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Awards, Scholarships & Bursaries

Students talking and smiling in a group at the 2022 Awards Night.

Current or future students who self-identify with any equity groups, including Indigenous students, racialized students, LGBTQ2S+ students, students with disabilities, first generation to attend post-secondary education, and women-identifying students, may be eligible for EDI scholarships, awards and bursaries.

Visit Toronto Met’s Scholarships and Awards page for a comprehensive listing of all entrance scholarships available to students who are accepted into a program at the university. Visit FEAS’s Entrance Scholarships page for more information and application forms for entrance scholarships specific to students who are accepted into an engineering program.

Scholarship/Award Name Description/Eligibility Criteria
MARANT Construction Limited Award  This award supports a 1st year student who self-identifies as an Aboriginal person in Canada (including First Nations [status or non-status], Metis or Inuit, self-identifies as Black (including those who identify as Afro-Caribbean or African-Canadian), self-identifies as a woman, including cisgender and transgender. Applicants must submit a written statement about their interests in architecture and what differences they intend to make in the field to advance the representation of equity-derserving groups in the AEC industry. 
Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc. Awards  This award supports a student who self-identifies as a racialized person and/or an Aboriginal person in Canada (including First Nations [status or non-status], Metis, or Inuit and/or a Black person (including those who identify as Afro-Caribbean or African-Canadian). Applicants must submit a written statement describing their thoughts on the role of architecture in creating and promoting equitable and diverse communities. 
OAA Exceptional Leadership Through Design Excellence: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) and/or Truth & Reconcilliation Award Recognizes one undergraduate student who has demonstrated exemplary work related to the topics of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and/or Truth and Reconciliation. 
The Jason Fung Architect Diversity Award This award supports a student who self-identifies as BIPOC and demonstrates commitment to promoting equity and diversity within architectural science or using architectural science to serve and represent BIPOC communities. 
Award Recipient
Jason Fung Architect Diversity Award

Saskia Scarce (external link) , 2023

Emily (Young Eun) Park (external link) , 2022

Marwa Al-Saqqar (external link) , 2021

Treya Vyas, (external link)  2020 

MARANT Construction Limited Award

Rafaela Delai Sposito (external link) , 2023

Khansa Ashraf (external link) , 2022

Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc. Award

Mahin Haynes (external link) , 2023

Adneth Marie Kaze, (external link)  2022 

Mahin Haynes (external link) , 2021

OAA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Award

Saskia Scarce (external link) , 2023

Ted Bulaclac (external link) , 2022 (Graduate)

Emily (Young Eun) Park (external link) , 2022 (Undergraduate)

Visit the AwardSpring website (external link, opens in new window) , click the Sign In with Your School Account button and login using your my.torontomu username and password. 

Click Application on the left side of the menu. 

Complete each step of the following tabs: 

  • Privacy Information 
  • General Information 
  • Academic Information 
  • Financial Information 

When you reach the Qaulification Questions tab, click the Do you self-identify as one or more of the following search bar. 

Select all answers that apply to you. 

Answer the remaining questions in the tab and click the Next Step button. 

Read through the information in the Disclaimer tab. Once your application is complete, click Submit Application

You will be brought back to your Dashboard where you will see awards, scholarships and bursaries that you have applied to based on your qualifications. You will also see a list of opportunities you might be eligible for, if you complete the follow-up items. 

For assistance with AwardSpring, contact for help.