401 Philosophy and Mass Culture
PHL 449 Philosophy of Punishment
PHL 530 Media Ethics
PHL 621 Non-Western Philosophy
POG 100 People, Power and Politics
POG 110 Power and Influence in Canadian Politics
POG 210 Power and Authority in Canada
POG 214 Controversial Policy Topics
POG 225 Global Governance
POG 235 Western Political Thought
POG 240 Intro to Comparative Politics
POG 310 Provincial Politics
POG 313 The Politics of Race and Ethnicity
POG 315 Equity and Human Rights in Canada
POG 316 Social Policy
POG 317 Education Politics and Policy
POG 320 Social Identity and Citizenship
POG 323 The Politics of International Development
POG 410 Canadian Urban Politics
POG 411 Canadian Foreign Policy
POG 412 Government and the Economy
POG 415 Environmental Politics and Policy
POG 416 The Politics of Canadian Federalism
POG 417 Canadian-American Relations
POG 423 Nationalism and Identity
POG 424 Human Rights and Global Politics
POG 425 Regional Economic and Political Integration
POG 426 Global Conflict and Peace
POG 430 Contemporary Political Thought
POG 431 Power, Domination and Resistance
POG 440 Indigenous Governance/Justice
POG 442 Women and Comparative Politics
POG 443 Global Cities
POG 444 Politics, Media and Technology
POG 446 Voters, Elections, and Parties
PPA 101 Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions
PPA 102 Cdn Public Administration II: Processes
PPA 120 Canadian Politics and Government
PPA 122 Local Politics and Government
PPA 124 Indigenous Politics and Governance
PPA 235 Theories of the State
PPA 319 Politics of Work and Labour
PPA 401 Collaborative Governance
PPA 403 e-Government
PPA 414 Comparative Public Policy
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology I
PSY 518 Environmental Psychology
PSY 550 Human Sexuality
PSY 560 Sport, Exercise, and Performance
PSY 605 Psychology of Health and Health Care
PSY 614 Psychology of Sport
PSY 620 Psychology of Immigration
PSY 682 Sleep
PSY 701 The Psychology of Music
PSY 808 Community Psychology
PSY 940 Prejudice and Discrimination
PSY 941 Cross Cultural Psychology
SEM 101 Sign, Sense and Meaning
SEM 102 Introduction to Visual Semiotics
SOC 104 Understanding Society
SOC 105 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 300 Sociology of Equity and Diversity
SOC 302 The City and Society
SOC 402 The City and Social Problems
SOC 427 Indigenous Perspectives on Canada
SOC 470 Toronto: The Changing City
SOC 473 Classical Sociological Theory
SOC 474 Immigration, Borders and Belonging
SOC 608 Women, Power and Change
SOC 609 Women and Human Rights
SOC 611 Future Worlds: Technology and Social Change
SOC 706 Globalized Labour and Consumption
SOC 903 Action Cinema and Modernity
SOC 931 Waste and Consumerism
SOC 941 Colonialism and Racialization
SOC 943 Poverty Issues
THF 200 Timelines of Performance History I
THF 201 Timelines of Performance History II