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Early Childhood Studies Professionally-Related Table I

Professionally-Related Table I

Some courses may not be offered every semester.

BLG 143 Biology I
BLG 144 Biology II
CRM 202 Victims and the Criminal Process
CYC 101 Intro to Child and Youth Care
CYC 201 Child Abuse and Neglect
CYC 402 Group Work with Children and Youth
CYC 550 Foundations of Social Innovation
CYC 560 Social Innovation in Practice
CYC 570 Social Innovation in Action
CYC 602 Children's Rights
CYC 605 Advanced Therapeutic Interventions
CYC 800 Intensive In-Home Family Support
CYC 801 Psycho-Educational Support
CYC 803 Advocacy in Child and Youth Services
CYC 804 Integrated Case Management
CYC 807 Advanced Group Work
DST 502 Disability and the State
DST 504 Mad People's History
DST 506 Principles and Practices of Accessibility
DST 603 Disability and The Law
DST 613 Strategies for Community Building
DST 614 Community, Access and Technology
DST 725 The Politics and Practice of Interventions
DST 727 Leadership Practices for Changing Times
ENG 110 Literatures Across Borders
ENG 208 Introduction to Non-Fiction
ENG 222 Fairy Tales and Fantasies
ENG 224 Children's Literature
ENG 413 Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures
ENG 520 The Language of Persuasion
ENG 621 Women's Texts, Global Contexts
ENG 701 Canadian Literatures
ENG 921 Narrative in a Digital Age
ENG 941 Gender and Sex in Literature and Culture
FNF 400 The Social Context of Human Sexuality
FNY 400 Selected Topics in Food Security
FNY 403 Food Security Concepts and Principles
FRE 302 French Food, Wine and Hospitality
FRE 402 French Conversation and Pronunciation
FRE 502 Communication and Business French
FRE 515 Introduction to Business French
FRE 602 Business French in Practice
FRE 701 French for Today
FRE 801 French and New Media
INT 900 Program Planning and Evaluation Strategies
INT 901 Gerontology: Critical Issues and Future Trends
INT 902 Disability Issues
INT 904 Health Promotion and Community Development
INT 905 Conflict Resolution in Community Services
INT 906 Sexuality: Power and Pleasure
INT 907 Team Work for Community Services
INT 908 Homelessness in Canadian Society
INT 910 First Nations Issues
INT 911 International Community Development
INT 913 Issues of Migration
INT 914 Settlement Experiences
INT 915 Responses to Migration
INT 916 Introduction to Fundraising
INT 917 Community Development
INT 920 Community Collaborations
INT 921 Writing for Disability Activism
INT 922 Intro to Aboriginal Worldviews
INT 923 Canada's Story: An Aboriginal Perspective
MUS 211 Music Cultures of the City
MUS 401 Music, Religion and Spirituality
MWF 325* Birth and its Meanings
PLN 103 Physiology I
PLN 203 Physiology II
POG 110 Power and Influence in Canadian Politics
POG 210 Power and Authority in Canada
POG 317 Education Politics and Policy
POG 324 Global Political Economy
PPA 101 Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions
PPA 102 Cdn Public Administration II: Processes
PPA 121 Ontario Politics and Government
PPA 122 Local Politics and Government
PPA 125 Rights, Equity and the State
PPA 211 Public Policy
PPA 301 Administrative Law
PPA 319 Politics of Work and Labour
PPA 402 Program Planning and Evaluation
PSY 124 Social Psychology
PSY 202 Introduction to Psychology II
PSY 325 Psychological Disorders
PSY 602 Developmental Psychopathology
PSY 605 Psychology of Health and Health Care
PSY 654 Cognitive Psychology
PSY 802 Death, Dying and Bereavement
PSY 805 Adjustment, Stress and Coping
PSY 806 Behaviour Modification
PSY 808 Community Psychology
SOC 502 Violence and the Family
SOC 504 Children and Society
SOC 605 Families: Difference and Diversity
SOC 606 Work and Families in the 21st Century
SOC 608 Women, Power and Change
SOC 609 Women and Human Rights
SOC 708 Environmental Sociology
THA 340 Improvisation
THF 316 The Global Stage
THF 325 Musical Theatre
THF 405 Human Development in the Arts

*MWF 325 is not offered to part-time students.