Faculty Inclusive Teaching Resources

Welcome to the Inclusive Teaching Resources page. Here, you will find resources created by TMU education developers at AAS and CELT as well as other resources about inclusive education.
We believe that fostering inclusivity is best achieved together—we invite TMU’s amazing community of educators to share practices and support one another in this important work. We welcome resource submissions for consideration. Please contact aaseddev@torontomu.ca
Let’s collaborate to make education inclusive for everyone.
Policy 159: A Shared Responsibility, Faculty and Contract Lecturer Training
Access via my.torontomu.ca > Your Courses in D2L Brightspace > Policy 159: A Shared Responsibility
Policy 159 establishes the principles, conditions, and expectations surrounding the request for and provision of academic accommodations at Toronto Metropolitan University.
Created by AAS and the Centre for Teaching and Learning, this four-module, interactive training provides participants with the opportunity to learn about the Policy and its associated procedures, about the known barriers to access within higher education that disproportionately impact students with disabilities, and gain practical tools for fostering an inclusive educational environment.
TMU is looking for inspired pedagogy. See below for some strategies, resources, and frameworks to reduce barriers that disproportionately impact students with disabilities.
If you are an instructor who has created a resource to reduce barriers to access and inclusion within your teaching practice, we welcome resource submissions for consideration. Please contact aaseddev@torontomu.ca.
Educator’s accessibility toolkit (external link)
This website gathers Ontario-focused resources related to higher education and accessibility in one place. (Webpage, Council of Ontario Universities)
(PDF file) Identifying the essential requirements of a course or program (external link)
This guide outlines criteria for identifying and evaluating the essential requirements of courses and programs in the context of accommodating students with disabilities. (2-page PDF, Council of Ontario Universities)
Making Accessible Media (online course) (external link)
This fully accessible online course focuses on representation of disability in media, video captioning, audio transcription, described video and live captioning for broadcast, alternative text for image description, and tutorials on how to make accessible documents and presentations. (Webpage, Humber College)
Universal design – best practices for online learning: annotated bibliography (external link)
An extensive collection of academic articles and practical resources, with descriptive annotations. (Webpage, University of Guelph)
Critical design lab (external link)
A multi-disciplinary and multi-institution arts and design collaborative rooted in disability culture, with numerous materials and toolkits related to teaching/ pedagogy and protocols in addition to project descriptions. (Website, by Hamraie et al.)
The science of inclusion: making our lab-based courses more inclusive (external link)
This pressbook is meant to provide general guidance on enhancing the accessibility of lab-based courses, with a particular focus on supporting the learning of students with physical disabilities. (Open source, Pressbook, by MacLean et al., University of Ottawa)