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Image of a lady assembling wires in a factory

Addressing emerging skills gaps in changing labour markets through a comparative study of participation rates, skills obsolescence and migration skill corridors leading to the destination countries of Canada, Germany, Poland, Netherlands and Austria.

A country’s competitiveness depends on its capacity to effectively adapt its human capital to the changing nature of work driven by forces such as technological advances, trade globalization, and environmental and demographic change. To mitigate the impacts of labour market change, a country needs to ensure that: (a) skill shortages are minimized and do not inhibit growth; (b) individuals are equipped with the skills to adapt to new types of jobs, such as those affected by advanced technology including artificial intelligence; and, (c) there is a fair recognition of skills and fair flows of migration, i.e., the impact of emigration on the country of origin is considered.

This project will address these issues by identifying emerging skill gaps caused by restricted labour force participation of migrants and women, the mismatch between the large migration flows from third countries and the labour market, and the increasing use of automation in the work force. 

This project will compare existing and emerging skill corridors leading to destination countries of Canada, Germany, Poland, Netherlands and Austria. Visit here the project’s main web page: (external link) 



Link4Skills is a three-year research project that brings together researchers from 14 institutions located on four different continents.


For information about this research project contact:

Anna Triandafyllidou