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Simone Weil and Work in the Digital Age

March 22, 2024
12:00 PM EDT - 2:00 PM EDT
Layton Room, Oakham House
Open To
Open to the public
Diane Enns:
Website (external link) 

This event is a Roundtable with two distinguished Weil scholars: Sophie Bourgault (University of Ottawa), and A. Rebecca Rozelle-Stone (University of North Dakota). The focus will be Weil’s writings on work, including her Factory Journal, addressing themes highly relevant for workers in the digital age, including fatigue, humiliation, time-sense, “the wearing out of souls at work,” and the demand for resilience. The papers will be distributed in advance and will not be read at the event. After highlighting their main ideas, Bourgault and Rozelle-Stone will be brought into conversation with each other on the common themes they address, guided by the moderator of this event, Diane Enns (Philosophy, TMU, and Director, SWI). A general discussion with attendees will follow and refreshments will be provided. For more information and to RSVP for the roundtable please go to our event webpage (external link) .