Virtual Bridge

Delivering settlement services through social media
Social media use is widespread around the world, and that includes use by individuals who are in the process of migrating to a new country. Research shows that as many as 80% of immigrants to Canada as well as Canadian born use social media. Further, the Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) that help newcomers settle in Canada believe social media could improve how they connect with, and support, newcomers. Despite this alignment in principle, only 7% of services of SPOs are delivered digitally.
This research project was conducated between fall 2022 and spring 2024, with the goal to analyze the potential for Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) to deliver settlement services through social media channels and applications, and to equip SPOs with the knowledge and capabilities that would enable them to increase their digital support to newcomers.
Events and workshops

For information about this research project contact Stein Monteiro at