TMU’s colours are instantly recognizable. But our palette is expanding past our familiar blue and gold in order to complement our already established look. Below you’ll find not only our primary and secondary palettes, but also our vibrant tertiary palette.
The primary palette consists of TMU blue and gold, as well as black (used primarily for text) and white.
Secondary colours expand the range of blue and gold, adding tonality and texture. The primary and secondary palettes have been developed to work together effectively.
The primary and secondary palettes are always drawn on first when considering colour in applications.
Pantone Values
Some colours have two Pantone values associated with them; C (coated) and U (uncoated). For print applications on a coated paper stock, refer to the C value and for an uncoated paper stock, refer to the U value.
Colour Usage
University entities use colour differently depending on where they fit in the Brand Architecture. To find out where your brands fits in best, go to the Brand Architecture section.
Brand Colour Usage & Accessibility
Please follow the (google sheet) Brand Colour Usage & Accessibility guideline (external link) to comply with accessibility standards.
Primary Palette

TMU Blue
PMS 2935U/2945C
C100 M60 Y0 K15
R0 G76 B155
HEX #004c9b

TMU Gold
PMS 108U/109C
C0 M10 Y100 K0
R255 G220 B0
HEX #ffdc00

C0 M0 Y0 K100
R0 G0 B0
HEX #000000

C0 M0 Y0 K0
R255 G255 B255
HEX #ffffff
Secondary Palette

PMS 287U/288C
C100 M70 Y0 K40
R0 G45 B114
HEX #002d72

PMS 3005U/C
C100 M30 Y0 K0
R0 G119 B200
HEX #0077c8

PMS 2995U/C
C90 M0 Y0 K0
R0 G169 B239
HEX #00a9ef

PMS 2985U/C
C60 M0 Y0 K0
R91 G194 B244
HEX #5bc2f4

PMS 130U/137C
C0 M40 Y100 K0
R255 G163 B0
HEX #ffa300

PMS 109U/123C
C0 M22 Y100 K0
R255 G198 B9
HEX #ffc609

PMS Yellow U
C0 M0 Y100 K0
R255 G238 B0
HEX #ffee00

Dark Grey
C0 M0 Y0 K40
R153 G153 B153
HEX #999999

Light Grey
C0 M0 Y0 K15
R217 G217 B217
HEX #d9d9d9
Tertiary Palette
The tertiary palette broadens the fields of colour beyond the spectrum of blue and gold. It has been carefully selected to complement the primary and secondary palettes, while matching them in intensity and vibrance.
Colour Usage
All university entities use colour differently depending on where they fit in the Brand Architecture. To find out where your brand fits in best, go to the Brand Architecture section.

PMS 152U/C
C0 M60 Y100 K0
R255 G114 B0
HEX #ff7200

PMS 199U/C
C0 M100 Y75 K0
R228 G0 B50
HEX #e40032

PMS 226U/C
C0 M100 Y0 K0
R235 G0 B114
HEX #eb0072

PMS 2603U/C
C70 M100 Y0 K0
R121 G32 B130
HEX #792082

PMS 272U/C
C60 M55 Y0 K0
R116 G116 B193
HEX #7474c1

PMS 397U/C
C15 M2 Y100 K15
R191 G190 B0
HEX #bfbe00

PMS 347U/C
C93 M0 Y100 K0
R0 G154 B68
HEX #009a44

PMS 7467U/C
C100 M0 Y30 K0
R0 G163 B173
HEX #00a3ad

PMS 563U/C
C55 M0 Y30 K0
R107 G191 B174
HEX #6bbfae