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Human Resources Management Minor

Minor in Human Resources Management

Revised 2017-2018. Students admitted before Fall 2017 may follow this curriculum or the one published in the 2016-2017 calendar (opens in new window) .

The Minor in Human Resources Management focuses on developing the broad set of knowledge and competencies expected of human resources professionals in organizations today. Students receive a solid overview as well as exposure to specialties within the field such as labour relations, recruitment and selection, managing diversity, compensation, organizational behaviour and training and development. Most of the courses in the Minor can also be used toward the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation.

Administered by: Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour Department

Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

Required courses (3):

MHR 405 Organizational Behaviour
  (or HTH 601 Organizational Behaviour)
MHR 520 Industrial Relations Foundations
MHR 523 Human Resources Management
  (or HTH 503 Human Resources Administration)

Plus three (3) of the following:

LAW 529 Employment and Labour Law
MHR 522 Union Management Relations
MHR 600 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
MHR 623 Recruitment and Selection
MHR 671 Human Resources Information Systems
MHR 711 Occupational Health and Safety
MHR 721 Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
MHR 733 Training and Development
MHR 749 Compensation Management
MHR 849 Human Resources Planning

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 148 for further information about Minors.