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Labour and Employment Relations Minor

Minor in Labour and Employment Relations

The Minor in Labour and Employment Relations provides students with an interdisciplinary approach to the examination of work and employment relations in Canada. With required coursework in both management and the social sciences, it is designed to assist student pursuit of professional opportunities in labour and employment relations, and to enable more advanced and diverse opportunities for further study in the field.

Administered by: Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour Department

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

Required courses (2):

MHR 520 Industrial Relations Foundations
MHR 522 Union Management Relations

Plus two (2) of the following:

MHR 405 Organizational Behaviour
MHR 523 Human Resources Management
MHR 600 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
MHR 711 Occupational Health and Safety
MHR 721 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
LAW 529 Employment and Labour Law
LAW 606 Advanced Issues in Labour and Employment Law

Plus two (2) of the following:

ECN 605* Labour Economics
OHS 208 Occupational Health and Safety Law
POG 315 Equity and Human Rights in Canada
  (or PPA 125 Rights, Equity and the State)
PPA 319* Politics of Work and Labour
SOC 472* At Work in a Changing World
  (or SOC 501* Making a Living: Sociology of Work)
SOC 606 Work and Families in the 21st Century

* Minimum of one of ECN 605, PPA 319, SOC 472 or SOC 501 must be taken.

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 2, Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.