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Nutrition and Food Table I, II and Open Electives

Table I, Table II and Open Electives

Starting in 5th Semester, students will choose 11 elective courses from Table I, Table II and the Open Elective Table. Of these, a minimum of four courses must be taken from Professional Table I.

Courses required for Dietitians of Canada application are marked with this symbol †.

Professional Table I

Minimum of four from the following:

FND 301 Product Development
FNF 400 The Social Context of Human Sexuality
FNN 301 Intro to Nutrition Management of Human Disease
FNN 400 Advanced Nutrition and Health
FNN 401 Advanced Nutrition Management of Human Disease
FNN 403 Advanced Nutritional Science
FNP 350 Interpersonal Comm/Counselling Nutrition
FNP 400 Interprofessional Placement
FNP 500 Advanced Issues in Nutrition
FNP 550 Introduction to Dietetics Practice
FNR 320 Foundations of Qualitative Research
FNR 400* Independent Research Study I
FNR 401 Independent Research Study II
FNS 400 Food Service Systems Management
FNY 400 Selected Topics in Food Security
FNY 403 Food Security Concepts and Principles
FNY 405 Applied Research Methods and Evaluation
FNY 407 Community Development and Food Security
FNY 408 Urban Food Security
FNY 409 Gender and Food Security
FNY 510 Indigenous Food Systems in Canada
PLN 303 Exercise Science and Physiology

* Students may apply to the Program Director to pursue an independent project with a Professor in their major field. A minimum CGPA of 3.33 is required.

Concentration in Nutrition and Health Research

Revised curriculum begins 2018-2019 for students admitted Fall 2016 and after.  

An optional Concentration may be selected from Professional Table I starting in 5th Semester.

To register in the optional Concentration in Nutrition and Health Research, students must first complete the following Table I elective courses: FNR 320, FNR 400, FNR 401. Students must obtain written approval from a faculty member who agrees to supervise their research in FNR 400 and FNR 401. In addition, students must complete any three other elective courses from Professional Table I.  


FNR 320 Foundations of Qualitative Research
FNR 400 Independent Research Study I
FNR 401 Independent Research Study II

Plus three (3) other elective courses from Professional Table I (opens in new window) .


For students admitted Fall 2015 and prior.  

To register in the optional Concentration in Nutrition and Health Research, students must first complete FNR 100, FNR 201, and FNR 310, and then obtain written approval from a faculty member who agrees to supervise the research in FNR 400 and FNR 401.

In addition, to continue in the Concentration and to have it noted on the transcript, students must attain a grade of at least A- in FNR 400.


FNR 320 Foundations of Qualitative Research
FNR 400 Independent Research Study I
FNR 401 Independent Research Study II

Professionally-Related Table II

ACC 100 Introductory Financial Accounting
CLD 447 Equity Issues in Ontario ECE
CYC 570 Social Innovation in Action
GMS 200 Introduction to Global Management
GMS 522 International Marketing
HTF 506 Food and Beverage Operations
INT 900 Program Planning and Evaluation Strategies
INT 901 Gerontology: Critical Issues and Future Trends
INT 902 Disability Issues
INT 904 Health Promotion and Community Development
INT 905 Conflict Resolution in Community Services
INT 906 Sexuality: Power and Pleasure
INT 907 Team Work for Community Services
INT 908 Homelessness in Canadian Society
INT 910 First Nations Issues
INT 911 International Community Development
INT 912 Community Development: International Field Experience
INT 913 Issues of Migration
INT 914 Settlement Experiences
INT 915 Responses to Migration
INT 916 Introduction to Fundraising
INT 917 Community Development
INT 921 Writing for Disability Activism
INT 922 Intro to Aboriginal Worldviews
INT 923 Canada's Story: An Aboriginal Perspective
MHR 405 Organizational Behaviour
(† for Fall 2013 and prior admits)
MHR 505 Organizational Behaviour II
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 400 Understanding Consumers and the New Media
MKT 500 Marketing Research
MKT 600 Integrated Case Analysis
MKT 700 Business Intelligence/Decision Modeling
MKT 730 Assessing/Managing Market Opportunities
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
MKT 850 Applied Research Project

† Required for Dietitians of Canada (external link, opens in new window)  application eligibility.