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Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc)
Program Website: (opens in new window) 
Administered by: Midwifery Education Program
Program Format: Full-time, four-year program.
Part-time, first-year entry program.
Full-time, Post-Baccalaureate Program for Health Professionals.

This baccalaureate degree program prepares graduates to be eligible to apply for registration as midwives in Ontario, and meets recognized national and international standards. Graduates work as registered health-care professionals who provide primary midwifery care to people with low-risk pregnancies, conduct births in home, birth centre and hospital settings, and provide care after birth for birthing parents and their babies up to six weeks of age.

O.S.S.D. with six Grade 12 U/M courses including Grade 12 U courses in English, one of Biology (SBI4U) and Chemistry (SCH4U), and one Grade 12 U or M course in Canadian World Studies or the Social Sciences and the Humanities.

Effective for fall 2019 applicants: Both Biology (SBI4U) and Chemistry (SCH4U) will be required for admission consideration.


1. ENG4U/EAE4U is the preferred English.

2. The overall average required for consideration is 70 percent or higher in six Grade 12 U/M courses. A grade of 70 percent or higher is required in each of the subject prerequisites.

Effective for fall 2019 applicants:The minimum overall average required for consideration will be 75 percent, and a grade of 75 percent or higher will be required in each prerequisite subject.

a. Mature students as defined by the University are required to have the three specific Grade 12 U/M courses listed above and grades of 70 percent or higher in each of the three subject areas (or equivalent).

b. Applicants with prior or current university studies must have high school Grade 12 U/M or equivalent university courses in the three required subject areas noted above with a grade of 70 percent or higher in each course. The applicant's overall average from all university work, including the three required courses, must be 70 percent or higher.

c. Applicants with public Ontario College studies (or equivalent) must have courses that are equivalent to the three required Grade 12 U/M courses. A grade of 70 percent or higher must be obtained in each of these required courses, and an average of 70 percent or higher from at least two years of college study must be achieved.

d. The Midwifery Education Program is a competitive limited enrolment program. High school graduates are encouraged to gain further college or university experience prior to applying to the Midwifery Program.

Subject to competition, candidates may be required to present averages/grades above the minimum.

3. Subject to competition, the strongest candidates will be invited to the interview stage of the admissions process.

4. Admission guidelines are subject to change. Please consult the admission guidelines outlined in the Midwifery application package available on the Midwifery program website.


Application Procedures

Applicants must:

1. Submit an online application form. Visit Application and Related Forms (opens in new window)  for details on which form to use.

2. Arrange for submission of secondary and post-secondary transcripts. Visit Submission of Documents (opens in new window)  for instructions.

3. Submit the following documents (instructions available from the Midwifery Education Program website (opens in new window) ):

a. A completed Midwifery Cover Sheet.

b. A completed Midwifery Supplementary Form.

c. Four copies of the Midwifery Personal Letter Form.

4. Submit all materials by the deadline of February 1st to Undergraduate Admissions. When February 1st falls on a weekend, application materials will be accepted on the first Monday thereafter.

Police Reference Check (Vulnerable Sector) and Heath Screening Requirements

The Midwifery Education Program requires all students to complete a current Police Reference Check for the vulnerable sector and ensure health screening requirements are current before entering MWF 150.

The Post-Baccalaureate Program for Health Professionals typically requires two years (six semesters) of full-time study.  Applicants with a health professional baccalaureate degree, such as a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, from an accredited university, or equivalent, as well as recent and relevant maternity care experience, may be considered candidates for this accelerated stream within the Midwifery Education Program. All baccalaureate degree requirements must be completed by June 30th of the year of entry into Ryerson's Post-Baccalaureate Midwifery program. Applications are made to the four year program.  Potential candidates for the Post-Baccalaureate program must be successful through all stages of the Midwifery Education Program admissions process, before consideration for the Post-Baccalaureate program.

Police Reference Check (Vulnerable Sector) and Health Screening Requirements

The Midwifery Education Program requires all students to complete a current Police Reference Check for the vulnerable sector and ensure health screening requirements are current before entering MWF 150.

This innovative program has been offering midwifery education since 1993 in partnership with McMaster and Laurentian universities.

The baccalaureate degree program prepares graduates to be eligible to apply for registration as midwives in Ontario, and meets recognized national and international standards. Graduates work as registered health-care professionals who provide primary care to people with low-risk pregnancies, conduct births in home, birth centre and hospital settings, and provide care after birth for the birthing parent and their babies up to six weeks of age.

The Midwifery Education Program prepares graduates to engage in lifelong learning. Working as a midwife requires a keen intelligence combined with flexibility and compassion. Midwives need a thorough understanding of normal and complex conditions affecting pregnancy, birth and the postpartum care of the birthing parent and the newborn and at times may need to make clinical judgements under stressful or emergency situations.

The Midwifery Education Program equips students with the clinical and communication skills needed to work effectively and competently as primary maternity care providers. Students learn critical thinking and problem solving skills, how to apply research evidence to provide high quality care, and develop an understanding of the relevance of cross-cultural issues to midwifery work. The Midwifery Education Program sees its role in education and in the midwifery profession as part of a broader commitment to social justice.

Curriculum Information

The curriculum includes courses from natural sciences, social sciences, health sciences, gender studies and electives in addition to clinical midwifery courses. A variety of course formats are used, most often small group tutorials.

Students enrolled in the non-clinical midwifery courses must attend classes at Ryerson.

Students in the part-time program may complete their studies in five or six years. The sequence of courses and course load are arranged individually. All first, second and third semester non-clinical courses must be completed before students can proceed to the first clinical placement, MWF 120. Upon entering MWF 120, full-time participation will be necessary for all students in the five or six year streams for the duration of the program.

The maximum length of time to complete the program is seven years.

The Post-Baccalaureate Program for Health Professionals is offered on a full-time basis only.

Transfer Credit

Applicants with previous university courses may be exempt from electives or other non-clinical courses in the first three semesters. The actual amount of transfer credit awarded to an applicant will not be determined until the conclusion of the overall admissions process; each application will be assessed on an individual basis. An Offer of Admission does not guarantee that transfer credits will be awarded. Generally, transfer credits will not reduce the time required to complete the program.


Students may pursue any Minor offered by Ryerson (with some exceptions). Please refer to the Minors chapter of this calendar for further information on individual Minor requirements and exclusions.

The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education Certificates

Undergraduate students wishing to pursue a continuing education certificate program should be aware of possible program exclusions. Please refer to the Certificate Registration section of the Curriculum Advising website (opens in new window)  for complete details.

1st & 2nd Semester

1st Semester


BLG 10A/B* Anatomy and Physiology
MWF 11A/B Working Across Difference in Midwifery
MWF 109 Critical Appraisal of Research Literature
MWF 150 Introduction to Midwifery

REQUIRED GROUP 1: One course from the following:

ENG 602 Women's Writing
ENG 621 Women's Texts, Global Contexts
FNF 400 The Social Context of Human Sexuality
FRS 502 Feminism and French Literature
MWF 325 Birth and its Meanings
POL 501 Women, Power and Politics
SOC 603 Sociology of Gender
SOC 608 Women, Power and Change
SOC 609 Women and Human Rights
SOC 703 Women, Power and the Global South
SOC 885 Women and Islam

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: One course from the following:

BMS 150 Introduction to the Human Genome
CLD 101 Human Development I
CLD 231 Families in Canadian Context I
CMN 100 Professional Health Communication
ENH 122 Introduction to Epidemiology
ENT 500 New Venture Startup
ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
FIN 562 Personal Finance
FNN 111 Introduction to Nutrition
INP 901 Developing Effective Organizations
INT 922 Intro to Aboriginal Worldviews
INT 923 Canada's Story: An Aboriginal Perspective
MHR 405 Organizational Behaviour
OHS 208 Occupational Health and Safety Law
POG 100 People, Power and Politics
POG 110 Power and Influence in Canadian Politics
PPA 101 Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions
PPA 120 Canadian Politics and Government
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology I
SOC 104 Understanding Society

Any other course offered at the University, pre-approved by the Program Director or Manager.

2nd Semester


BLG 10A/B* Anatomy and Physiology
MWF 11A/B Working Across Difference in Midwifery
MWF 113 Life Sciences for Midwifery
MWF 108 Aboriginal Childbearing

REQUIRED GROUP 1: One course from the following:

ENG 602 Women's Writing
ENG 621 Women's Texts, Global Contexts
FNF 400 The Social Context of Human Sexuality
FRS 502 Feminism and French Literature
MWF 325 Birth and its Meanings
POL 501 Women, Power and Politics
SOC 603 Sociology of Gender
SOC 608 Women, Power and Change
SOC 609 Women and Human Rights
SOC 703 Women, Power and the Global South
SOC 885 Women and Islam

* Students must attain a minimum grade of 'C-' in BLG 10A/B before enrolment in MWF 201 (3rd semester).

† Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 150 before proceeding to higher level midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be placed on academic probation and students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 150 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.


  • Students must complete four out of five of the following courses with a minimum grade of 'C-': MWF 109, MWF 11A/B, MWF 113, MWF 114 and MWF 201 between 1st and 3rd semester.
  • Students require a CLEAR Standing before enrolment in MWF 120.


3rd & 4th Semester

3rd Semester


MWF 114 Pharmacotherapy
MWF 201 Reproductive Physiology
MWF 250 Midwifery: Clinical Skills

REQUIRED GROUP 1: Two courses from the following

HSM 301 The Healthcare Systems
INT 902 Disability Issues
INT 904 Health Promotion and Community Development
INT 905 Conflict Resolution in Community Services
INT 907 Team Work for Community Services
INT 910 First Nations Issues
INT 911 International Community Development
INT 912 Community Development: International Field Experience
MWF 210 Independent Studies
MWF 215 Special Topics
MWF 304 Principles and Methods of Research
MWF 325 Birth and its Meanings
PHL 302 Ethics and Health Care
POG 315 Equity and Human Rights in Canada
PSY 605 Psychology of Health and Health Care
PSY 802 Death, Dying and Bereavement
PSY 805 Adjustment, Stress and Coping
SOC 502 Violence and the Family
SOC 506 Health and Society
SOC 600 Globalization and Health
SOC 605 Families: Difference and Diversity
SOC 606 Work and Families in the 21st Century
SOC 801 Global Power Relations

4th Semester


MWF 120 * Normal Childbearing

* This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.

† Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 250 before proceeding to higher level Midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be placed on academic probation and students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 250 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.


  • Students require a CLEAR Standing before enrolment in MWF 120 in 4th semester.
  • Students must complete five out of six of the following courses with a minimum grade of 'C-': MWF 108, MWF 109, MWF 11A/B, MWF 113, MWF 114 and MWF 201 between 1st and 3rd semester. 
  • No more than four years may elapse between the completion of the first clinical course MWF 120 and the completion of MWF 410.  


5th & 6th Semester

Revised 2018-2019 for students admitted Fall 2016 and after.

5th Semester


MWF 220* Interprofessional Placements I
MWF 305 Interprofessional Midwifery Care
MWF 344 Advanced Clinical Skills I

6th Semester


MWF 315 Midwifery Issues
MWF 350* Interprofessional Placements II

* This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.


  • Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 344 before proceeding to higher level Midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be given a PROBATIONARY Standing, and all students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 344 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.


7th Semester (Offered in Spring/Summer Term Only)

Revised 2018-2019 for students admitted Fall 2016 and after.


MWF 320 * Complications and Consultation
MWF 345 Advanced Clinical Skills II

* This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.


  • Students who fail MWF 320, MWF 410 or MWF 420 may be requested to enrol in MWF 370 to assist them in obtaining additional clinical experience before repeating their original failed course.   


  • Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 345 before proceeding to higher level Midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be given a PROBATIONARY Standing, and all students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 345 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.



8th & 9th Semester

8th Semester


MWF 420 * Maternal and Newborn Pathology

9th Semester


MWF 410 * Midwifery Care Clerkship

* This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.

NOTE: No more than four years may elapse between the completion of MWF 120 and completion of MWF 410.

NOTE: Students who fail MWF 320, MWF 410 or MWF 420 may be requested to enrol in MWF 370 to assist them in obtaining additional clinical experience before repeating their original failed course.

1st & 2nd Semester

1st Semester


BLG 10A/B* Anatomy and Physiology
MWF 11A/B Working Across Difference in Midwifery
MWF 109 Critical Appraisal of Research Literature
MWF 150 Introduction to Midwifery

REQUIRED GROUP 1: One course from the following:

ENG 602 Women's Writing
ENG 621 Women's Texts, Global Contexts
FNF 400 The Social Context of Human Sexuality
FRS 502 Feminism and French Literature
MWF 325 Birth and its Meanings
POL 501 Women, Power and Politics
SOC 603 Sociology of Gender
SOC 608 Women, Power and Change
SOC 609 Women and Human Rights
SOC 703 Women, Power and the Global South
SOC 885 Women and Islam

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: One course from the following:

BMS 150 Introduction to the Human Genome
CLD 101 Human Development I
CLD 231 Families in Canadian Context I
CMN 100 Professional Health Communication
ENH 122 Introduction to Epidemiology
ENT 500 New Venture Startup
ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
FIN 562 Personal Finance
FNN 111 Introduction to Nutrition
INP 901 Developing Effective Organizations
INT 922 Intro to Aboriginal Worldviews
INT 923 Canada's Story: An Aboriginal Perspective
MHR 405 Organizational Behaviour
OHS 208 Occupational Health and Safety Law
POG 100 People, Power and Politics
POG 110 Power and Influence in Canadian Politics
PPA 101 Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions
PPA 120 Canadian Politics and Government
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology I
SOC 104 Understanding Society

Any other course offered at the University, pre-approved by the Program Director or Manager.

2nd Semester


BLG 10A/B* Anatomy and Physiology
MWF 11A/B Working Across Difference in Midwifery
MWF 113 Life Sciences for Midwifery
MWF 108 Aboriginal Childbearing

REQUIRED GROUP 1: One course from the following:

ENG 602 Women's Writing
ENG 621 Women's Texts, Global Contexts
FNF 400 The Social Context of Human Sexuality
FRS 502 Feminism and French Literature
MWF 325 Birth and its Meanings
POL 501 Women, Power and Politics
SOC 603 Sociology of Gender
SOC 608 Women, Power and Change
SOC 609 Women and Human Rights
SOC 703 Women, Power and the Global South
SOC 885 Women and Islam

* Students must attain a minimum grade of 'C-' in BLG 10A/B before enrolment in MWF 201 (3rd semester).

† Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 150 before proceeding to higher level midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be placed on academic probation and students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 150 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.


  • Students must complete four out of five of the following courses with a minimum grade of 'C-': MWF 109, MWF 11A/B, MWF 113, MWF 114 and MWF 201 between 1st and 3rd semester.
  • Students require a CLEAR Standing before enrolment in MWF 120.


3rd & 4th Semester

3rd Semester


MWF 114 Pharmacotherapy
MWF 201 Reproductive Physiology
MWF 250 Midwifery: Clinical Skills

REQUIRED GROUP 1: Two courses from the following

HSM 301 The Healthcare Systems
INT 902 Disability Issues
INT 904 Health Promotion and Community Development
INT 905 Conflict Resolution in Community Services
INT 907 Team Work for Community Services
INT 910 First Nations Issues
INT 911 International Community Development
INT 912 Community Development: International Field Experience
MWF 210 Independent Studies
MWF 215 Special Topics
MWF 304 Principles and Methods of Research
MWF 325 Birth and its Meanings
PHL 302 Ethics and Health Care
POG 315 Equity and Human Rights in Canada
PSY 605 Psychology of Health and Health Care
PSY 802 Death, Dying and Bereavement
PSY 805 Adjustment, Stress and Coping
SOC 502 Violence and the Family
SOC 506 Health and Society
SOC 600 Globalization and Health
SOC 605 Families: Difference and Diversity
SOC 606 Work and Families in the 21st Century
SOC 801 Global Power Relations

4th Semester


MWF 120* Normal Childbearing

* This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.

† Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 250 before proceeding to higher level Midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be placed on academic probation and students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 250 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.


  • Students require a CLEAR Standing before enrolment in MWF 120 in 4th semester.
  • Students must complete five out of six of the following courses with a minimum grade of 'C-': MWF 108, MWF 109, MWF 11A/B, MWF 113, MWF 114 and MWF 201 between 1st and 3rd semester. 
  • No more than four years may elapse between the completion of the first clinical course MWF 120 and the completion of MWF 410.  


5th & 6th Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2018-2019.

5th Semester


MWF 220* Interprofessional Placements I
MWF 305 Interprofessional Midwifery Care
MWF 344 Advanced Clinical Skills I

6th Semester


MWF 315 Midwifery Issues
MWF 350* Interprofessional Placements II

* This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.


  • Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 344 before proceeding to higher level Midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be given a PROBATIONARY Standing, and all students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 344 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.



7th Semester (Offered in Spring/Summer Term Only)

Revised curriculum begins 2018-2019.


MWF 320* Complications and Consultation
MWF 345 Advanced Clinical Skills II

* This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.


  • Students who fail MWF 320, MWF 410 or MWF 420 may be requested to enrol in MWF 370 to assist them in obtaining additional clinical experience before repeating their original failed course.   
  • Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 345 before proceeding to higher level Midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be given a PROBATIONARY Standing, and all students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 345 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.



8th & 9th Semester

8th Semester


MWF 420* Maternal and Newborn Pathology

9th Semester


MWF 410* Midwifery Care Clerkship

* This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.

NOTE: No more than four years may elapse between the completion of MWF 120 and completion of MWF 410.

NOTE: Students who fail MWF 320, MWF 410 or MWF 420 may be requested to enrol in MWF 370 to assist them in obtaining additional clinical experience before repeating their original failed course.

Revised 2018-2019.

This program is offered on a full-time basis only.

1st & 2nd Semester

1st Semester


MWF 113 Life Sciences for Midwifery
MWF 114 Pharmacotherapy
MWF 150 Introduction to Midwifery
MWF 155 Working Across Difference in Midwifery
MWF 201 Reproductive Physiology
MWF 250 Midwifery: Clinical Skills

2nd Semester


MWF 120* Normal Childbearing


* This course is graded on a pass/fail basis



  • Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 150 and MWF 250 before proceeding to higher level Midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be given a PROBATIONARY Standing, and students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in any of the courses, will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.
  • Students require a CLEAR Standing before enrolment in MWF 120 in 2nd semester.
  • Students must complete three of the following courses with a minimum grade of 'C-': MWF 113, MWF 114, MWF 155 and MWF 201.


3rd Semester (Offered in Spring/Summer Term Only)

Revised 2018-2019.


MWF 320* Complications and Consultation
MWF 345 Advanced Clinical Skills II

* This course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis.

† NOTE: Students who fail MWF 320 may be requested to enrol in MWF 370 to assist them in obtaining additional clinical experience before repeating their original failed course.

Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 345 before proceeding to higher level Midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be given a PROBATIONARY Standing, and students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 345 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.


4th & 5th Semester

4th Semester


MWF 42A/B Maternal and Newborn Pathology
MWF 220 Interprofessional Placements I
MWF 305 Interprofessional Midwifery Care
MWF 344 Advanced Clinical Skills I

5th Semester


MWF 41A/B Midwifery Care Clerkship
MWF 42A/B Maternal and Newborn Pathology
MWF 315 Midwifery Issues
  • MWF 42A/B is a multi-term course that carries over to 5th semester, has a Course Count of 2.00 and is graded on a Pass/Fail basis.  Students who fail MWF 42A/B may be requested to enrol in MWF 370 to assist them in obtaining additional clinical experience before repeating their original failed course.
  • MWF 41A/B is a multi-term course that carries over to 6th semester, has a Course Count of 2.0 and is graded on a Pass/Fail basis.
  • MWF 220 is graded on a Pass/Fail basis.
  • Students must attain a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 344 before proceeding to higher level Midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be given a PROBATIONARY Standing, and students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 344 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.


6th Semester (Offered in Spring/Summer Term Only)


MWF 41A/B Midwifery Care Clerkship
  • MWF 41A/B is a multi-term course, continued from 5th semester that is graded on a Pass/Fail basis and has a Course Count of 2.00.
  • Students who fail MWF 41A/B may be requested to enrol in MWF 370 to assist them in obtaining additional clinical experience before repeating their original failed course.

In addition to the general criteria used to determine Academic Standing, students in this program must also meet the following conditions:

  • A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.33 AND meeting the minimum course grade requirement in each enrolled course will result in a CLEAR Standing.
  • A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of less than 2.33; a grade of less than 'C-' in two or more Midwifery foundation courses (MWF 11A/B, MWF 108, MWF 109, MWF 113, MWF 114, MWF 155, MWF 201); OR a grade of less than 'B-' in MWF 150, MWF 250, MWF 344, MWF 345; OR a grade of less than 'C-' in BLG 10A/B; OR one failed grade in any course listed above or in any MWF required course will result in a PROBATIONARY Standing.

Students with a PROBATIONARY Standing may not continue their program studies until a specific plan of studies has been authorized by their program and recorded with the Office of the Registrar. Such a plan will set out a group of specific courses (including all requirements for the failed course) that if successfully completed, could result in a CLEAR Standing within not more than three academic terms of study. Students who fail to have a probationary plan of studies (i.e., probationary contract) approved by their program will have their course intention requests or course enrolment cancelled for the semester in which they are on PROBATION.

A student must meet the minimum course grade requirement for the course being repeated and maintain a Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) of 2.33 for the duration of the PROBATIONARY period.

Students should note that under certain circumstances, it may be impossible to achieve a CLEAR Standing without repeating and upgrading, as part of the PROBATIONARY program of study.

Students with PROBATIONARY Standing will be eligible to continue their studies as long as they achieve a Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) of 2.33 or higher with no failed grades ('F', or 'F-S') during each term of their PROBATIONARY program, even when their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) has not been raised to 2.33 (67 percent). Students who, while on PROBATION, raise their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to a minimum 2.33 and meet the minimum course grade requirements and have no failures during their PROBATIONARY studies, will normally receive an Academic Standing of CLEAR. Students require CLEAR Academic Standing in order to enrol in the first Midwifery clinical placement, MWF 120.

Notwithstanding the above, students are required to meet the terms of the PROBATIONARY contract agreed to with their Program Department, unless changes are subsequently agreed to, in writing, with their Program Department. Failure to meet the terms of their PROBATIONARY contract may result in the assignment of a PERMANENTLY WITHDRAWN Standing from their program. Specifically, failure to successfully complete (either through failure or withdrawal without written permission of the Program) all courses stipulated in the student's PROBATIONARY plan of studies, will result in a PERMANENTLY WITHDRAWN Standing.

A failed grade in two non-clinical courses in an academic term; OR a failed grade in any two clinical courses; OR a second failed grade in the same course; OR failure to achieve the minimum required grade in the same course for a second time; OR a Term Grade Point Average (TGPA) less than 2.33 or a failed course at the end of a PROBATIONARY period will result in a PERMANENTLY WITHDRAWN Standing.

The Midwifery Program reserves the right to determine a student's eligibility to participate in the clinical component of any course.

The Midwifery Education program reserves the right, at any point during the term, to remove a student from a clinical placement or laboratory setting if the student exhibits unsafe clinical practice or behaviour that places clients or others at risk and/or violates the Midwifery Act of Ontario. Such removal will result in the student receiving an 'F' grade and may result in dismissal from the program. In this circumstance, students must have established rights of appeal; however, they cannot remain in the course while the appeal is underway. The appeal will be conducted promptly in order to protect students' rights.

The student may be PERMANENTLY WITHDRAWN from the Midwifery Education Program for reasons of unprofessional behaviour or professional misconduct.

All Midwifery clinical placement courses must be completed within four years of completing the first clinical course. For example, no more than four years may elapse between completion of MWF 120 and completion of MWF 410 or MWF 41A/B.


In addition to fulfilling the general academic requirements for graduation, students in this program must also meet the following conditions:

  1. a minimum grade of 'B-' in MWF 150, MWF 250, MWF 344 and MWF 345 in order to proceed to higher-level midwifery courses. Students with less than a 'B-' will be placed on academic PROBATION and students who receive less than a 'B-' for a second time in MWF 150, MWF 250, MWF 344 or MWF 345 will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.
  2. a minimum grade of 'C-' in BLG 10A/B before proceeding to MWF 201.
  3. a minimum grade of 'C-' in all but one of the following courses: MWF 11A/B, MWF 108, MWF 109, MWF 113, MWF 114, MWF 155, MWF 201. A grade of 'D' or above in at most one course from the above list is acceptable. Students who receive less than a 'C-' in more than one of the above courses will be placed on academic PROBATION and students who receive less than 'C-' for a second time in the same course will be REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW from the program.
  4. an overall academic performance of at least a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.33 in graded Ryerson courses.
  5. completion of all studies within seven years of first approval.

A Program Advisory Council (PAC) is a group of volunteers that provides expert advice to a school or department on program related matters such as curriculum, program review, technology and trends in the industry, discipline or profession. For more information, see  (PDF file) Senate Policy #158 (Program Advisory Councils).

Karline Wilson-Mitchell
Ryerson Midwifery Education Program

Juana Berinstein
Association of Ontario Midwives

Deborah Connerty
Social Worker
Women's Counselling Services

Kelly Dobbin
College of Midwives of Ontario

Sabina Fella 
Ryerson Midwifery Program

Karen Fleming
Family Medicine Maternity Care

Christie Lockhart 
Midwifery Preceptor

Monica McKay
Director, Aboriginal Initiatives
Ryerson University

Adriana Alicia Rodrigues de Valentini
International Midwifery Preregistration Program

Yvonne Osondu

Ruthie Anderson
Ryerson Midwifery Program