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Research Ethics Process for CERC Health Equity and Community Wellbeing Projects

Considerations for REB approval
- All research projects must comply with ethical and legal compliance from their institution, TMU and their jurisdiction. The CERC-HECW program suggests the following to ensure adequate education and recommended best practice:
- Appropriate community engagement across the research lifecycle, including protocol development, research implementation and output will be required, where appropriate.
- If your project involves Indigenous Peoples of Canada, or data, please ensure that learning modules are reviewed and understood. Collaboration, engagement and respect for self-governance is a requirement, according to Tri-Council Policy Statement, Chapter 9 (external link, opens in new window) .
- All CERC HECW research projects involving human participants must comply with the TMU REB requirements, processes and procedures (opens in new window) . Researchers, associates and students are encouraged to successfully complete the Tri-Council Policy Statement 2: CORE-2022 (Course on Research Ethics) (external link, opens in new window) .
- Based on the project purpose, and data collection and uses, the process and requirements for REB submission will be determined by the CERC, based on the REB matrix below. The REB will be consulted in this initial discussion, if needed.

Research Ethics Matrix