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Starting Your Project

Starting Your Project

  1. Community engagement: Research partners, whether academic, external organizations, or communities, will have been already engaged, with their input into the project ideas, design, community engagement plan, data management plan, and knowledge mobilization plans discussed and agreed upon.
  2. Project Initiation Form:  Please complete the (google form)  (google form) project initiation  (external link, opens in new window) form that will automatically be submitted to Prof. Soldatić for her and her operational team’s review. This step should take no more than 15 minutes.  This step is to ensure that your project is aligned with the CERC-HECW mandate, to assist the CERC-HECW in  providing you with the initial resources and support you may need to initiate your project, and to confidentially collect project information for operational tracking and auditing purposes. Only Prof. Soldatić and the CERC Program Operations and Data Manager will have access to this information.  
  3. Approval in principle – next steps: You will hear back from the CERC-HECW office within 10 days of your short form submission regarding next steps for your project. You will receive a project number that will be used for communication with the CERC-HECW until project closure.
  4. Training:  Principal Investigators and project leads are responsible for the required training of all research staff and teams.
    1. A list of training/learning modules (opens in new window)  is provided for CERC-HECW researchers and students. These modules should be reviewed, and their concepts understood by all persons who are engaged within your research project.
    2. If your project includes community engagement, please ensure that *the community engagement learning module (external link, opens in new window)  is completed.
    3. If your project involves Indigenous Peoples of Canada, or their data, respect for research self-governance and data sovereignty is required according to the Tri-Council Policy Statement, Chapter 9 (external link, opens in new window) .
  5. Full project protocol: After initial approval by the CERC Health Equity and Community Wellbeing, a detailed project protocol will be expected. 
    1.  (PDF file) The full project protocol must include: (opens in new window) 
      1.   Community engagement plan
      2.  EDIA plan
      3. Knowledge mobilization plan
      4.  (google form) Data Management Plan (external link, opens in new window)  
      5. Plan if involving Indigenous communities or data
      6. Project close out plan
  6. Research Ethics Board Submission (opens in new window) 
  7. Please use the  (google form) Project Tracker (external link, opens in new window)  to update your project progress