Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor
Minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Revised 2017-2018.
Students who complete the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor will have developed an understanding of the process of entrepreneurship and the essential factors needed for the successful growth of a new venture. Also, students will have developed an appreciation for the challenges involved in managing innovation and in nurturing creative thinking.
Administered by: Ted Rogers School of Business Management, Entrepreneurship & Strategy Department
Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:
To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:
Two (2) Required courses:
Plus one (1) of the following†:
Plus three (3) courses from the following:
ACC 607 | Accounting for Small Business |
BSM 100* | The New Business: From Idea to Reality |
CRI 400 | Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries |
EID 100 | Digital Skills and Innovation for the Global Economy |
ENG 520 | The Language of Persuasion |
ENT 100 | Applied Entrepreneurship |
ENT 501 | Family Business in Canada |
ENT 505* | Small-Business Management |
ENT 511 | Funding New Ventures |
ENT 527 | Studies in Entrepreneurship |
ENT 725 | Management of Innovation |
ENT 727 | Applied Research in Entrepreneurship |
FIN 502 | Personal Financial Planning |
GEO 719 | GIS in Business: Strategic Mgmt Decisions |
GMS 422 | Quality Management |
GMS 701 | Purchasing and Supply Management I |
GMS 750 | Consulting to Management |
JRN 842 | Building the Brand |
LAW 525 | The Law of the Marketplace |
LAW 603 | Advanced Business Law |
MHR 741 | Managing Interpersonal Dynamics and Teams |
MKT 504 | Effective Persuasion |
MKT 723 | Marketing in the Service Industry |
MKT 730 | Assessing/Managing Market Opportunities |
MKT 731 | Competitive Intelligence |
PLG 710 | Municipal Finance for Planners |
RMG 100 | Issues and Innovations in Retailing I |
RMG 200 | Intro to Retail and Services Management |
RTA 989 | Emerging Media Markets/Entrepreneurship |
SSH 400 | Special Topics in Social Ventures |
Any one | CMN course |
Please see (PDF file) Senate Policy 148 for further information about Minors.