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Minor in Family Supports and Community Practice
The Minor in Family Supports and Community Practice is designed to focus on the theme of the Family in Community Context and the methods of Interdisciplinary Practice.
Administered by: School of Early Childhood Studies and the School of Nutrition
To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:
Required course (1):
CLD 435 | Theory and Practice of Family Support |
Plus five (5) of the following*:
CLD 332 | Families in Canadian Context II |
CLD 447 | Equity Issues in Ontario ECE |
CLD 448 | Childhood in a Global Context |
CLD 449 | Research in ECE Lab Schools |
CYC 800 | Intensive In-Home Family Support |
FNP 400 | Interprofessional Placement |
or | |
DST 99A/B** | Applied Community Project/Thesis |
FNY 403 | Food Security Concepts and Principles |
INT 900 | Program Planning and Evaluation Strategies |
or | |
CYC 705 | Special Topics: Program Evaluation |
INT 901 | Gerontology: Critical Issues and Future Trends |
INT 902 | Disability Issues |
(or DST 501 Rethinking Disability) | |
INT 904 | Health Promotion and Community Development |
INT 905 | Conflict Resolution in Community Services |
INT 906 | Sexuality: Power and Pleasure |
(or FNF 400 The Social Context of Human Sexuality) | |
INT 907 | Team Work for Community Services |
INT 908 | Homelessness in Canadian Society |
INT 910 | Aboriginal Peoples, Pol. and Reconciliation |
INT 911 | International Community Development |
INT 912 | Community Development: International Field Experience |
POL 106 | The Politics of Human Needs |
POL 501 | Women, Power and Politics |
POL 511 | Well-being and Opportunity in Canada |
SOC 108 | Indigenous Peoples and Decolonization |
SOC 203 | Social Class and Inequality |
SOC 501 | Making a Living: Sociology of Work |
SOC 502 | Violence and the Family |
(or SWP 923 Family Violence) | |
SOC 507 | Race and Ethnicity in Canadian Society |
SOC 603 | Sociology of Gender |
SOC 605 | Families: Difference and Diversity |
SOC 606 | Work and Families in the 21st Century |
SOC 701 | Social Change: Canadian Perspectives |
SOC 703 | Women, Power and the Global South |
SWP 435 | Aboriginal Approaches to Social Work |
* Early Childhood Studies students may take a maximum of two CLD-prefix courses from the elective list.
** DST 99A/B is a multi-term course that will be credited only as a single-term course toward the Minor.
Please see (PDF file) Senate Policy 2, Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.