New Faculty
Welcome to Toronto Metropolitan University!
The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers workshops, resources and consultations to support your course preparation.

The Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs provides leadership in all areas of employee relations. Visit their New Faculty website for on and off campus resources and download the New Employee Checklist to ensure that you do not miss any important steps in your onboarding process.

The Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (OVPRI) is the university’s central research administration office, providing resources and services to support researchers and their scholarly, research and creative (SRC) interests.
The Office is responsible for advancing the research agenda at TMU and works with faculty, government and industry to help foster the creation of new knowledge and the establishment of innovative partnerships.

The Office of the Vice President, Equity and Community Inclusion (OVPECI) consults and assists departments and faculties to strategically infuse the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion into their work. They celebrate and support community members focused on advancing EDI. ECI is made of several units: Aboriginal Initiatives, Accessibility, Education and Awareness, Human Rights Services, and Research, Planning, and Assessment.

The Toronto Metropolitan University Library is an academic hub where students and faculty have access to over 1 million print and electronic collections. It is home to the University Archives, Special Collections, Geospatial Map & Data Centre, and Library Collaboratory--a multi-disciplinary, collaborative research space providing access to research consultation and advanced digital technology. The Library provides expertise in research services, resources and instruction across all academic areas. Faculty and students can access copyright advice, information, and research data management resources and instruction. The Library also supports and works with faculty to provide platforms and expertise on academic and open educational resource creation and publishing.
Getting Started
Toronto Metropolitan University's five-year Academic Plan established the university's vision to become Canada's leading comprehenzive innovation university. It builds upon TMU's proud traditions and expands the university's strengths for relevant programs and SRC activities, its engaging and diverse learning and teaching environment that integrates theory with practice, and strong relationships with external communities.
Toronto Metropolitan University's remarkable growth has been guided by our flexible, visionary (PDF file) Campus Master Plan, established in 2008. The plan outlines a framework for undertaking the revitalization of our campus ans acting as a catalyst for change and renewal within our unique downtown community.
Find the latest media releases, events, podcasts and media contacts and faculty experts via TorontoMet Today.
Learning and Teaching Support
The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching's collaborative approach fosters a community dedicated to big thinking about curriculum, pedagogy and creative ways to develop inclusive teaching practices that enrich the student learning experience.
Promoting, guiding and celebrating educational excellence through:
- Teaching development and consultation
- Curriculum enhancement
- Creative approaches to learning and teaching
Primary Resources:
Student Support and Services
Aboriginal Student Services provides a culturally supportive environment to promote academic excellence and serves as a place to balance academic learning with traditional teachings and culture.
The role of the office is to provide specialized services for First Nations, Metis and Inuit students on campus and to develop a mutually productive relationship between TMU and the Aboriginal Community.
Access to education for students with disabilities is a human right in Ontario. Through provincial law and university policies, TMU recognizes that academic accommodation is a shared responsibility between the student, their professors/instructors, Academic Accommodation Support (AAS), and university administration. Collaboration and communication are essential between all stakeholders to ensure equal access while upholding the university’s academic integrity standards.
For more information, visit the AAS website
The Students Union (external link) 's mission is to empower students and build community on campus by advocating for your rights, supporting student groups, events and initiatives, and providing discounted services.
The Centre for Student Development and Counselling offers free, confidential counselling services in a professional and friendly environment. While their services are predominantly short-term in nature, the duration of counselling is determined on a case by case basis depending on need and resources availability. Services are provided by our team of psychologists, social workers, psychotherapists and counselling interns.
Their services, programs and resources are intended to assist students not only to solve immediate problems, but also to define their personal, educational and career goals, and acquire the self-confidence and transferable skills necessary for professional success and individual growth. They provide these services on a one-to-one basis or in a group format.
The Medical Centre is a non-profit unit of Student Affairs that aims to promote a healthy environment for work and study by offering quality health services to current students, staff and faculty.
The Health Promotion Unit consists of a Health Promotion Programs Coordinator, peer health promoters, placement students, and volunteers. We are dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of Toronto Metropolitan University students by providing current and relevant health information, working with students and staff to develop a healthy community, and ensuring high-quality health promotion information and support.
Student Life & Learning Support (SLLS) is a group of services and programs aimed at helping students engage more effectively in their academic studies and in the TMU community. They teach essential academic skills and study techniques that help students to more effectively express their intelligence, apply their knowledge and communicate their ideas.
Student Life & Learning Support is also committed to providing faculty with resources and expertise to support and enhance learning in their courses and across the curricula. They host a range of core programs and services that are available to students & faculty throughout the year. They recommend that you include information about our services on your course syllabus, or in your D2L course shell.
Administration and Research
The Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs provides leadership in all areas of employee relations concerning the Faculty Association, CUPE 3904 Units 1, 2, and 3 (representing sessional and part-time contract lecturers, continuing education contract lecturers and teaching/graduate assistants).
The mandate of the Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs is to enhance the academic mission of Toronto Metropolitan University through programs and activities that support and guide academic staff in their relationship with students and the University community.
The Office plays a key role in furthering TMU’s academic excellence and initiates and oversees programs and activities that attract, retain, and foster the professional development of faculty, contract lecturers, and academic assistants throughout their careers.
This includes:
- The management and planning for faculty, contract lecturers and academic assistants in the areas of labour and employee relations, collective bargaining, development and renewal, control of faculty complement;
- All relevant procedures governing the appointment, compensation, promotion, transfer and removal of all faculty, contract lecturers, academic assistants and academic administrators.
As Canada's comprehensive innovation university, Toronto Metropolitan University engages in scholarly, research, and creative (SRC) activity that addresses real-world challenges to drive economic growth and improve quality of life for Canadians.
Innovation is at the core of the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation, opens in new window's research mandate. The centres and institutes bring together faculty and industry partners to solve research problems and provide opportunities for students to learn.
They have a strong focus on innovation and evidence-based research and it has made them a preferred partner for government, industry, not-for-profit organizations, communities and individuals. Together, they are improving processes, developing new technologies and services, and creating new companies and social enterprises.
The General Counsel and Board Secretariat advise and assist the Board of Governors and faculty and staff on policies, laws, governance, privacy, compliance, records management and risk management. Their mission is "The General Counsel and Board Secretariat advises and guides the Board, faculty and staff on policies, laws, governance and managing risk, in order to guard and uphold the reputation of the university." They offer guidance on governance, legal services, information access & privacy, compliance, records and policy management.
Contact the Office of the Ombudsperson if you believe you have been treated unfairly and/or you are not sure what your options are or if you would like to discuss how a policy or procedure applies to your situation. For twenty years, the Ombuds Office has worked with students, faculty and staff to seek expeditious and fair resolutions to issues, concerns and conflicts at TMU that they have not been able to resolve themselves.
The Office of the Registrar (RO) proudly serves the entire TMU community. Each unit within the RO plays an integral role in the entire academic experience of the student body from admission through to graduation. See the website for key information on the importance of the RO and the various services the RO offers that can enrich your experience at TMU.
Toronto Metropolitan University’s Senate holds academic authority, and is responsible for maintaining, communicating and implementing institutional policies pertaining to:
- The content and quality of all programs and courses of study
- The standards for admission to the university and;
- The qualifications for obtaining degrees, diplomas and certificates.
Members of Senate also include 52 elected representatives of the university's faculty, students and alumni, and seven non-voting senate associates. Senate meetings are typically held on the first Tuesday of each month from October through June.