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Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion Recommendation

OVPECI recommendation

The university should engage in a campaign that clarifies the mandate of the Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion (OVPECI) and the work it is intended to do on campus, distinguishing it from other units, specifically the Human Resources department. The distinction should be clear in terms of mandates, websites, policy jurisdiction and all functions that can be perceived as overlaps. The overall success of OVPECI will depend on both adequate investment and the building of the office as an integral part of the university, buttressed by clarity about its mandate and policy reach.


Within five years, mainstream equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) philosophy, principles and practices into the university’s core business functions and operations.

Implementation steps and actions

The OVPECI will drive the development of an EDI Strategic Action Plan to integrate and bring to life the principles and practices of EDI. And above all, create a campus culture rooted in respect and human flourishing.

  • Create and promote a culture of inclusion by establishing a framework for EDI, building foundational EDI competencies, and heightening EDI knowledge and awareness and anti-Black racism across the community. 
  • Implement competency development for the entire university community in EDI and anti-Black racism.  

Progress to date

  • Following the launch of the  (PDF file) Anti-Black Racism Campus Climate Review Report in 2020, the OVPECI hosted a campus-wide educational workshop on anti-Black racism that was attended by over 250 students, faculty and staff in response to worldwide attention on anti-Black racism.
  • In May 2021, the OVPECI, in collaboration with the Human Resources, began work to develop and implement a program geared towards building EDI foundational competencies with a focus on anti-Black racism, across all employee groups, particularly with leaders. Initiatives are underway to support employees in building their EDI knowledge with the intent that it will translate into change in behaviours as they relate to creating an inclusive and diverse campus. 
  • From May to August 2021, a landscape scan to understand best practice research within the industry was conducted, which also involved consultation with internal and external stakeholders, including employee community networks and groups, and external partners that have experience developing EDI competencies. The best practice research and consultations assisted in developing a framework for the program. The findings from the internal consultations are currently being assessed. The next steps will focus on program development and implementation. 
  • An education and awareness facilitator with a focus on anti-Black racism has been hired to provide consultation, expertise and support for the identification, development and delivery of anti-Black racism, anti-racism, anti-discrimination and harassment educational programs and outreach initiatives. New campus-wide educational sessions are being developed and delivered to different audiences.
  • The OVPECI has advised and collaborated with a number of departments and faculties across the university (e.g. School of Nutrition, Centre for Excellence for Teaching and Learning, etc.) to infuse EDI principles into curricula and program development.
  • The OVPECI is leading the development and implementation of an EDI Strategic Action Plan 2023-2030. The EDI Strategic Action Plan will drive meaningful and sustained organizational change and establish a common/shared vision and strategic narrative across the university rooted in equity, diversity and inclusion principles and practices. This plan will imbue EDI values and norms into how the university and its members think, operate and make decisions towards building a more inclusive university community.