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Dr. Hekmat Alighanbari
Professor and Chair of the Department of Aerospace Engineering

Dr. Hekmat Alighanbari

 ENG–168
416-979-5000 ext. 557736

Cheung Poon

Dr. Cheung Poon
Associate Chair Undergraduate Studies

 ENG–160
 416-979-5000 ext. 554881

Anton de Ruiter

Dr. Anton de Ruiter
Associate Chair Graduate Studies

 ENG–146
 416-979-5000 ext. 554878

Paul Walsh

Dr. Paul Walsh
Director, Centre for Advancing Engineering Research and Innovation in Aerospace Science (AERIAS)
Faculty Advisor, FEAS Coop and Internship Program

 ENG–166
 416-979-5000 ext. 557729

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Xue-Li Robinson
Administration Manager

 ENG–165
 416-979-5000 ext. 555217